Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Sharing a post from a very wise and respected friend.


During the first two years of the American Revolution, General Washington made a lot of amateurish mistakes. He had some great victories to be sure, among them Trenton and Princeton, but he made some serious blunders in New York and in other campaigns. He took a lot of grief from Congress and the newspapers of the day....rightfully so. He learned and grew from a general whose only experience was in the French and Indian war leading militia for the British forces, to a successful strategic thinker.
One of the key reasons for Washington's success, aside from his character and innate abilities, was that Congress decided around 1777 that they would cease to publicly criticize him....he became more and more referred to as the father of our country. Congress in one of its more intelligent moments, realized the people needed an icon, a rallying point, a great leader and they lionized Washington. This had two effects; first, it improved national morale and second, the Pygmalion Effect on Washington of positive affirmation from congress and the people strengthened his leadership.
Today, we have a pouting, lying liberal press intent on disruption of the mandate of the people who had put a new leader into office in Washington....a businessman, brash, focused......sometimes impolitic. The effect of this progressive liberal use of a broad negative propaganda machine, masquerading as a free press, is disunion of our national effort to fix our problems. It is an arrogant, self-serving attempt to foment a new national demeanor similar to the Watergate toxic environment that brought down the Nixon Presidency. We've seen failed scam after failed scam and childish behavior in congress. It was done in Trump's presidency in total disregard of the people's mandate that placed this administration in office. Worse yet, it resulted in a stolen election that deeply divided this nation and initiated political, generational and racial warfare among the people that has now so divided this nation that its former international roles are now no longer viable.........these vile minions of the Deep State just have not figured that out and they daily prove they are parasites on the non-represented tax slaves who are the engine of this once mighty republic. We have buffet style law enforcement, massive governmental corruption to the point of actual rot and our country has been invaded by mobs of unknown foreign nationals that are distributed throughout this nation by a corrupt political regime, in a vile attempt to engineer our demographic while they feed on taxpayer funded social programs.
The damage is massive, the chasm of generational divide is unbridgeable and the need for repair versus scrapping problematic.
When in the course of human events keeps running through my mind.
No photo description available.
You and 59 others

Friday, August 26, 2022

Liberal CRT/LGBTQ agenda exposed in Faked University study claiming to improve childhood depression by using puberty blockers on "Trans" kids. 

Once again, leftist/gay/trans/ Media coalition tries to push their agenda on an unfortunately naive population whose source of "truth" is CNN/MSNBC and other leftist outlets already debunked as opinion, not news. If a conservative organization pulled a stunt like this, there would be congressional investigations, DOJ raids on people's homes and wailing and gnashing of teeth on the media outlets. The bias alone is disgusting and disheartening, but the outrage should be real in this case. These "studies" can and do affect our kids, and the governmental policies that apply to them. 

I realize that there are people who honestly believe, or at least want to believe that biological sex determination is somehow wrong, that a person can determine their gender by how they feel. Unfortunately that "feeling" where applied must need have intense and dangerous medical intervention to be maintained, usually at great cost and lifelong problems for the unfortunate subject. Chemical sex expression suppression is a prime example. Originally used on female gymnasts to prevent unwieldy breast growth that could negatively impact their balance and ability to perform especially on apparatus (uneven parallel bars and vault, for example). When it came out that this was being done, there was a hue and cry that I believe stopped the practice. 

However the liberal LGBTQ political agenda is far far more important than the health and safety of kids. They are convenient pawns in a political game that will leave them with potential lifelong medical and psychological problems, extremely high suicide rates only being one of those. Why is there such a drive to force kids to be queer? It is one thing to not discriminate against gays. Like any mental health issue, they must be treated and dealt with with compassion and respect due any person with illness. However, for all the "we have no agenda!" propaganda when the maleficent "Gay Pride" movement began, they did, and they do, and it is directed squarely against our kids and the traditional family/ 

