From a post by a good and respected friend:
frequently morphs into popular history and then is taught us in public
schools. This creates lasting paradigms that are very hard to change.
People will fight you if you mess with their precious myths.
Lincoln Myth and the maintenance of what was a voluntary union by
military might, a fiction of a righteous invasion and war to end
slavery, is the best example of a great propaganda victory over what
actually are basically ignorant minds of the poorly educated. Folks like
Consider these two Lincoln Quotes:
Floor of Congress, January 13, 1848. Congressman Abraham Lincoln:
people anywhere being inclined and having the power have the right to
rise up and shake off the existing government and form a new one that
suits them better. This is a most valuable, a most sacred right - a
right which we hope and believe is to liberate the world. Nor is this
right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing
government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people that
can, may revolutionize and make their own of so much of the territory as
they inhabit."
Then there's:
"I have no purpose to
introduce political and social equality between white and black races.
There is a physical difference between the two, which, in my judgement,
will probably forever forbid their living together upon the footing of
perfect equality: and inasmuch as it becomes a necessity that there must
be a difference, I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race
to which I belong having the superior position. I have never said
anything to the contrary" Lincoln Douglas Debates, Ottawa, Illinois
(Union State) 1858.
Roll them around in your mind for a while and
then ask yourself why you know nothing about the 17th Amendment. You
went to public school..........right?
OK, it's education time.
Grab your coffee and read. Just a few vitally important paragraphs
separate you from a political epiphany. If we repeal the 17th Amendment
by a constitutional convention of the states (19 states signed up so far
and it takes 34), then that will end party politics/power and hob
knobbing with lobbyists in the Senate and also make it ineffective and a
bad move politically in the other words this is the real
and most significant of all solutions. Read......learn.
We've watched
the political nest of party politics that the Senate has become and
wondered how to fix it. Term limits? No, the founders set it up properly
and we messed it up properly with the 17th amendment.
That change
made the senators elected by general election for terms of 6 years and
today with uninformed, name recognition voters, they enjoy a re election
rate around 80%. The constitution as written had the senators chosen by
the state legislatures to represent the sovereign state in the national
legislature and if the senator failed to do this to the pleasure of the
state, they were recalled and replaced.
Repeal that product of a
progressive liberal administration and return the checks and balances of
state representation to our national legislature.
This current
system, under the 17 Amendment, was put in place in 1913 by the Wilson
Progressive Liberal Mis-administration and it has turned the states into
provinces with no direct voice in our national
abomination of the founder's intent for the sovereign states to be a
check on an out of control federal government.
Now, we angst about
the stacking of the Supreme Waste to keep this government within the
narrow lanes of the constitution.....the fox watching the hen house.
the same era, we passed and then later repealed Prohibition (18th and
21st Amendments). Repeal of the 17th would put the Senate back as a
representative of the sovereign states with the state legislatures
having full control of selection and recall of senators..... and
immediately check the out of control federal government. Most of the
adjustments will be on the part of the Deep State and the Senate
lobbyists and that's fine with me.
We screwed with the system and now
it is not working...…over $30 trillion federal debt, military scattered
across the globe in expensive and unnecessary bases, our recent 19 year
military occupation of Afghanistan with no stated goal, involved in
everyone's business and can't control our own borders or spend adequate
tax revenue on our own nation......this needs to stop.
Repeal the
17th........and with our political judges and dysfunctional national
legislature......congress.....that will take a constitutional convention
of the states. Is there any risk, of course there it but, when the
enemy is within your gates all options have risk and we still have 33 of
50 states with conservative majorities in their legislatures and we
have trusted this corrupt congress to amend our constitution 27 times
but now it is just too corrupt. You must see this by now.