Sunday, August 21, 2022

What's good for the Goose is no longer good for the Gander, a lesson on Nazi policies in today's Democrat Party.

Why is it different that Hillary Clinton had Top Secret documents on her server at home, but it is a matter of national security a year and 7 months after he left office that Trump might have Top Secret Documents?  Why were they safe in January 2021, but suddenly just before election time, this is a crisis worthy of armed invasion and sacking of Trumps private dwelling? Really? Are we that stupid?

Adam Schiff said " "I think as a committee, [we’d] like to see what documents that were marked top secret SSCI were in the President's possession at Mar-a-Lago. This is very serious business. When documents have those markings, it generally indicates that the source of information is very sensitive. And if the document itself was revealed, it could jeopardize that source, and it might be a human source or technical source. But you would not only expose the information in the document, you would lose any future intelligence you might gain from the same source." 

So, Hillary having TS documents is nothing to be concerned about, even after she acid washed her server to destroy evidence, but Trump suddenly became a national security risk at such an opportune time. Not only are we being gas-lighted, but our intelligence is being insulted by the Democrats and the demented pedophile who "leads" them. Of course anyone questioning this state of affairs is probably a "terrorist" and a "White Supremacist" even if they happened to be black while asking rational questions about the Left's criminal behavior. 

I suggest you go to the library and read about the behavior of the Nazis in 1933 Germany right after the Reichstag Fire. You may be struck by the similarity between that and the behavior of the Democrats right now. If this disturbs you, it should. The Democrats are not even being subtle about their push for a Democrat controlled police state, and if you suddenly realize that there is a better than even chance that Biden will declare a state of emergency prior to the election and impose martial law, you are either a victim of the crime that was the 2020 election, or guilty of the worst political crime ever committed in our history by installing Biden and the Democrats into power. They think 1984 is a great idea. Thank a Biden voter today. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...