When Nancy Pelosi and Biden claim to be practicing Catholics, it is a lie. One need only read the Catachism or Canon Law to realize this. They are enemies of the family and of responsibility to those families. From killing babies for profit (lot$ of profit) and convenience, to supporting at will divorce, to failing to force or even encourage fathers to care for their children, to supporting perverted and abnormal lifestyles preferentially over the traditional family., to tacit support for pedophilia, these two prominent political figures thumb their noses are God and His Church, all the while claiming to be good Catholics. Nothing could be further from the truth. Neither of these worshipers of Moloch and Asmodeus are even remotely practicing Catholics, nor are they decent people. They are evil, self serving beasts who need to be removed from any kind of power. I know God said He sends his rain on the good and the evil equally, but in my sinful nature, I cannot bear sharing God's rain with such spiritually malignant and evil people. I am no saint, but I at least try to obey God. They do not. 

I cannot help but find the Liberal Left disgusting, misguided and foul. They murder babies for profit, want to subject young girls to the unwanted attention of mentally unstable men sharing their bathrooms, rewrite history to follow politically correct, present not contemporary cultural norms, destroying memorials to men and women who gave their lives to a cause in which they believed, at least as firmly as the left follows Marxist/Maoist teachings, and which were far superior morally to the narrative the Left rallies to today. I can only hope that sanity and decency is restored this November with the removal of all liberalism from our government, education and public policy. 

Thursday, August 25, 2022

The lies we have been taught. and unfortunately, believed.

From a post by a good and respected friend:

Propaganda frequently morphs into popular history and then is taught us in public schools. This creates lasting paradigms that are very hard to change. People will fight you if you mess with their precious myths.

The Lincoln Myth and the maintenance of what was a voluntary union by military might, a fiction of a righteous invasion and war to end slavery, is the best example of a great propaganda victory over what actually are basically ignorant minds of the poorly educated. Folks like you.

Consider these two Lincoln Quotes:

Floor of Congress, January 13, 1848. Congressman Abraham Lincoln:
"Any people anywhere being inclined and having the power have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable, a most sacred right - a right which we hope and believe is to liberate the world. Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people that can, may revolutionize and make their own of so much of the territory as they inhabit."

Then there's:

"I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between white and black races. There is a physical difference between the two, which, in my judgement, will probably forever forbid their living together upon the footing of perfect equality: and inasmuch as it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position. I have never said anything to the contrary" Lincoln Douglas Debates, Ottawa, Illinois (Union State) 1858.

Roll them around in your mind for a while and then ask yourself why you know nothing about the 17th Amendment. You went to public school..........right?

OK, it's education time. Grab your coffee and read. Just a few vitally important paragraphs separate you from a political epiphany. If we repeal the 17th Amendment by a constitutional convention of the states (19 states signed up so far and it takes 34), then that will end party politics/power and hob knobbing with lobbyists in the Senate and also make it ineffective and a bad move politically in the other words this is the real and most significant of all solutions. Read......learn.
We've watched the political nest of party politics that the Senate has become and wondered how to fix it. Term limits? No, the founders set it up properly and we messed it up properly with the 17th amendment.
That change made the senators elected by general election for terms of 6 years and today with uninformed, name recognition voters, they enjoy a re election rate around 80%. The constitution as written had the senators chosen by the state legislatures to represent the sovereign state in the national legislature and if the senator failed to do this to the pleasure of the state, they were recalled and replaced.
Repeal that product of a progressive liberal administration and return the checks and balances of state representation to our national legislature.
This current system, under the 17 Amendment, was put in place in 1913 by the Wilson Progressive Liberal Mis-administration and it has turned the states into provinces with no direct voice in our national abomination of the founder's intent for the sovereign states to be a check on an out of control federal government.
Now, we angst about the stacking of the Supreme Waste to keep this government within the narrow lanes of the constitution.....the fox watching the hen house.
In the same era, we passed and then later repealed Prohibition (18th and 21st Amendments). Repeal of the 17th would put the Senate back as a representative of the sovereign states with the state legislatures having full control of selection and recall of senators..... and immediately check the out of control federal government. Most of the adjustments will be on the part of the Deep State and the Senate lobbyists and that's fine with me.
We screwed with the system and now it is not working...…over $30 trillion federal debt, military scattered across the globe in expensive and unnecessary bases, our recent 19 year military occupation of Afghanistan with no stated goal, involved in everyone's business and can't control our own borders or spend adequate tax revenue on our own nation......this needs to stop.
Repeal the 17th........and with our political judges and dysfunctional national legislature......congress.....that will take a constitutional convention of the states. Is there any risk, of course there it but, when the enemy is within your gates all options have risk and we still have 33 of 50 states with conservative majorities in their legislatures and we have trusted this corrupt congress to amend our constitution 27 times but now it is just too corrupt. You must see this by now.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

