Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Sharing a post from a very wise and respected friend.


During the first two years of the American Revolution, General Washington made a lot of amateurish mistakes. He had some great victories to be sure, among them Trenton and Princeton, but he made some serious blunders in New York and in other campaigns. He took a lot of grief from Congress and the newspapers of the day....rightfully so. He learned and grew from a general whose only experience was in the French and Indian war leading militia for the British forces, to a successful strategic thinker.
One of the key reasons for Washington's success, aside from his character and innate abilities, was that Congress decided around 1777 that they would cease to publicly criticize him....he became more and more referred to as the father of our country. Congress in one of its more intelligent moments, realized the people needed an icon, a rallying point, a great leader and they lionized Washington. This had two effects; first, it improved national morale and second, the Pygmalion Effect on Washington of positive affirmation from congress and the people strengthened his leadership.
Today, we have a pouting, lying liberal press intent on disruption of the mandate of the people who had put a new leader into office in Washington....a businessman, brash, focused......sometimes impolitic. The effect of this progressive liberal use of a broad negative propaganda machine, masquerading as a free press, is disunion of our national effort to fix our problems. It is an arrogant, self-serving attempt to foment a new national demeanor similar to the Watergate toxic environment that brought down the Nixon Presidency. We've seen failed scam after failed scam and childish behavior in congress. It was done in Trump's presidency in total disregard of the people's mandate that placed this administration in office. Worse yet, it resulted in a stolen election that deeply divided this nation and initiated political, generational and racial warfare among the people that has now so divided this nation that its former international roles are now no longer viable.........these vile minions of the Deep State just have not figured that out and they daily prove they are parasites on the non-represented tax slaves who are the engine of this once mighty republic. We have buffet style law enforcement, massive governmental corruption to the point of actual rot and our country has been invaded by mobs of unknown foreign nationals that are distributed throughout this nation by a corrupt political regime, in a vile attempt to engineer our demographic while they feed on taxpayer funded social programs.
The damage is massive, the chasm of generational divide is unbridgeable and the need for repair versus scrapping problematic.
When in the course of human events keeps running through my mind.
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You and 59 others

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...