Wednesday, January 24, 2024

What, Me Worry? American Slackers Look at Impending UK Conscription to FIght In Ukraine. The DNC is Drooling in Delight.

As someone who entered the military in the early 1970s right ahead of  Selective Service's "Greetings from the President" letter, I look at the very clueless young adults of today with a jaundiced view. They really do have no idea what's going on. Let us start with the UK

Sunak, UK's PM Says there are "No plans to send troops to Ukraine". History tells us that when a political leader says that, the plans for deployment are already in place. The British Parlament is debating the particulars of what to do if someone refuses conscription (a polite term for forced enlistment/ draft), a question that means "Yes, there will be a draft, starting shortly after we tell you there will be no draft". 

So, there is some compelling reason to believe that the draft, by any other name, is in some Brit teens' futures. Why should any US teen be concerned? The Democrats are screaming for the US to enter the Ukraine war. Yes the same bunch who attacked Bush for his Mideast aggressions, now become hawks, want us up to our necks in a shooting war with Russia. Why the change, and what's in it for the DNC & Co? 

Simply put,  power. With the Democrats' penchant for using government agencies for purely political purposes, seen in J6 and Trump associate prosecutions, imagine what they could do with wartime powers? They could purge the SCOTUS of Conservatives and Constitutionalists, jail all those who oppose their power grab, and while we are all focused on the fight in Ukraine, the Democrats rake in lot$ of money and even more power. By the time the veterans of that horrible mistake of a war limp home, there will effectively be a socialist globalist police state waiting for them. 

The Democrats are already emboldened by the well-indoctrinated slacker generation's complete lack of attention to the undermining of Constitutional rights and abuse of power by the Democrats, and the MSM will keep it that way if they can. Anyone who asks reasonable questions about the Biden administration's rampant use of nepotism (Introduced by the Obama Administration, by the way), is canceled, visited by the FBI, probably loses their job, and usually has to move. This is in what is ostensibly a country with legally protected free speech, imagine what happens under the War Powers Act? By the time those who currently dwell in their parent's basements wake up and smell the coffee, they will be collared and marched off to defend our freedoms in Ukraine. Yeah, it sounded stupid in 1970 too. Those who do not understand history are doomed to repeat it. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...