Sunday, May 28, 2023

A non-political post about taking our dogs to Tionesta Reservoir and German Hill.

Probably no one who does not live in NW PA has any idea where or what is Tionesta or Tionesta Reservoir or cares for that matter. Today we went to the Star Cemetary on German Hill to put flowers on my wife's grandmother's grave. My wife is quite dedicated to caring for family graves, even if no one else in the family cares, or by now even knows where the family graves are located. Such is the modern culture 

Her attention to this duty is quite unique in today's world.  Therefore we both acknowledge that no one will do such service for our graves nor really miss either of us when we are gone. It is what it is. We have had no family here since our parents passed away, and with my daughter passing a few years ago and my son living in NY with a family I have probably even seen three times in their lives, we effectively have no family ties aside from her brother's family in upstate NY. 

 I'm too conservative, old, and stubborn for my son's wife's taste. I don't even use the term "daughter-in-law" since that implies a level of relationship we do not and probably never will have. His children are both old enough to look me up if they are curious enough to do so, which I doubt. A shame really, because I am actually a pretty decent person, and I've given a lot to others over my 40 years as an ICU RN, and saved quite a few lives (that is not an exaggeration, either. If you work in an ICU, life, and death mean just that.) I made some true friends in the martial arts and a medieval fighting group I helped form in 1980. Funny how close you get with guys (and some gals) who are trying to take each other's heads off with rattan swords that bear more resemblance to baseball bats than anything else. Many of them have "passed the fourth hill" as we put it. Others are still around and we try, with variable success, to stay in touch. In any case, I don't really give a shit at this point, no point in doing so. That ship sailed a long time ago. 

My wife and I recently celebrated our 43rd wedding anniversary, and I just had my 71st Birthday. I think "celebrated" a birthday at 71 is just a tad disingenuous terminology. But I digress. The vast majority of our years on the earth are behind us, which is OK. It's life and it's not our call. So to bring this back to the subject at hand, we like to do things with our furry kids, Pippin and Casey, 2 rescue dogs who won the doggy lotto and whose lifestyle has been measurably improved since they rescued us. SO, we took them with us today, with Casey hanging his head out the window, for all the world looking like he is flying. It is his favorite pastime in the world. Pippin likes to ride, not fly, so he simply chills out in his dog seat and enjoys the ride. 

The area in Tionesta is simply beautiful, especially this time of year, with the application of bug spray, it is a lot more fun. The gnats, mosquitos, biting flies, etc ( don't forget ticks) can be distracting from enjoying the woods, so remember the bug spray. We visited and put flowers on Grandma's grave, went to the parcel of land we own there (completely undeveloped),  had lunch there while Casey and Pippin chased lots of critters that crossed their path, and had a glorious time doing so. We went to the reservoir and hiked to the top of the hill that forms one end of the dam, watched the boats on the reservoir and the boys got their quota of sniffing and snuffing in.

The drive home was pretty quiet for the boys, who got a bath (not a big favorite) and are now zonked out on their beds. We'll be up for a "Spot the Station" tonight then to bed. Not an exciting life, maybe, but a decent way to spend a day. Have a good Memorial Day Weekend, and please remember to pray for the men and women whose sacrifice allows us to enjoy days like this. I am a veteran, by the way. We who signed a blank check to our country at some point in our lives have a real respect for our fallen brethren. You should too while eating a hot dog and watching the fireworks. Say a small prayer for those whose sacrifice allows you to enjoy these simple pleasures. 

Monday, May 22, 2023


"It's history lesson time in order to explain how we got in this very bad situation: Grab your coffee and learn.