When the head of a teacher's union lies in order to undermine a Conservative Governor, she should be held accountable. But she won't she's a liberal.

Leftist Teachers union head deliberately lied about banned books."American Federation of Teachers (AFT) president Randi Weingarten admitted to sharing a false tweet claiming that certain books were banned in Florida on Sunday. "I should have double checked before I retweeted this list. My bad. Looks like some of the books weren’t banned. Book bans are very real & dangerous," she said on Sunday. Weingarten included a screenshot of her original tweet, which said, "Books we have taught for generations!!!!!" 

For her to pretend this was not a purposeful lie to undermine the conservative governor she admittedly hates, is both a stretch and an insult to our intelligence. Yes, she lied, but when caught she channels Hillary " what difference does it make?" response. The fact is, because she is a liberal female, likely no consequences will occur.

She should be removed from her organization and tried for libel, fined and faced with lifelong ban from public education at very least. We have tolerated this kind of dishonesty from the left for far too long, and this needs to stop, here, now.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

What's good for the Goose is no longer good for the Gander, a lesson on Nazi policies in today's Democrat Party.

Why is it different that Hillary Clinton had Top Secret documents on her server at home, but it is a matter of national security a year and 7 months after he left office that Trump might have Top Secret Documents?  Why were they safe in January 2021, but suddenly just before election time, this is a crisis worthy of armed invasion and sacking of Trumps private dwelling? Really? Are we that stupid?

Adam Schiff said " "I think as a committee, [we’d] like to see what documents that were marked top secret SSCI were in the President's possession at Mar-a-Lago. This is very serious business. When documents have those markings, it generally indicates that the source of information is very sensitive. And if the document itself was revealed, it could jeopardize that source, and it might be a human source or technical source. But you would not only expose the information in the document, you would lose any future intelligence you might gain from the same source." 

So, Hillary having TS documents is nothing to be concerned about, even after she acid washed her server to destroy evidence, but Trump suddenly became a national security risk at such an opportune time. Not only are we being gas-lighted, but our intelligence is being insulted by the Democrats and the demented pedophile who "leads" them. Of course anyone questioning this state of affairs is probably a "terrorist" and a "White Supremacist" even if they happened to be black while asking rational questions about the Left's criminal behavior. 

I suggest you go to the library and read about the behavior of the Nazis in 1933 Germany right after the Reichstag Fire. You may be struck by the similarity between that and the behavior of the Democrats right now. If this disturbs you, it should. The Democrats are not even being subtle about their push for a Democrat controlled police state, and if you suddenly realize that there is a better than even chance that Biden will declare a state of emergency prior to the election and impose martial law, you are either a victim of the crime that was the 2020 election, or guilty of the worst political crime ever committed in our history by installing Biden and the Democrats into power. They think 1984 is a great idea. Thank a Biden voter today. 

A march to tyranny


·         The Colorado Springs Gazette
·         14 Aug 2022
Nancy Pelosi: “No one is above the law.” 

