Saturday, December 23, 2023

An Unpopular Position.


    This will not be very popular with a lot of people, but here goes.
One of the military leaders of Iran said they will close off the Mediterranean and other "choke points". Of course, my first reaction was to turn Tehran into a glass crater. However, look at this logically. For decades, we have been expected to, on our taxpayers dime, to rescue to world from "the bad guys". There are a few international bodies we have been paying into for over 70 years who have not lifted a finger to help us do so. Time for them to step up and deal with Iran's puppet pirates. What we do is escort our own ships. We destroy any ships or drones that threaten our ships and liquidate the port or control center they come from. We patrol and keep open our own lanes and let the UN keep those international waterways open. We stop all foreign aid to anyone as long as criminal regimes like Iran are allowed to misbehave. 
We shut our borders and bring back the bulk of our troops stationed overseas, put them on the borders, inner city terror and illegal alien gang centers and to focus on repair and retraining. We send what we were sending overseas on repair and upgrade of our infrastructure. We convene a Convention of States under part 5 of the Constitution,repeal the 17th Amendment, set term limits, strengthen the Bill of Rights, reestabish States control of appointing Senators while maintaining public vote to elect Representatives. Establish Nationwide Stand Your Ground and Castle Law with iron clad protection for anyone using a firearm to protect themselves, their family, property or an innocent bystander from a criminal(s) and national Right to Carry Laws. 
All "sanctuary" cities should be placed under Federal recievership and a full forensic audit done with prosecution of all corrupt actions by city and local government. All police forces to be retrained by military LE companies all homeless US Nationals placed in temporary shelter in abandoned buildings with repair of those buildings done by homeless and welfare recipients. Any looter should be shot on sight. All illegals deported immediately unless guilty of crimes, then tried by a military tribunal and incarcerated in camps run by military units and deported after serving their sentence. 
All Government departments like the DOJ/FBI and IRS who have betrayed their oaths of office and their country purged of all bureaucrats and those tried for sedition, treason and corruption and replaced. Even you liberals should be able to follow along here and understand. This is what we need to do to save our country.  

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...