Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Kamala Harris and Washington DC Amateur Hour


It is common knowledge that Kamala Harris is incompetent. For example, over 15 staffers have fled screaming from her office and the career-destroying chaos surrounding the word salad queen. As has been the case for most minority Democrats being the first in their positions, the press treats them with kid gloves and dismisses any mention of their failures and lack of qualification as "racist and misogynistic", resulting in a very different standard of performance expectation. It recalls Al Sharpton's infamous "You can't expect black people to obey the law!" Inferring that Black Women cannot be expected to have to be qualified for their position. Really? 
Unfortunately, this particular individual's having no qualifications for her job other than black skin and a vagina may not be such a big deal in some situations, but she is literally one heartbeat away from the Presidency of the United States! If that fact doesn't scare you, you are not paying attention. Under an incompetent Joe Biden, we have lost energy independence, tripled the national debt, lost millions of jobs, allowed de facto ethnic cleansing via the open borders against European lineage Americans, increased gang activity tenfold, unseen ever before levels of rape, robbery, and murder, ensconced Muslim enclaves where police can't patrol and non-Musliims are attacked and beaten, including women because they are not wearing hijab. All this in four years, coming from the best economy and living conditions this country had seen in 60 years under Trump. 
In the following article, the issue of "What to do with a problem like Kamala?" is addressed. Unfortunately, our dysfunctional MSM has not addressed this issue, and should have done so prior to the 2020 election. 
We have to realize that 2024 may well.be the last chance we have to rescue our country from its current decline into 3rd world shithole status.  It's not a joke, but I wish it was. We have a barely coherent, ex-hooker who slept her way into both her DA and AG positions. I'm not exaggerating here, do your homework if you don't believe me. Her performance in her office was dismal at best. Her talents lent themselves to more intimate environments, as Mr Brown can and has attested. Even mediocre media should have picked up and run with a sordid story like this. 

I have to wonder how history will look at the last 20 or so years with the rise of rabid progressive liberalism (also known as societal schizophrenia) and its culmination in what may well be the fall of the United States. And so it goes 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...