Friday, August 19, 2022

I really need to understand that people on the Left are not necessarily rational . A real lack of understanding on my part

 My friends often tell me that it is fruitless to try to have a rational discussion with a liberal. One very wise friend put it this way. If you play chess with a pigeon, they will walk all over the chessboard, shit on the pieces, knock them over, then strut away acting like they won the game. It is the same thing trying to discuss rationally with a dedicated liberal. 

They think CNN is really objective news and not pure political talking points put forth by the DNC. There is no discussing reality with them, reality is, like the Constitution, merely an inconvenience and should be ignored or at least considered optional. I am unfortunately, an optimist and actually expect most people to be objective and rational. I am not often correct in this assumption. Leftists are not, generally speaking, rational beings. They have their narrative, Trump bad, Capitalism bad, Whites racist, Straights are homophobes and evil, loving the USA is Nazism, etc etc. I still find myself trying to present objective factual discussions to point out the logical fallacies in their assertions. Not working well so far. 

I am currently in a "discussion" with a really devout trans supporter, who I was not aware, recently was hospitalized with a "mental breakdown" . Upon finding out this was the situation, I ended the discussion because it takes a rational mind to carry on a rational discourse. Apparently liberals are not  fundamentally capable of that kind of factual rational discussion. My bad! 

For the sake of clarity, I will summarize the discussion. 

I said "a man is a human with XX chromosomes. a women, one with XY chromosomes." Genetics is a science and liberals do chant "follow the science" so , follow the science. 2+2=4 , XY =female  XX - male. Her answer "those are social constructs" Ok, I should have bought a clue right then that logic was not the strong suit of this unicorn fart sniffer. 

The discussion went on for some time, still unresolved, and I finally looked up her page and found out she recently had a mental breakdown. So I ended the conversation. I think I need to understand people from the perspective of Samuel Clemens. The more i get to know people, the better I like my dog. Time to move on. Liberals are not rational, ergo, rational arguments are not well received by them. Even when they take their meds. I have yet had any discussion where I challenged a liberal to factually address their assertions (Orange man Bad, Hillary was innocent, Bill Clinton did nothing wrong in his secret tarmac meeting with Lynch, it's OK for Maxine Waters to tell her followers to attack the families of Conservatives, etc). It always ends up with them reverting to baseline with ad hominem attacks, racist,homophobe, misogynist, white privilege/supremacist) and their feeling that is OK, because I am not sucking down the liberal koolaid. And so it goes.  

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...