Tuesday, May 9, 2023

California gets it wrong, again. No surprises here.

Millions of dollars in reparation payments are the wrong approach to improving the lives of Black Americans, retired NFL safety Jack Brewer told Fox News on Monday.

The California Reparations Task Force formally recommended that the state offer payments of up to $1.2 million to every qualifying Black resident, a move supported by many prominent California leaders.

Brewer, who played with the Vikings, Giants, Eagles and Cardinals, said improving literacy rates in places like inner-city Baltimore, where some grades sit around 0%, fixing the fatherlessness crisis, and returning spirituality to the home and community are much more productive than allocating massive amounts of taxpayer monies."

Mr. Brewer says it clearly, honestly, and accurately. Our economic condition is dire at best, we've sent billions of dollars to countries that hate us, given cutting-edge military equipment to our enemies (Taliban, thank a Biden voter for that), destroyed our previous energy independence-going from energy export to energy import under Biden, suffered a wave of minority-led violent crime, riots and looting, increased drug import under Biden's open border policies and liberal backed "sanctuary cities". Homeless people, many of them veterans, most suffering from mental illness and drug addiction flood our city streets. Gangs, their membership swelled by illegal immigrants from south of the border, killing at whim without response by local authorities, liberal DAs push violent minority criminals back onto the streets to commit more violence. 

Welcome to liberal controlled Amerika, a vision long held by the Left, whose Bible seems to be the novel 1984, a dystopian fiction that they seem to be making a reality right before our eyes. 

If you think the vote is not important, think again. If we don't remove the Democrats from power in 2024's election, we will likely be living in a third-world status police state within a decade. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...