I have often said that the issue I have with Democrats, especially far left Democrats, is their love of power and control. Because they believe themselves to be enlightened, they demand that everyone else must agree with them. They want a strong, intrusive government that controls every aspect of life and creates uniformity, one that conforms to their beliefs and enshrines their narrative in law. One only need look at Obama and his contempt for the Constitution to see this in action. Democrats want power, and they will stop at nothing to get it. They want a de facto police state, and that is what is really at the core of this election. The Right wants limited government and individual freedom and accountability; the Left wants individuals to be strictly controlled by the government because they don't believe that most people will make moral choices and the government must make those choices for them.
In New York, a man living in a rural area had adopted a squirrel (Peanut) and a raccoon (Fred) and their various antics were recorded on the internet (see link above). The DEC , whose dismal performance in important environmental projects is almost legendary, decided this was an issue they could literally jump on. 6 armed officers stormed the home of Peanut's owner, rifled through their personal possessions, forcibly took Peanut and Fred and euthanized them. Now, if they were simply worried about rabies, the two could have seen a vet and been vaccinated. In fact, there is an oral vaccination that is used in the wild to control rabies among raccoon populations. So, the excuse of rabies was not a valid one. They, like the police who love to shoot family pets, are the examples of why no liberal should ever have a position of authority. Liberals always over-reach, they cannot help it. Power does not corrupt, it attracts corruptible people
The nature of the liberal mindset makes bullying almost an unconscious behavior The liberal loves to call a conservative "fascist", but that is generally projection. Liberals are even now re-enacting the behavior of the Nazi Party in 1933 post Reichstag fire Germany. The left is saying that if Trump gets elected, he will set up concentration camps. The idea of concentration camps and "re-education" of political opponents (Tump supporters), was proclaimed as a solution by Hillary Clinton, supported by Barack Obama and Michelle Obama, and reintroduced by leftist AOC. The camps will only appear if Harris is elected, and the prisoners will be US patriots, not communists.