Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Batgirl dumped After the film was produced and ready to go! Why?


 Any film is likely to be dropped prior to final production.  It happens all the time, but not after it's "in the can". Something else happened and it might be a significant shift in the paradigm.
Batgirl is a wokegasm of  virtue signaling that brings a reality challenged SJW to tears of politically correct joy, or whatever passes for joy in the mind of such an individual. A couple of years ago this would be more than enough to bring it to the screen, with it's own social awareness guaranteed to make it break even at least.
While such mindless dedication to the PC crowd used to be cool,  our fickle society gets tired quickly of the edgy and ridiculous that fads are founded upon. Even those of us who fall prey to the latest fads get tired of them when, like cotton candy, they are sweet at first taste, but reveal soon enough that there's nothing of substance about them. 
So it goes with the formulaic female hero in tight leathers. Seen one seen them all. Even hardcore feminists can only stomach so much. The most rational among them are rightly insulted by the last decade or so of fake female hero stereotypes that are so false as to put the lie to the very massage they are counting on to Garner public sympathy. Modesty Blaise (the original one) was incredible and believably badass. So was Galadriel of LOTR, Lady Jessica of the Dune series (the books, not the ill conceived movies) . These female heroines we're and remain icons that the woke entertainment industry failed to learn from. 
The woke gathering of failures to launch are vocal, but do not represent a large swath of the movie watching public, and that unfortunate fact had finally kicked the movie industry in its collective ass.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...