We destroyed State's rights and the balance of power in the Constitution with two wantonly stupid acts.....the Civil War and the 17th Amendment. That started the process where a new overly empowered central government then began to grow further in power....unchecked by the states, we now have an out-of-control federal government, voter fraud, and a corrupt political regime in office.
During the War of 1812, a consortium of New England States planned to secede from the union over President Madison's conduct in that war. The consortium came down to one vote and did not secede from the Union. Not President Madison, nor any member of his administration of note, even suggested maintaining the union by military force as the founding was too recent and folks remembered that the independent colonies would never have agreed to a mandatory union where the states did not have the right (Tenth Amendment) to leave the union if it suited them.
Consider these two Lincoln Quotes:
The floor of Congress, January 13, 1848. Congressman Abraham Lincoln:
"Any people anywhere being inclined and having the power have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable, a most sacred right - a right which we hope and believe is to liberate the world. Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people that can, may revolutionize and make their own of so much of the territory as they inhabit."
Then there's:
"I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between white and black races. There is a physical difference between the two, which, in my judgment, will probably forever forbid their living together upon the footing of perfect equality: and inasmuch as it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position. I have never said anything to the contrary" Lincoln Douglas Debates, Ottawa, Illinois (Union State) 1858.
Roll them around in your mind for a while.
We've watched the political nest of party politics that the Senate has become and wondered how to fix it. Term limits, for the House sure but the Senate is different. No, the founders set it up properly and we messed it up properly with the 17th Amendment in 1913.
That change made it so that the senators were elected by general election for terms of 6 years and with uninformed, name-recognition voters, senators enjoy a re-election rate of around 80%. The constitution as written, originally had the senators chosen by the state legislatures to represent the sovereign state in the national congress and if the senator failed to do this to the pleasure of the state, they were recalled and replaced.
This current system, under the 17th Amendment, was put in place in 1913 by the Wilson Progressive Liberal misadministration and it has turned the states into provinces with no direct voice in our national legislature, basically non-represented tax abomination of the founder's intent for the sovereign states to act as a check on the power of the federal government.
Now, we are angst about the stacking of the Supreme Waste Court to keep this government within the narrow lanes of the Constitution.....the fox watching the hen house.
A repeal of the 17th would put the Senate back as a representative of the voice of the sovereign states with the state legislatures having full control of the selection and recall of senators..... and then immediately checking the out-of-control federal government we now have. Most of the resulting adjustments will be on the part of the Deep State and the Senate lobbyists and that's fine with me.
We screwed with the system and now it is not working...…over $32 trillion in federal debt, border undefended, military scattered across the globe in expensive and unnecessary bases, a 19-year military occupation of Afghanistan with no stated goal, a proxy war with corrupt Ukraine, involved in everyone's business and can't control our own borders or manage to budget and spend adequate tax revenue on our own nation......this needs to stop.
Repeal the 17th.....but, in order to do that with this sad, divided, and partisan corrupt congress we need to use the backdoor the founders provided in the will take an Art V, Constitutional Convention of the States. This is what you now need to actively support to fix this unbalanced government.

We must, at some point, realize that the Government cares about and acts in accordance with the good of the GOVERNMENT, not the people. Any government must be forced and coerced to act in the best interest of the people. One of the big problems with the Biden administration is that this administration has acted to preclude any pressure on the government for the sake of the good of the whole. The Biden administration grew out of the Obama principles of the good of the party over the good of the people. This administration caters to specific groups in the hope of keeping any opposition to the interests of the government so suppressed and fragmented as to not exist in any practical sense.

This began in the use of the IRS as a political weapon against his opponents. and is continued in the current DOJ with the intimidation of groups like pro-life Christians and grassroots conservatives. The MSM brands anyone who criticizes the liberals as "dangerous and violent". It's an interesting assertion since the vast majority of violence is in fact committed by liberal activists; usually against conservatives and conservative groups.

Joe Biden called "white supremacists" the greatest danger to the country, while black activists have taken over police stations, burned entire neighborhoods, and attacked Whites and Asians without provocation. 80% of violent crime is committed by Blacks, who constitute only 14% of the entire population. Yet, the MSM/woke bureaucracy/Biden administration claims this violent segment of society is "oppressed". I don't buy it.

There are several ways to deal with this set of problems. The first and most important is to mobilize the conservative vote and overwhelm the left at the voting booth. I know that the left is adept at cheating elections, and has been doing so for years. Still, the conservatives must stop being complacent, or worse, losing faith in the voting process completely. The 2024 election is potentially the most important election in the last 60 years. What we must do it to hold the election board and its minions' feet to the fire, require video and dual-party monitoring of all electoral activities. I repeat ALL electoral activities must be monitored by dual party workers, not allowing Democrat mules to "lose " ballot boxes of Republican votes or "accidentally" bulk changing them to Democrat votes. Nor can we have 110% of any district's registered voters voting straight Democrat, which was how Obama came into office; that and a few votes by people whose addresses turned out to be a local cemetery. This is what happens with any government being removed from accountability to the people

