Friday, January 12, 2024

California is an Unfunny Joke under Newsome and the Democrats

Newsome and his liberal cronies are trying to deliver a one-two punch to whites living in the state. He's bringing in millions of illegal aliens, most criminals and/or Cartel mules and sex workers and also trying to prevent white and other ethnic citizens from defending themselves from their attacks, crimes and depredations. If Whites, Jews and Asians are disarmed, they cannot defend themselves from the criminals crossing the border. They have no alternative than to relocate. Voila! Instant Democratic majority for the next several generations for California. Welcome to Ethnic Cleansing 101. It is likely that in the next few years, Newsome and his liberal confederates will try to make Spanish the official language of California. 

It's no joke, although I wish it was. The idea of an American Governor trying to turn his state into a defect 3rd world shithole should be laughable, but we are watching it unfold right before our eyes. Statistics say that Californians are leaving the state at unprecedented numbers and moving to conservative states. Unfortunately, most liberals (who themselves find the state to be unlivable) did not learn their lessons, but are now trying to turn their new homes into liberal bastions of stupidity like the one they just left. 

It is like the Muslims who fled the sharia generated 3rd world shitholes trying to get their new country to accept sharia law. Instead of understanding the fact that they are turning the country they move to into the country they just fled, they blindly corrupt the United States with their old country's misery and dysfunction. It's become a replay of some horrid tale by Sartre. Why would you leave a place you can't stand and then try to turn your refuge into the very place you ran from? Sheer stupidity! Obviously, one must be mentally challenged to become a liberal in the first place, but also apparently unable to learn from your experiences. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...