Monday, May 1, 2023

Mayorkis tries to shift blame from Biden mandated open borders to Congress. What absolute BS!


In this article, Mayorkis is claiming the Biden administration is "doing all we can" to stop illegal immigration. That is obviously a lie. Not one Liberal Democrat has stepped up to demand the borders be closed or that all illegals be detained and deported. NOT A SINGLE ONE of them. Mayorkis is well known for his gaslighting the public, but this time, he's on center stage doing it.

The solution to the problem is simple. Use the military to protect our country instead of playing World Police. First of all, we simply cannot afford to keep doing so. We also cannot afford to spend what little money we have for our homeless population on illegals. This is unsustainable.

Here is what we can do:

1. Close the border. Shut it down and patrol with military units. Now. 

2. Simply deport all non-criminal illegals; no court appearances, no transporting them anywhere, just send them back to Mexico, not US cities. 

3. What about the Sanctuary Cities? Again, simple. Put all high crime liberal run Sanctuary Cities into Federal receivership under a federal judge. Dissolve the city government, do forensic audits on all city officials and agencies. Patrol the streets with Military/National Guard units, along with ICE adjuncts. Arrest and deport all illegals, except gang members and felons. These people go under a Military Tribunal, not our broken/woke judicial system. That system is designed for CITIZENS. These illegals are NOT citizens and they belong under the same jurisdiction as internees at Guantanamo, a Military Tribunal. All felons and gang members should be tried and sentenced by the Tribunal. 

The police in these cities should be audited and vetted by the military, retrained, and observed in mixed patrol units for their competence and ability to carry out their duties. If they pass, they can be reinstated, if not, they get retired, immediately. All homeless who are not veterans or illegals should be housed in abandoned buildings in the city and put to work in CCC style teams to clean up the city streets and buildings. Veterans should be placed in the care of the VA and housed in veteran facilities, treated for medical conditions and processes through the VA agencies. 

Local government officials should be forensically audited and prosecuted for cause. People like Lightfoot belong in jail and those like her should also be placed in federal custody for their malfeasance and corruption, if applicable tried under the RICO act. These cities should not receive any federal money until all audits and prosecutions are complete. Any official found to be corrupt should be jailed and restricted from ever holding any office for life. 

All High School students should be required to take gun safety lessons and competitive Rife Clubs should be set up in every school district to train young people to respect and properly use firearms. This should be run under the supervision of the Department of Civilian Marksmanship under DOD oversight. All teachers should be vetted, trained and any of them who taught gender fluidity and socialist ideology removed from teaching and restricted from holding any educational position for life. Schools should be structured under a resectable standard like Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning and focused on STEM, Civics, Classical Studies, and Technical Studies (Industrial studies and technical career studies) for those so inclined. ROTC programs should be incorporated into every school. 

Every Congress member should also face a complete and thorough forensic audit of themselves and their staff and associates. The results of these audits also should be made public. All national political parties should also be audited publicly and transparently with complete disclosure of all sources of funding of any sort. All donors should be made public with sources of their donations and financial support. The present President and his family should face the same level of scrutiny and investigation as Mr Trump did, and with complete public disclosure. 

All Federal agencies should also be audited for their investigations and financial operations and these results released following review by the respective Congressional Oversight committees. 

Finally, all immigration should be halted for a minimum of 5 years to allow a complete overhaul of immigration procedures and policies. All foreign aid is to be stopped and those funds are to be used to rebuild our military, secure our borders and cities and care for our veterans and homeless. 

Simple, complete, concrete and completely doable, as per Ben Franklin " You have a Republic, if you can keep it."


Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...