The second approach is direct, simple, and surgically precise.
1. Crime-ridden Sanctuary cities, Democrat ruled and run should be placed under federal receivership. Forensic audits should be made of all city council and executive (mayoral) activities, with military tribunals set up to prosecute all malfeasance, criminal or RICO-type activities.
2. The US military should be pulled back from all but the most strictly necessary strategic bases and assignments and placed on the US borders and cities in receivership as mentioned in #1 above.. The Law Enforcement units from the military should vet and train all US city police forces, weed out the incompetents and corruption and clean the illegal, gangs and drugs from the streets.
3. Homeless people should be housed in abandoned buildings, which the homeless would be used to upgrade and refit for habitation. All Welfare recipients should be enrolled in a reprised Civilian Conservation Corps with assigned infrastructure and repair work in exchange for their welfare payments.
4. A Convention of States under Article 5 of the Constitution should be convened as soon as possible, addressing such things as term limits, repeal of the 17th Amendment, and closing the borders for the next decade at least.
5. Remove any and all CRT/BLM/Woke/leftist-globalist/LGBTQ influence whatsoever from our public education system. Strict guidelines should be set for teaching STEM/Classical studies/phonics/calligraphy and cursive writing/ Critical thinking/technical-apprenticeship training/ music/foreign language/ROTC-Dept of Civilian Marksmanship run competitive Rifle Clubs with mandatory firearm safety training and after school martial arts competition clubs (BJJ/KB/Judo, etc)

All teachers should be trained in firearm use/ PPC (practical pistol competition) and every school should maintain security-resource officers with full arrest authority and armed/trained. Children deserve at least the same protection we give our judges and government officials. All news shows should be required by law to present all sides of any story. FCC licenses should require strict impartiality in news and op-ed segments. 

This is simple, doable, and will work. "You have a Republic, ma'm, IF you can keep it" Ben Franklin.
It is past time to weed the garden.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023


"During the trial of Michael Sussmann — the first trial stemming from Special Counsel John Durham’s years-long investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe — Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook testified that Hillary Clinton herself approved the dissemination of unproven and subsequently debunked information to the media alleging a covert communications channel between the Trump Organization and Russia’s Alfa Bank. " 

Why did Meuller not report this link? Why did none of the MSM pick up on this, potentially the most important story since Watergate, and actively suppress it? Why has the DOJ refused to act on this information? Has our government actually become totally dysfunctional? Has our media turned into nothing more than a mouthpiece for their wealthy stockholders and the interests of hostile foreign governments? What is going on here? To all intents and purposes, the answer to the above questions is unqualified "Yes". 

I have asserted for some time that the DNC/Hillary&Bill Clinton/Obama/Biden cabal is little more than a criminal venture play acting at being a political party, but the level of sheer chutzpah that these criminals display and the kid glove treatment by the DOJ is something I would expect to see in a spy novel, not played out in the news. 

If the Democrats are allowed to get away with this, I don't think the country will ever recover. We lost our innocence in the death of Kennedy and more so in Watergate, but we have allowed the Democrats to make whores of us all in the administrations of Clinton, Obama and Biden. Democratic senators and congress members like Pelosi became millionaires on the salary of a congress member, and no one blinks an eye. If someone else did this, they'd be facing RICO prosecution. 

To demonstrate the dishonesty of CNN/MSNBC/ABC/NBC, the individual MSM chose to comment on the Durham investigation results is none other than the discredited ex-FBI agent whose egregious anti-Trump texts got him fired for his unprofessional and biased handling of the case, Strzok. His texts indicated a widespread anti-Trump bias in the FBI and the planning for undermining a sitting US President by the FBI and other government organizations. This should have been investigated as subversion and sedition but was suppressed by the MSM and the obedient slaves of the DNC in the US government, most being Obama appointees.

It is an understatement to say that the DOJ and its subdivisions are corrupt. They are rotten to the core and incompetent on top of that. The really disturbing thing about this situation is not just the corruption and unprofessional behavior, but that it's unlikely anything will be done about it. This should disturb even the most airheaded liberal because the precedent is set. The party in power can now invade the home of any government official on purely political grounds and even prosecute them. Biden has real-world criminal behavior to answer for, while the case against Trump was false. Everyone knew that to be the case at the time, but the Democrats wielded too much power to question the charges. IF Biden faces trial, he will face prison time. Do you think the Democrats will allow this to happen? They have undermined the justice system and even the Constitution, and if they go down, they won't go quietly. 

