Tuesday, May 16, 2023


"During the trial of Michael Sussmann — the first trial stemming from Special Counsel John Durham’s years-long investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe — Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook testified that Hillary Clinton herself approved the dissemination of unproven and subsequently debunked information to the media alleging a covert communications channel between the Trump Organization and Russia’s Alfa Bank. " https://www.foxnews.com/politics/durham-doj-fbi-failed-uphold-mission-strict-fidelity-law-trump-russia-probe 

Why did Meuller not report this link? Why did none of the MSM pick up on this, potentially the most important story since Watergate, and actively suppress it? Why has the DOJ refused to act on this information? Has our government actually become totally dysfunctional? Has our media turned into nothing more than a mouthpiece for their wealthy stockholders and the interests of hostile foreign governments? What is going on here? To all intents and purposes, the answer to the above questions is unqualified "Yes". 

I have asserted for some time that the DNC/Hillary&Bill Clinton/Obama/Biden cabal is little more than a criminal venture play acting at being a political party, but the level of sheer chutzpah that these criminals display and the kid glove treatment by the DOJ is something I would expect to see in a spy novel, not played out in the news. 

If the Democrats are allowed to get away with this, I don't think the country will ever recover. We lost our innocence in the death of Kennedy and more so in Watergate, but we have allowed the Democrats to make whores of us all in the administrations of Clinton, Obama and Biden. Democratic senators and congress members like Pelosi became millionaires on the salary of a congress member, and no one blinks an eye. If someone else did this, they'd be facing RICO prosecution. 

To demonstrate the dishonesty of CNN/MSNBC/ABC/NBC, the individual MSM chose to comment on the Durham investigation results is none other than the discredited ex-FBI agent whose egregious anti-Trump texts got him fired for his unprofessional and biased handling of the case, Strzok. His texts indicated a widespread anti-Trump bias in the FBI and the planning for undermining a sitting US President by the FBI and other government organizations. This should have been investigated as subversion and sedition but was suppressed by the MSM and the obedient slaves of the DNC in the US government, most being Obama appointees. 


It is an understatement to say that the DOJ and its subdivisions are corrupt. They are rotten to the core and incompetent on top of that. The really disturbing thing about this situation is not just the corruption and unprofessional behavior, but that it's unlikely anything will be done about it. This should disturb even the most airheaded liberal because the precedent is set. The party in power can now invade the home of any government official on purely political grounds and even prosecute them. Biden has real-world criminal behavior to answer for, while the case against Trump was false. Everyone knew that to be the case at the time, but the Democrats wielded too much power to question the charges. IF Biden faces trial, he will face prison time. Do you think the Democrats will allow this to happen? They have undermined the justice system and even the Constitution, and if they go down, they won't go quietly. 

In case you don't think going against the Democrats is dangerous, remember the majority of people who were supposed to testify against the Clintons died of natural causes or suicide. To say this stretches the definition of coincidence is another case of really serious understatement. Recently, one of the whistleblowers who are supposed to testify against the Bidens disappeared. Yes, that is a big story, but one the MSM seems to have missed. Why? Because their masters ordered them to ignore it. The other witnesses are bound to be intimidated, and rightly so. The threat against them is real and the likelihood of protection for them by the government is questionable. right now, anyone who speaks against Biden is in danger. Let that sink in.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...