Wednesday, January 24, 2024

What, Me Worry? American Slackers Look at Impending UK Conscription to FIght In Ukraine. The DNC is Drooling in Delight.

As someone who entered the military in the early 1970s right ahead of  Selective Service's "Greetings from the President" letter, I look at the very clueless young adults of today with a jaundiced view. They really do have no idea what's going on. Let us start with the UK

Sunak, UK's PM Says there are "No plans to send troops to Ukraine". History tells us that when a political leader says that, the plans for deployment are already in place. The British Parlament is debating the particulars of what to do if someone refuses conscription (a polite term for forced enlistment/ draft), a question that means "Yes, there will be a draft, starting shortly after we tell you there will be no draft". 

So, there is some compelling reason to believe that the draft, by any other name, is in some Brit teens' futures. Why should any US teen be concerned? The Democrats are screaming for the US to enter the Ukraine war. Yes the same bunch who attacked Bush for his Mideast aggressions, now become hawks, want us up to our necks in a shooting war with Russia. Why the change, and what's in it for the DNC & Co? 

Simply put,  power. With the Democrats' penchant for using government agencies for purely political purposes, seen in J6 and Trump associate prosecutions, imagine what they could do with wartime powers? They could purge the SCOTUS of Conservatives and Constitutionalists, jail all those who oppose their power grab, and while we are all focused on the fight in Ukraine, the Democrats rake in lot$ of money and even more power. By the time the veterans of that horrible mistake of a war limp home, there will effectively be a socialist globalist police state waiting for them. 

The Democrats are already emboldened by the well-indoctrinated slacker generation's complete lack of attention to the undermining of Constitutional rights and abuse of power by the Democrats, and the MSM will keep it that way if they can. Anyone who asks reasonable questions about the Biden administration's rampant use of nepotism (Introduced by the Obama Administration, by the way), is canceled, visited by the FBI, probably loses their job, and usually has to move. This is in what is ostensibly a country with legally protected free speech, imagine what happens under the War Powers Act? By the time those who currently dwell in their parent's basements wake up and smell the coffee, they will be collared and marched off to defend our freedoms in Ukraine. Yeah, it sounded stupid in 1970 too. Those who do not understand history are doomed to repeat it. 

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Kamala Harris and Washington DC Amateur Hour


It is common knowledge that Kamala Harris is incompetent. For example, over 15 staffers have fled screaming from her office and the career-destroying chaos surrounding the word salad queen. As has been the case for most minority Democrats being the first in their positions, the press treats them with kid gloves and dismisses any mention of their failures and lack of qualification as "racist and misogynistic", resulting in a very different standard of performance expectation. It recalls Al Sharpton's infamous "You can't expect black people to obey the law!" Inferring that Black Women cannot be expected to have to be qualified for their position. Really? 
Unfortunately, this particular individual's having no qualifications for her job other than black skin and a vagina may not be such a big deal in some situations, but she is literally one heartbeat away from the Presidency of the United States! If that fact doesn't scare you, you are not paying attention. Under an incompetent Joe Biden, we have lost energy independence, tripled the national debt, lost millions of jobs, allowed de facto ethnic cleansing via the open borders against European lineage Americans, increased gang activity tenfold, unseen ever before levels of rape, robbery, and murder, ensconced Muslim enclaves where police can't patrol and non-Musliims are attacked and beaten, including women because they are not wearing hijab. All this in four years, coming from the best economy and living conditions this country had seen in 60 years under Trump. 
In the following article, the issue of "What to do with a problem like Kamala?" is addressed. Unfortunately, our dysfunctional MSM has not addressed this issue, and should have done so prior to the 2020 election. 
We have to realize that 2024 may the last chance we have to rescue our country from its current decline into 3rd world shithole status.  It's not a joke, but I wish it was. We have a barely coherent, ex-hooker who slept her way into both her DA and AG positions. I'm not exaggerating here, do your homework if you don't believe me. Her performance in her office was dismal at best. Her talents lent themselves to more intimate environments, as Mr Brown can and has attested. Even mediocre media should have picked up and run with a sordid story like this. 

I have to wonder how history will look at the last 20 or so years with the rise of rabid progressive liberalism (also known as societal schizophrenia) and its culmination in what may well be the fall of the United States. And so it goes 

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Wisdom from a longtime friend