• Sandy Berger — stealing classified documents — charged with a misdemeanor — no jail time
• Hillary Clinton — illegal talking and destroying of classified documents, stealing WH furniture, lied to Congress, authorized and funded Russiagate fraud — no consequences
• Eric Swalwell — sex affair with Chinese spy — no investigation, no consequences
• Diane Feinstein — Chinese spy chauffer — no investigation, no consequences
• Eric Holder — lied to Congress, contempt of Congress — no consequences
• Paul Pelosi — attempts to minimize DOI accident with injury — consequences unknown
• Barrack Obama — the destruction of WH property, violation of Presidential records Act by keeping classified documents — no consequences
• Hunter Biden — conspiracy and collusion with the enemy (treason)
• Joe Biden — conspiracy and collusion with the enemy (treason)
• Adam Schiff — lied to Congress, illegal subpoenas — no consequences
• Nancy Pelosi — makes millions from insider trading — no consequences
• James Comey — illegal disclosure of classified information — no consequences
• John Brennan — lied to Congress — no consequences
• James Clapper — lied to Congress — no consequences
The single thread: they are Democrats (with one questionable exception)
Yet, they never let up on Trump. Everything up to now, all the accusations, insinuations, and allegations have proven groundless. But, they keep looking, lying, manufacturing, and trying to misdirect and misinform the American citizens in desperate hope of turning an election so they can continue on their march to tyranny.
Colorado Springs Gazette

Friday, August 19, 2022

I really need to understand that people on the Left are not necessarily rational . A real lack of understanding on my part

 My friends often tell me that it is fruitless to try to have a rational discussion with a liberal. One very wise friend put it this way. If you play chess with a pigeon, they will walk all over the chessboard, shit on the pieces, knock them over, then strut away acting like they won the game. It is the same thing trying to discuss rationally with a dedicated liberal. 

They think CNN is really objective news and not pure political talking points put forth by the DNC. There is no discussing reality with them, reality is, like the Constitution, merely an inconvenience and should be ignored or at least considered optional. I am unfortunately, an optimist and actually expect most people to be objective and rational. I am not often correct in this assumption. Leftists are not, generally speaking, rational beings. They have their narrative, Trump bad, Capitalism bad, Whites racist, Straights are homophobes and evil, loving the USA is Nazism, etc etc. I still find myself trying to present objective factual discussions to point out the logical fallacies in their assertions. Not working well so far. 

I am currently in a "discussion" with a really devout trans supporter, who I was not aware, recently was hospitalized with a "mental breakdown" . Upon finding out this was the situation, I ended the discussion because it takes a rational mind to carry on a rational discourse. Apparently liberals are not  fundamentally capable of that kind of factual rational discussion. My bad! 

For the sake of clarity, I will summarize the discussion. 

I said "a man is a human with XX chromosomes. a women, one with XY chromosomes." Genetics is a science and liberals do chant "follow the science" so , follow the science. 2+2=4 , XY =female  XX - male. Her answer "those are social constructs" Ok, I should have bought a clue right then that logic was not the strong suit of this unicorn fart sniffer. 

The discussion went on for some time, still unresolved, and I finally looked up her page and found out she recently had a mental breakdown. So I ended the conversation. I think I need to understand people from the perspective of Samuel Clemens. The more i get to know people, the better I like my dog. Time to move on. Liberals are not rational, ergo, rational arguments are not well received by them. Even when they take their meds. I have yet had any discussion where I challenged a liberal to factually address their assertions (Orange man Bad, Hillary was innocent, Bill Clinton did nothing wrong in his secret tarmac meeting with Lynch, it's OK for Maxine Waters to tell her followers to attack the families of Conservatives, etc). It always ends up with them reverting to baseline with ad hominem attacks, racist,homophobe, misogynist, white privilege/supremacist) and their feeling that is OK, because I am not sucking down the liberal koolaid. And so it goes.  

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Under the Democrats, We're acting like a Third World Dictatorship.


The FBI and DOJ are now in the official kingmaker business.

It is not enough to just state this situation, it is an occasion to mourn the demise of our democracy. It appears that the Deep State has won, and is coming out of the closet to assume the mantle of power it has always held, but never openly wore. Thank a Biden voter. 

