A fool is a fool but a fool can be less of a fool with the experience of life. We're dealing with the bell curve here and thus the average in our 350 million citizens. Most males (the pacing demographic since females tend to mature faster...on average) fully develop their frontal lobes by around 27 and then begin to learn less by trial and error and more by intuitive reasoning and accumulated learning. They take the experience they have gained and they evaluate it more. They look back at the way they used to think and are amused but, if anyone tells them that...they take umbrage to it. This is the basic developmental reality of the human condition and thus the problem is we've set up a system in our electorate that is out of touch with this basic reality of human development. Darwinists love this concept of immature involvement in our government but, they also love people to fail just to improve the gene pool or develop stronger societies through war, rebellion and catastrophic failures. There's an argument there and if you like that way.....then 18 year old voting is for you.
Time to kick over the Ant Hill.....The Vote.
One person, one vote.......hmmmm, let's think outside the box.
Why is it that an 18 year old kid, just out of high school has the same voice in our government as a 48 year old veteran with a PHD and one leg?
This large pool of inexperienced, poorly educated, trendy immatures who repeat talking points and protest elections.. are the fuel that feeds this forest fire tended by propagandists masquerading as objective media.
I would go further. Here are examples.....that's examples.....for clarity......examples...….If you served till retirement in the military, police, fire department, border patrol, etc. or if you fought in wars for this country, have an advanced degree, have done community service, were wounded in combat then each of these items would buy you additional votes that you could submit. Then, you'd have to be a citizen with identification.
I would have no problem with giving more voice and more power in government to those who are educated, matured and who have earned and given to others than the current equal billing to the lame airhead or anchor babies plugged into liberal BS all their lives. We'd be a hell of a lot better off.....think about it.
Now, let's consider the airhead kids coming out of our last few generations of over propagandized and then under educated in our current pathetic public schools with no good Civics, Government or History courses. Add to that no life skills and the physiological fact that most males' frontal lobe is not fully developed till their mid-twenties. Then, because we were drafting 18 year olds and sending them to get killed in Vietnam, we amended the Constitution so 18 year olds could vote by constitutional amendment in 1973...…..brain dead move.
Based on the recent conduct of these under educated, inexperienced, immature, trend following kids (as in baby sheep)......I'd raise the voting age to 33!
G. Gobel.