Favorites 26m 
A fool is a fool but a fool can be less of a fool with the experience of life. We're dealing with the bell curve here and thus the average in our 350 million citizens. Most males (the pacing demographic since females tend to mature faster...on average) fully develop their frontal lobes by around 27 and then begin to learn less by trial and error and more by intuitive reasoning and accumulated learning. They take the experience they have gained and they evaluate it more. They look back at the way they used to think and are amused but, if anyone tells them that...they take umbrage to it. This is the basic developmental reality of the human condition and thus the problem is we've set up a system in our electorate that is out of touch with this basic reality of human development. Darwinists love this concept of immature involvement in our government but, they also love people to fail just to improve the gene pool or develop stronger societies through war, rebellion and catastrophic failures. There's an argument there and if you like that way.....then 18 year old voting is for you.
Time to kick over the Ant Hill.....The Vote.
One person, one vote.......hmmmm, let's think outside the box.
Why is it that an 18 year old kid, just out of high school has the same voice in our government as a 48 year old veteran with a PHD and one leg?
This large pool of inexperienced, poorly educated, trendy immatures who repeat talking points and protest elections.. are the fuel that feeds this forest fire tended by propagandists masquerading as objective media.
I would go further. Here are examples.....that's examples.....for clarity......examples...….If you served till retirement in the military, police, fire department, border patrol, etc. or if you fought in wars for this country, have an advanced degree, have done community service, were wounded in combat then each of these items would buy you additional votes that you could submit. Then, you'd have to be a citizen with identification.
I would have no problem with giving more voice and more power in government to those who are educated, matured and who have earned and given to others than the current equal billing to the lame airhead or anchor babies plugged into liberal BS all their lives. We'd be a hell of a lot better off.....think about it.
Now, let's consider the airhead kids coming out of our last few generations of over propagandized and then under educated in our current pathetic public schools with no good Civics, Government or History courses. Add to that no life skills and the physiological fact that most males' frontal lobe is not fully developed till their mid-twenties. Then, because we were drafting 18 year olds and sending them to get killed in Vietnam, we amended the Constitution so 18 year olds could vote by constitutional amendment in 1973...…..brain dead move.
Based on the recent conduct of these under educated, inexperienced, immature, trend following kids (as in baby sheep)......I'd raise the voting age to 33!
G. Gobel.

Friday, January 12, 2024

California is an Unfunny Joke under Newsome and the Democrats

Newsome and his liberal cronies are trying to deliver a one-two punch to whites living in the state. He's bringing in millions of illegal aliens, most criminals and/or Cartel mules and sex workers and also trying to prevent white and other ethnic citizens from defending themselves from their attacks, crimes and depredations. If Whites, Jews and Asians are disarmed, they cannot defend themselves from the criminals crossing the border. They have no alternative than to relocate. Voila! Instant Democratic majority for the next several generations for California. Welcome to Ethnic Cleansing 101. It is likely that in the next few years, Newsome and his liberal confederates will try to make Spanish the official language of California. 

It's no joke, although I wish it was. The idea of an American Governor trying to turn his state into a defect 3rd world shithole should be laughable, but we are watching it unfold right before our eyes. Statistics say that Californians are leaving the state at unprecedented numbers and moving to conservative states. Unfortunately, most liberals (who themselves find the state to be unlivable) did not learn their lessons, but are now trying to turn their new homes into liberal bastions of stupidity like the one they just left. 

It is like the Muslims who fled the sharia generated 3rd world shitholes trying to get their new country to accept sharia law. Instead of understanding the fact that they are turning the country they move to into the country they just fled, they blindly corrupt the United States with their old country's misery and dysfunction. It's become a replay of some horrid tale by Sartre. Why would you leave a place you can't stand and then try to turn your refuge into the very place you ran from? Sheer stupidity! Obviously, one must be mentally challenged to become a liberal in the first place, but also apparently unable to learn from your experiences. 

Sunday, January 7, 2024

It's Racist to Expect a Black Female Academic to Follow the Same Rules that Apply to Everyone Else ?


"The intimidation is the point," Duke University adjunct professor Eric Deggans posted on X. "Will the next president at Harvard stand for diversity? Will that person be female? Will that person be Black? If not, they have forced several steps back. And everyone across the school gets the message."

Prof. Deggans openly admits that the only requirement to lead Harvard is to be black and have a vagina. Let that sink in. Everyone else has to obey the law and follow academic standards, except black folk. The implied insult to blacks is pretty egregious. Blacks cannot be expected to meet the set of standards that everyone else must meet to get appointed to a position. Because you are black, you cannot be expected to perform at the same level as everyone else. Really? 

To require academic excellence is racist. The very slogan "diversity, equity and inclusion" requires that we use "equity" not equality. Equity implies that not all the people in that situation need to meet the same standards to "get ahead". Equity means that if you are black and female, no one may question what you do, how you do it, or whether you meet accepted standards. Equality means to compete under the same rules on the same level playing field, equity does not. Equity means that certain persons get a "leg up" and can bend the rules in their favor; that they can't meet the same rigors as the rest of the field. In my humble opinion, that is racist as hell. Even-handed treatment of everyone is honest and right. Equity is neither. 

What the pundits fail to see or acknowledge is that Gay failed her people. She was held up as a shining example of black female accomplishment. That shining example cheated to get there, failed to lead, failed to uphold fair and equal treatment for everyone, and failed to punish antisemitism and racism. Yes, Virginia, hatred of whites for being white is blatant racism. If it is wrong to oppress blacks for being black, it is equally wrong to oppress whites for being white. "Good for the goose, good for the gander". 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...