Tuesday, May 9, 2023



The liberals have always been the bane of effective education and government. The average leftist thinks they are enlightened, mainly because CNN told them so. CNN and the rest of the Clown World media are the gospel source of all things true, especially when they are not true. Objective truth is not usually comfortable nor validating to the liberal mentality, so it is actively ignored and even suppressed, violently at times by liberals who are triggered. Triggered means that something they heard makes them uncomfortable, and the Twinkies don't like to be uncomfortable or to be forced to use analytical and critical thinking. In general, today's liberals don't want to think at all. 

Having people of this mentality in education is a disaster on a good day, on a bad one, they enlist drag queens to introduce gender fluidity. This means that kids are forced to watch grown men in short dresses dancing like Tinkerbell and singing about gay sex. To a liberal, this constitutes education, and literacy, critical thinking, STEM, and technical training just aren't all that important. Even when STEM is taught, these "enlightened" beings believe that only girls (and trans boys in transition to girldom) may study STEM " Engineeing and Science already have too many white men, so we should discourage boys from taking these classes." Scary, huh? It just gets worse. 

The solution to this situation is not complex. 
1. Remove any and all leftist/LGBTQ/BLM/Globalist educators and School Boards. Priority one.
2. Forensic audits of all School Board business. Prosecute any and all political activity or financial malfeasance. 
3. Establish strict and well-structured educational programs/standards/ curricula. Remove and permanently ban all CRT/LGBTQ/BLM/globalist/socialist/Anti-Constitutional curricula or programs from any school in the nation.
4. Estabish curricula focussed on STEM/Civics/Classical Studies/ Comparative Religious Studies/Phonics/cursive&calligraphic writing/ analytics/ Ethics and Politics (POD- Problems of Democracy)/ Military and Political History/ Technical studies-Industrial training into Apprenticeships. 
5. Arm and train all teachers who are competent to do so. Armed Security full time. Initiate Rifle Clubs with competitive shooting and firearm safety/hunting/conservation guided and monitored by the Department of Civilian Marksmanship/ regular programs by Hunting/Conservation organizations like the Izaak Walton League/ SONS of Lake Erie, etc. 
6. ROTC programs in every High School. 
7. Martial Arts programs (Judo/BJJ/MMA/Krav Maga/etc) after-school programs with participation in competitions and training. Teachers should be actively encouraged to participate. 

On a national level, stop all foreign aid, bring the military home, and put them on the borders and in patrol units in high-crime inner cities. Put all "sanctuary" cities under Federal Receivership, and forensic audits of all such local governments. Use military LEO units to retrain police, and house the homeless in abandoned buildings with CCC-like work for welfare recipients to renovate these buildings into living spaces and public access use. Round up all gangs/illegals and prosecute under RICO, jailing all felons and deporting all illegals. 

Seal the borders, retrain, and re-equip the military, using units to help repair infrastructure. military tribunal judiciary prosecution of any criminal activity or incompetence of local governments under receivership. Complete ban of any immigration except as necessary for highly needed job positions for at least 10 years. 

Expedited construction of nuclear reactor pairs (power plants coupled with breeder reactors to recycle spent fuel rods is a major priority, followed closely by the need for geothermal power production, and finally conversion of all sewage treatment facilities into methane-burning power plants. For the interim, Natural Gas and crude oil production as well as industrial production of all times must be 

This will address most of the problems today in our country, and return us to stability and reduce the chance of intimidation by Russia,Iran and China

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...