Sunday, January 7, 2024

It's Racist to Expect a Black Female Academic to Follow the Same Rules that Apply to Everyone Else ?


"The intimidation is the point," Duke University adjunct professor Eric Deggans posted on X. "Will the next president at Harvard stand for diversity? Will that person be female? Will that person be Black? If not, they have forced several steps back. And everyone across the school gets the message."

Prof. Deggans openly admits that the only requirement to lead Harvard is to be black and have a vagina. Let that sink in. Everyone else has to obey the law and follow academic standards, except black folk. The implied insult to blacks is pretty egregious. Blacks cannot be expected to meet the set of standards that everyone else must meet to get appointed to a position. Because you are black, you cannot be expected to perform at the same level as everyone else. Really? 

To require academic excellence is racist. The very slogan "diversity, equity and inclusion" requires that we use "equity" not equality. Equity implies that not all the people in that situation need to meet the same standards to "get ahead". Equity means that if you are black and female, no one may question what you do, how you do it, or whether you meet accepted standards. Equality means to compete under the same rules on the same level playing field, equity does not. Equity means that certain persons get a "leg up" and can bend the rules in their favor; that they can't meet the same rigors as the rest of the field. In my humble opinion, that is racist as hell. Even-handed treatment of everyone is honest and right. Equity is neither. 

What the pundits fail to see or acknowledge is that Gay failed her people. She was held up as a shining example of black female accomplishment. That shining example cheated to get there, failed to lead, failed to uphold fair and equal treatment for everyone, and failed to punish antisemitism and racism. Yes, Virginia, hatred of whites for being white is blatant racism. If it is wrong to oppress blacks for being black, it is equally wrong to oppress whites for being white. "Good for the goose, good for the gander". 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...