In case you don't think going against the Democrats is dangerous, remember the majority of people who were supposed to testify against the Clintons died of natural causes or suicide. To say this stretches the definition of coincidence is another case of really serious understatement. Recently, one of the whistleblowers who are supposed to testify against the Bidens disappeared. Yes, that is a big story, but one the MSM seems to have missed. Why? Because their masters ordered them to ignore it. The other witnesses are bound to be intimidated, and rightly so. The threat against them is real and the likelihood of protection for them by the government is questionable. right now, anyone who speaks against Biden is in danger. Let that sink in.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023



The liberals have always been the bane of effective education and government. The average leftist thinks they are enlightened, mainly because CNN told them so. CNN and the rest of the Clown World media are the gospel source of all things true, especially when they are not true. Objective truth is not usually comfortable nor validating to the liberal mentality, so it is actively ignored and even suppressed, violently at times by liberals who are triggered. Triggered means that something they heard makes them uncomfortable, and the Twinkies don't like to be uncomfortable or to be forced to use analytical and critical thinking. In general, today's liberals don't want to think at all. 

Having people of this mentality in education is a disaster on a good day, on a bad one, they enlist drag queens to introduce gender fluidity. This means that kids are forced to watch grown men in short dresses dancing like Tinkerbell and singing about gay sex. To a liberal, this constitutes education, and literacy, critical thinking, STEM, and technical training just aren't all that important. Even when STEM is taught, these "enlightened" beings believe that only girls (and trans boys in transition to girldom) may study STEM " Engineeing and Science already have too many white men, so we should discourage boys from taking these classes." Scary, huh? It just gets worse. 

The solution to this situation is not complex. 
1. Remove any and all leftist/LGBTQ/BLM/Globalist educators and School Boards. Priority one.
2. Forensic audits of all School Board business. Prosecute any and all political activity or financial malfeasance. 
3. Establish strict and well-structured educational programs/standards/ curricula. Remove and permanently ban all CRT/LGBTQ/BLM/globalist/socialist/Anti-Constitutional curricula or programs from any school in the nation.
4. Estabish curricula focussed on STEM/Civics/Classical Studies/ Comparative Religious Studies/Phonics/cursive&calligraphic writing/ analytics/ Ethics and Politics (POD- Problems of Democracy)/ Military and Political History/ Technical studies-Industrial training into Apprenticeships. 
5. Arm and train all teachers who are competent to do so. Armed Security full time. Initiate Rifle Clubs with competitive shooting and firearm safety/hunting/conservation guided and monitored by the Department of Civilian Marksmanship/ regular programs by Hunting/Conservation organizations like the Izaak Walton League/ SONS of Lake Erie, etc. 
6. ROTC programs in every High School. 
7. Martial Arts programs (Judo/BJJ/MMA/Krav Maga/etc) after-school programs with participation in competitions and training. Teachers should be actively encouraged to participate. 

On a national level, stop all foreign aid, bring the military home, and put them on the borders and in patrol units in high-crime inner cities. Put all "sanctuary" cities under Federal Receivership, and forensic audits of all such local governments. Use military LEO units to retrain police, and house the homeless in abandoned buildings with CCC-like work for welfare recipients to renovate these buildings into living spaces and public access use. Round up all gangs/illegals and prosecute under RICO, jailing all felons and deporting all illegals. 

Seal the borders, retrain, and re-equip the military, using units to help repair infrastructure. military tribunal judiciary prosecution of any criminal activity or incompetence of local governments under receivership. Complete ban of any immigration except as necessary for highly needed job positions for at least 10 years. 

Expedited construction of nuclear reactor pairs (power plants coupled with breeder reactors to recycle spent fuel rods is a major priority, followed closely by the need for geothermal power production, and finally conversion of all sewage treatment facilities into methane-burning power plants. For the interim, Natural Gas and crude oil production as well as industrial production of all times must be 

This will address most of the problems today in our country, and return us to stability and reduce the chance of intimidation by Russia,Iran and China

California gets it wrong, again. No surprises here.

Millions of dollars in reparation payments are the wrong approach to improving the lives of Black Americans, retired NFL safety Jack Brewer told Fox News on Monday.

The California Reparations Task Force formally recommended that the state offer payments of up to $1.2 million to every qualifying Black resident, a move supported by many prominent California leaders.

Brewer, who played with the Vikings, Giants, Eagles and Cardinals, said improving literacy rates in places like inner-city Baltimore, where some grades sit around 0%, fixing the fatherlessness crisis, and returning spirituality to the home and community are much more productive than allocating massive amounts of taxpayer monies."