Thanks to the cowardly action of Pence in refusing to acknowledge the questionably validity of Biden's claim to the Presidency and stabbing his boss in the back, we are well into the death spiral toward Third World status. He is in the less than august company of Judas, Benedict Arnold and Brutus, and may his name always carry the ignomy it deserves. 

Now, we have an aging demented pedophile and an ex hooker running things, lying and manipulative self serving sociopaths like Pelosi, Schiff, Swallwell, Nadler, Schumer, Waters, AOC,Tlaib, Omar etc running things in the Congress.  Every one of these people have openly lied to both Congress and their constituents repeatedly without consequence. Hillary Clinton had Top Secret documents on a public server and committed felony acts, failing to protect these documents, again without any consequence. This was the action, or lack thereof by the same DOJ that just invaded the home of a past President in the attempt to prevent him from a very likely re-election. They have  decided for the rest of us who can and who cannot be President, and not one peep from the media or Congress. 

Maxine Waters publicly ordered her followers to attack and injure families of Republicans if they dared to go to a restaurant or a ball game. Why is she not being investigated by a Congressional Committee? Why did BLM and Antifa burn entire communities, pull innocent drivers out of cars and beat them, and take over both a police station and an entire section of a city and charge its residents a toll to enter and leave their own homes WITH NO CONSEQUENCE? The glaring persecution of conservatives by the left is not even noticed or mentioned by the press or talking heads of the media. 

We are behaving like a third world dictatorship, and it needs to stop, now. This November is possibly the last chance to keep our democracy safe by voting our all liberals. Otherwise we are reliving 1933 Nazi Germany. The DOJ is the SS and the BLM/Antifa coalition is the new SA. This is not acceptable and we must learn from history.   

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Hiring 80k IRS agents historically a very bad idea.

 In 2013, Obama had a scandal on his hands, despite extensive protection from the media. The IRS was deliberately targeting conservative political groups seeking tax exempt status. To be fair, one or two progressive groups also fell under Obama's ire, but groups with "tea party"or "patriot" were automatically targeted for time consuming and expensive processes and scrutiny.

This illegal and unconstitutional harassment resulted in the resignation of the director, Steve Miller and the division head responsible for the targeting of Conservative groups, Lois Lerner. She was later held in contempt of Congress for refusal to testify before the investigation committees. Obama was shielded from scrutiny from Congress or media.

To repeat this mistake under what is just an extension of the Obama administration is worse than foolish. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Batgirl dumped After the film was produced and ready to go! Why?


 Any film is likely to be dropped prior to final production.  It happens all the time, but not after it's "in the can". Something else happened and it might be a significant shift in the paradigm.
Batgirl is a wokegasm of  virtue signaling that brings a reality challenged SJW to tears of politically correct joy, or whatever passes for joy in the mind of such an individual. A couple of years ago this would be more than enough to bring it to the screen, with it's own social awareness guaranteed to make it break even at least.
While such mindless dedication to the PC crowd used to be cool,  our fickle society gets tired quickly of the edgy and ridiculous that fads are founded upon. Even those of us who fall prey to the latest fads get tired of them when, like cotton candy, they are sweet at first taste, but reveal soon enough that there's nothing of substance about them. 
So it goes with the formulaic female hero in tight leathers. Seen one seen them all. Even hardcore feminists can only stomach so much. The most rational among them are rightly insulted by the last decade or so of fake female hero stereotypes that are so false as to put the lie to the very massage they are counting on to Garner public sympathy. Modesty Blaise (the original one) was incredible and believably badass. So was Galadriel of LOTR, Lady Jessica of the Dune series (the books, not the ill conceived movies) . These female heroines we're and remain icons that the woke entertainment industry failed to learn from. 
The woke gathering of failures to launch are vocal, but do not represent a large swath of the movie watching public, and that unfortunate fact had finally kicked the movie industry in its collective ass.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...