Friday, February 9, 2024

Hypocrisy is Alive and Well in the "Reparations" Scam.


Being an entitled liberal woman means you never have to say you're sorry or tell the truth. Such entitlement allows total ignorance of and disregard for reality. Why? Because liberals are better than the rest of us, just ask them. 
The issue in this article is that Sunny Hostin, a mixed-race child of a white woman and a Puerto Rican man discovered that (Horrors!) she is descended from a slaver. Not just a slaveholder, but someone who was in the slave trade. Now remember that statues of Founders of our country have been removed because those dastardly men owned slaves (except one whose slaves were owned by his father-in-law, but I digress) and thus should be shunned. Not Sunny, ( 'cause she be black). So she says she deserves reparations for being Black. Her mother is blonde and blue-eyed, and Sunny is fair-skinned. But she and her mom "identify" as blacks descended from slaves (but because she's a liberal, we'll ignore her descent from slavers, and the fact she is actually and technically white as well. 
In fact, I couldn't care less about her and her politics and her ancestors. I do care about the example she sets. Objective factual reality, in application to liberals, anyway, takes a back seat to subjective feelings and desires. Sunny wants reparations, she is an entitled "black" leftist, so she (and her mom) can "identify" as anything and feels entitled to free shit from people who actually worked for their money, never owned slaves, and in fact, mainly are not descended from slavers, as Sunny is. 
If this seems almost grotesque and resembles more of a parody of reality than anything else, yes it is, but in the woke world, reality, truth, and good sense simply are ignored. Sunny is a Talking Head on "The View", so she has a slight amount of fame and status on the Left. As such, her innate liberated feminist entitlement is augmented. 
Things have slipped so far down the slippery slope of liberalism and just plain bullshit that we are not even surprised, much less shocked at this kind of behavior from someone who is telling us we should listen to her. We should be disturbed, a lot. We should be shocked to see the self-aggrandizement of the. left and liberal true believers. We should demand a high level of objectivity and professionalism from the people who present themselves as an expert on everything. We should, but we do not. If we do so, we become a racist/misogynist/homophobe/nazi. For those presently in power, truth is fluid and can be made to be whatever they desire it to be. 1984 was written as a cautionary tale, but the Left has turned it into a "How-to" book and incorporated it into their political platform. 
We have, thanks to these people, an open border and a very successful program of ethnic cleansing ongoing against whites. We have an LGBTQ mediated program of grooming and indoctrination in our schools, a BLM program of anti-white rhetoric that tells young white kids they are evil and should never have been born, as well as a healthy and profitable commercial program of infanticide to accomplish that goal. Yes, Virginia, Santa is dead, Christmas is an evil Christian custom, and we are driving the US into Third World Shithole status. It really is that bad. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...