Monday, May 22, 2023


"It's history lesson time in order to explain how we got in this very bad situation: Grab your coffee and learn.

We destroyed State's rights and the balance of power in the Constitution with two wantonly stupid acts.....the Civil War and the 17th Amendment. That started the process where a new overly empowered central government then began to grow further in power....unchecked by the states, we now have an out-of-control federal government, voter fraud, and a corrupt political regime in office.
During the War of 1812, a consortium of New England States planned to secede from the union over President Madison's conduct in that war. The consortium came down to one vote and did not secede from the Union. Not President Madison, nor any member of his administration of note, even suggested maintaining the union by military force as the founding was too recent and folks remembered that the independent colonies would never have agreed to a mandatory union where the states did not have the right (Tenth Amendment) to leave the union if it suited them.
Consider these two Lincoln Quotes:
The floor of Congress, January 13, 1848. Congressman Abraham Lincoln:
"Any people anywhere being inclined and having the power have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable, a most sacred right - a right which we hope and believe is to liberate the world. Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people that can, may revolutionize and make their own of so much of the territory as they inhabit."
Then there's:
"I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between white and black races. There is a physical difference between the two, which, in my judgment, will probably forever forbid their living together upon the footing of perfect equality: and inasmuch as it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position. I have never said anything to the contrary" Lincoln Douglas Debates, Ottawa, Illinois (Union State) 1858.
Roll them around in your mind for a while.
We've watched the political nest of party politics that the Senate has become and wondered how to fix it. Term limits, for the House sure but the Senate is different. No, the founders set it up properly and we messed it up properly with the 17th Amendment in 1913.
That change made it so that the senators were elected by general election for terms of 6 years and with uninformed, name-recognition voters, senators enjoy a re-election rate of around 80%. The constitution as written, originally had the senators chosen by the state legislatures to represent the sovereign state in the national congress and if the senator failed to do this to the pleasure of the state, they were recalled and replaced.
This current system, under the 17th Amendment, was put in place in 1913 by the Wilson Progressive Liberal misadministration and it has turned the states into provinces with no direct voice in our national legislature, basically non-represented tax abomination of the founder's intent for the sovereign states to act as a check on the power of the federal government.
Now, we are angst about the stacking of the Supreme Waste Court to keep this government within the narrow lanes of the Constitution.....the fox watching the hen house.
A repeal of the 17th would put the Senate back as a representative of the voice of the sovereign states with the state legislatures having full control of the selection and recall of senators..... and then immediately checking the out-of-control federal government we now have. Most of the resulting adjustments will be on the part of the Deep State and the Senate lobbyists and that's fine with me.
We screwed with the system and now it is not working...…over $32 trillion in federal debt, border undefended, military scattered across the globe in expensive and unnecessary bases, a 19-year military occupation of Afghanistan with no stated goal, a proxy war with corrupt Ukraine, involved in everyone's business and can't control our own borders or manage to budget and spend adequate tax revenue on our own nation......this needs to stop.
Repeal the 17th.....but, in order to do that with this sad, divided, and partisan corrupt congress we need to use the backdoor the founders provided in the will take an Art V, Constitutional Convention of the States. This is what you now need to actively support to fix this unbalanced government.

We must, at some point, realize that the Government cares about and acts in accordance with the good of the GOVERNMENT, not the people. Any government must be forced and coerced to act in the best interest of the people. One of the big problems with the Biden administration is that this administration has acted to preclude any pressure on the government for the sake of the good of the whole. The Biden administration grew out of the Obama principles of the good of the party over the good of the people. This administration caters to specific groups in the hope of keeping any opposition to the interests of the government so suppressed and fragmented as to not exist in any practical sense.

This began in the use of the IRS as a political weapon against his opponents. and is continued in the current DOJ with the intimidation of groups like pro-life Christians and grassroots conservatives. The MSM brands anyone who criticizes the liberals as "dangerous and violent". It's an interesting assertion since the vast majority of violence is in fact committed by liberal activists; usually against conservatives and conservative groups.

Joe Biden called "white supremacists" the greatest danger to the country, while black activists have taken over police stations, burned entire neighborhoods, and attacked Whites and Asians without provocation. 80% of violent crime is committed by Blacks, who constitute only 14% of the entire population. Yet, the MSM/woke bureaucracy/Biden administration claims this violent segment of society is "oppressed". I don't buy it.

There are several ways to deal with this set of problems. The first and most important is to mobilize the conservative vote and overwhelm the left at the voting booth. I know that the left is adept at cheating elections, and has been doing so for years. Still, the conservatives must stop being complacent, or worse, losing faith in the voting process completely. The 2024 election is potentially the most important election in the last 60 years. What we must do it to hold the election board and its minions' feet to the fire, require video and dual-party monitoring of all electoral activities. I repeat ALL electoral activities must be monitored by dual party workers, not allowing Democrat mules to "lose " ballot boxes of Republican votes or "accidentally" bulk changing them to Democrat votes. Nor can we have 110% of any district's registered voters voting straight Democrat, which was how Obama came into office; that and a few votes by people whose addresses turned out to be a local cemetery. This is what happens with any government being removed from accountability to the people

The second approach is direct, simple, and surgically precise.
1. Crime-ridden Sanctuary cities, Democrat ruled and run should be placed under federal receivership. Forensic audits should be made of all city council and executive (mayoral) activities, with military tribunals set up to prosecute all malfeasance, criminal or RICO-type activities.
2. The US military should be pulled back from all but the most strictly necessary strategic bases and assignments and placed on the US borders and cities in receivership as mentioned in #1 above.. The Law Enforcement units from the military should vet and train all US city police forces, weed out the incompetents and corruption and clean the illegal, gangs and drugs from the streets.
3. Homeless people should be housed in abandoned buildings, which the homeless would be used to upgrade and refit for habitation. All Welfare recipients should be enrolled in a reprised Civilian Conservation Corps with assigned infrastructure and repair work in exchange for their welfare payments.
4. A Convention of States under Article 5 of the Constitution should be convened as soon as possible, addressing such things as term limits, repeal of the 17th Amendment, and closing the borders for the next decade at least.
5. Remove any and all CRT/BLM/Woke/leftist-globalist/LGBTQ influence whatsoever from our public education system. Strict guidelines should be set for teaching STEM/Classical studies/phonics/calligraphy and cursive writing/ Critical thinking/technical-apprenticeship training/ music/foreign language/ROTC-Dept of Civilian Marksmanship run competitive Rifle Clubs with mandatory firearm safety training and after school martial arts competition clubs (BJJ/KB/Judo, etc)

All teachers should be trained in firearm use/ PPC (practical pistol competition) and every school should maintain security-resource officers with full arrest authority and armed/trained. Children deserve at least the same protection we give our judges and government officials. All news shows should be required by law to present all sides of any story. FCC licenses should require strict impartiality in news and op-ed segments. 

This is simple, doable, and will work. "You have a Republic, ma'm, IF you can keep it" Ben Franklin.
It is past time to weed the garden.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...