Thursday, January 30, 2025

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are still alive, the Constitution remains in force, and no one's rights are being infringed, except for out 2nd Amendment rights. More on that later. Even with the leftist MSM screaming dire warnings, nothing has happened nothing will happento disenfranchise US citizens from their Constitutional rights. In fact, the Bill of Rights was never safer, much to the chagrin of the rabid Marxists of "the View", MSNBC CNN ABC NBC et. al. 

There are numerous videos of libtards and snowflakes losing their shit, but I have not watched any. Conservatives are not out to gloat, take away the rights of anyone else, and never have. Basically, we don't care , and don't give a crap about "trsns rights"  ( they don't exist.) Now, lets be clear'; there is NO right to be mentally ill and try to force me or anyone else to go along with their delusions. Find that right in the Constitution before you start irrationally claiming you have a "right" to kill healthy babies in the womb intentionally for profit and convenience. Or that you can ignore the same science that you push on "climate" to pretend a biological male is female because he lacks the internal strength and rationality to compete as a male. That is mental illness and no amount of spin can change that fact. But, wee know the left doesn't care for facta per se. Feelings are so much more important, so much so that wanting to be a woman trumps the irrefutable proof of gender found in soneone's genetic makeup. 

We can keep enabling mental illness and inciting violence against conservatives with traditional values and killing babies for profit, and allowing men in dresses into girl's bathrooms and locker rooms, while ignoring and suppressing the reports of sexual assault against girls as they did in Virginia and other states, or we can stop the gaslighting and faux feminism that favors mentally ill males over biological females. It is way past time to stop pretending the liberal agenda is "normal". The liberal mindset is not sound or rational, and no amount of CNN talking points or ascerbic rants by bitter women on "The View" will ever change that fact. Leftst progressives promote some sick shit, as on of my more pragmatic friends observed.

While the Left has been accusing the Right of violence, racism, fascism, homophobia and misogyny, the fact is they are the ones who incite violence, attack conservatives and burn entire neighborhoods in the name of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Enough, already! People like Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff awnd their comrades have been race baiting and backbiting for years with apparent impunity. The people voted them out, Period. 

Hillary Clinton and AOC want everyone who supported Trump to go to concentration camps for "reeducation". Shades of Josef Stalin and Mao! The liberals want us to go down the same rabbit hole that the UK, France and Germany did. That has not worked out well for them, now has it? The UK is in a msess that they may never crawl out from under. As one Minister of Parliament put it; "I fear my granddaughter will grow up in a country under Sharia Law, slavery for Kafir (non-Muslims) and mandatory conversion to Islam" Unfortunattely, he is absolutely correct. It could happen here. The first step to a theocracy or autocracy is disarmament of the citizen, followed by religious undermining and imosition of Islamic teachings in schools, racial rreeducation (white shame), racial based pormotions instead of merit based , and finally control of the media and travel. Just read about Josef Stalin, don't take my word for it. (those of you who can read, that is) Yeah, that dig ws directed at our woke teachers who forgot that their job is to educate, not indoctrinate. 

The Left has weaponized our federal and state governmental agencies against political opponents.Obama as a pioneer in this kond of unspeakable corruption,and Pedo Joe merrily followed his lead. There is ample evidence that Obama, not Biden, called the shot for the last 4 years. That is over, and now we heal, recover  and regain our sanity. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...