Sunday, May 28, 2023

A non-political post about taking our dogs to Tionesta Reservoir and German Hill.

Probably no one who does not live in NW PA has any idea where or what is Tionesta or Tionesta Reservoir or cares for that matter. Today we went to the Star Cemetary on German Hill to put flowers on my wife's grandmother's grave. My wife is quite dedicated to caring for family graves, even if no one else in the family cares, or by now even knows where the family graves are located. Such is the modern culture 

Her attention to this duty is quite unique in today's world.  Therefore we both acknowledge that no one will do such service for our graves nor really miss either of us when we are gone. It is what it is. We have had no family here since our parents passed away, and with my daughter passing a few years ago and my son living in NY with a family I have probably even seen three times in their lives, we effectively have no family ties aside from her brother's family in upstate NY. 

 I'm too conservative, old, and stubborn for my son's wife's taste. I don't even use the term "daughter-in-law" since that implies a level of relationship we do not and probably never will have. His children are both old enough to look me up if they are curious enough to do so, which I doubt. A shame really, because I am actually a pretty decent person, and I've given a lot to others over my 40 years as an ICU RN, and saved quite a few lives (that is not an exaggeration, either. If you work in an ICU, life, and death mean just that.) I made some true friends in the martial arts and a medieval fighting group I helped form in 1980. Funny how close you get with guys (and some gals) who are trying to take each other's heads off with rattan swords that bear more resemblance to baseball bats than anything else. Many of them have "passed the fourth hill" as we put it. Others are still around and we try, with variable success, to stay in touch. In any case, I don't really give a shit at this point, no point in doing so. That ship sailed a long time ago. 

My wife and I recently celebrated our 43rd wedding anniversary, and I just had my 71st Birthday. I think "celebrated" a birthday at 71 is just a tad disingenuous terminology. But I digress. The vast majority of our years on the earth are behind us, which is OK. It's life and it's not our call. So to bring this back to the subject at hand, we like to do things with our furry kids, Pippin and Casey, 2 rescue dogs who won the doggy lotto and whose lifestyle has been measurably improved since they rescued us. SO, we took them with us today, with Casey hanging his head out the window, for all the world looking like he is flying. It is his favorite pastime in the world. Pippin likes to ride, not fly, so he simply chills out in his dog seat and enjoys the ride. 

The area in Tionesta is simply beautiful, especially this time of year, with the application of bug spray, it is a lot more fun. The gnats, mosquitos, biting flies, etc ( don't forget ticks) can be distracting from enjoying the woods, so remember the bug spray. We visited and put flowers on Grandma's grave, went to the parcel of land we own there (completely undeveloped),  had lunch there while Casey and Pippin chased lots of critters that crossed their path, and had a glorious time doing so. We went to the reservoir and hiked to the top of the hill that forms one end of the dam, watched the boats on the reservoir and the boys got their quota of sniffing and snuffing in.

The drive home was pretty quiet for the boys, who got a bath (not a big favorite) and are now zonked out on their beds. We'll be up for a "Spot the Station" tonight then to bed. Not an exciting life, maybe, but a decent way to spend a day. Have a good Memorial Day Weekend, and please remember to pray for the men and women whose sacrifice allows us to enjoy days like this. I am a veteran, by the way. We who signed a blank check to our country at some point in our lives have a real respect for our fallen brethren. You should too while eating a hot dog and watching the fireworks. Say a small prayer for those whose sacrifice allows you to enjoy these simple pleasures. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...