Once again, leftist/gay/trans/ Media coalition tries to push their agenda on an unfortunately naive population whose source of "truth" is CNN/MSNBC and other leftist outlets already debunked as opinion, not news. If a conservative organization pulled a stunt like this, there would be congressional investigations, DOJ raids on people's homes and wailing and gnashing of teeth on the media outlets. The bias alone is disgusting and disheartening, but the outrage should be real in this case. These "studies" can and do affect our kids, and the governmental policies that apply to them.
I realize that there are people who honestly believe, or at least want to believe that biological sex determination is somehow wrong, that a person can determine their gender by how they feel. Unfortunately that "feeling" where applied must need have intense and dangerous medical intervention to be maintained, usually at great cost and lifelong problems for the unfortunate subject. Chemical sex expression suppression is a prime example. Originally used on female gymnasts to prevent unwieldy breast growth that could negatively impact their balance and ability to perform especially on apparatus (uneven parallel bars and vault, for example). When it came out that this was being done, there was a hue and cry that I believe stopped the practice.
However the liberal LGBTQ political agenda is far far more important than the health and safety of kids. They are convenient pawns in a political game that will leave them with potential lifelong medical and psychological problems, extremely high suicide rates only being one of those. Why is there such a drive to force kids to be queer? It is one thing to not discriminate against gays. Like any mental health issue, they must be treated and dealt with with compassion and respect due any person with illness. However, for all the "we have no agenda!" propaganda when the maleficent "Gay Pride" movement began, they did, and they do, and it is directed squarely against our kids and the traditional family/
When Nancy Pelosi and Biden claim to be practicing Catholics, it is a lie. One need only read the Catachism or Canon Law to realize this. They are enemies of the family and of responsibility to those families. From killing babies for profit (lot$ of profit) and convenience, to supporting at will divorce, to failing to force or even encourage fathers to care for their children, to supporting perverted and abnormal lifestyles preferentially over the traditional family., to tacit support for pedophilia, these two prominent political figures thumb their noses are God and His Church, all the while claiming to be good Catholics. Nothing could be further from the truth. Neither of these worshipers of Moloch and Asmodeus are even remotely practicing Catholics, nor are they decent people. They are evil, self serving beasts who need to be removed from any kind of power. I know God said He sends his rain on the good and the evil equally, but in my sinful nature, I cannot bear sharing God's rain with such spiritually malignant and evil people. I am no saint, but I at least try to obey God. They do not.
I cannot help but find the Liberal Left disgusting, misguided and foul. They murder babies for profit, want to subject young girls to the unwanted attention of mentally unstable men sharing their bathrooms, rewrite history to follow politically correct, present not contemporary cultural norms, destroying memorials to men and women who gave their lives to a cause in which they believed, at least as firmly as the left follows Marxist/Maoist teachings, and which were far superior morally to the narrative the Left rallies to today. I can only hope that sanity and decency is restored this November with the removal of all liberalism from our government, education and public policy.