Mr. Brewer says it clearly, honestly, and accurately. Our economic condition is dire at best, we've sent billions of dollars to countries that hate us, given cutting-edge military equipment to our enemies (Taliban, thank a Biden voter for that), destroyed our previous energy independence-going from energy export to energy import under Biden, suffered a wave of minority-led violent crime, riots and looting, increased drug import under Biden's open border policies and liberal backed "sanctuary cities". Homeless people, many of them veterans, most suffering from mental illness and drug addiction flood our city streets. Gangs, their membership swelled by illegal immigrants from south of the border, killing at whim without response by local authorities, liberal DAs push violent minority criminals back onto the streets to commit more violence. 

Welcome to liberal controlled Amerika, a vision long held by the Left, whose Bible seems to be the novel 1984, a dystopian fiction that they seem to be making a reality right before our eyes. 

If you think the vote is not important, think again. If we don't remove the Democrats from power in 2024's election, we will likely be living in a third-world status police state within a decade. 

Monday, May 1, 2023

Mayorkis tries to shift blame from Biden mandated open borders to Congress. What absolute BS!


In this article, Mayorkis is claiming the Biden administration is "doing all we can" to stop illegal immigration. That is obviously a lie. Not one Liberal Democrat has stepped up to demand the borders be closed or that all illegals be detained and deported. NOT A SINGLE ONE of them. Mayorkis is well known for his gaslighting the public, but this time, he's on center stage doing it.

The solution to the problem is simple. Use the military to protect our country instead of playing World Police. First of all, we simply cannot afford to keep doing so. We also cannot afford to spend what little money we have for our homeless population on illegals. This is unsustainable.

Here is what we can do:

1. Close the border. Shut it down and patrol with military units. Now. 

2. Simply deport all non-criminal illegals; no court appearances, no transporting them anywhere, just send them back to Mexico, not US cities. 

3. What about the Sanctuary Cities? Again, simple. Put all high crime liberal run Sanctuary Cities into Federal receivership under a federal judge. Dissolve the city government, do forensic audits on all city officials and agencies. Patrol the streets with Military/National Guard units, along with ICE adjuncts. Arrest and deport all illegals, except gang members and felons. These people go under a Military Tribunal, not our broken/woke judicial system. That system is designed for CITIZENS. These illegals are NOT citizens and they belong under the same jurisdiction as internees at Guantanamo, a Military Tribunal. All felons and gang members should be tried and sentenced by the Tribunal. 

The police in these cities should be audited and vetted by the military, retrained, and observed in mixed patrol units for their competence and ability to carry out their duties. If they pass, they can be reinstated, if not, they get retired, immediately. All homeless who are not veterans or illegals should be housed in abandoned buildings in the city and put to work in CCC style teams to clean up the city streets and buildings. Veterans should be placed in the care of the VA and housed in veteran facilities, treated for medical conditions and processes through the VA agencies. 

Local government officials should be forensically audited and prosecuted for cause. People like Lightfoot belong in jail and those like her should also be placed in federal custody for their malfeasance and corruption, if applicable tried under the RICO act. These cities should not receive any federal money until all audits and prosecutions are complete. Any official found to be corrupt should be jailed and restricted from ever holding any office for life. 

All High School students should be required to take gun safety lessons and competitive Rife Clubs should be set up in every school district to train young people to respect and properly use firearms. This should be run under the supervision of the Department of Civilian Marksmanship under DOD oversight. All teachers should be vetted, trained and any of them who taught gender fluidity and socialist ideology removed from teaching and restricted from holding any educational position for life. Schools should be structured under a resectable standard like Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning and focused on STEM, Civics, Classical Studies, and Technical Studies (Industrial studies and technical career studies) for those so inclined. ROTC programs should be incorporated into every school. 

Every Congress member should also face a complete and thorough forensic audit of themselves and their staff and associates. The results of these audits also should be made public. All national political parties should also be audited publicly and transparently with complete disclosure of all sources of funding of any sort. All donors should be made public with sources of their donations and financial support. The present President and his family should face the same level of scrutiny and investigation as Mr Trump did, and with complete public disclosure. 

All Federal agencies should also be audited for their investigations and financial operations and these results released following review by the respective Congressional Oversight committees. 

Finally, all immigration should be halted for a minimum of 5 years to allow a complete overhaul of immigration procedures and policies. All foreign aid is to be stopped and those funds are to be used to rebuild our military, secure our borders and cities and care for our veterans and homeless. 

Simple, complete, concrete and completely doable, as per Ben Franklin " You have a Republic, if you can keep it."


Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...