Wednesday, July 27, 2022

A note from a wise friend.


Wrote this today: Here's the part you're not going to like but fair warning is fair warning: Only in a nation of severe ignorance is such propaganda so effective. Ask yourself a basic question, what are we trying to save?

The cure is pain, lots of it and for a long long time and that pain will breed a generation that values what we are trying to save. It does not exist right now.
If you listen closely, you can hear the rat claws pulling corks and scurrying to safe enclaves to get a few more months added to their miserable lives.
The 6 January Tribunal has one significant purpose other than to deprive the people of the leader they want in the White House. It is a warning, don't unite, don't get pissed, don't stand up to us because we own what used to be an objective news media and is now clearly propagandists masquerading as news.
We have bought congress and the courts and look........ the Executive is now a comedy act and you are now, non represented tax slaves funding a busy body, very expensive, expeditionary military that is strewn all over the planet while our borders are wide open. We murdered a female Air Force Officer at the Captial and then said no need to investigate, our laws are enforced buffet style, the ones we like, when we like and applied to who we like, so the killing of this unarmed citizen engaged in what we're calling an "assault on democracy" needs no trial.....after all, who do you think she was, George Floyd?.......our perspective is what matters, not yours!
Don't you dare organize and stand up to us..........don't you dare.
When you're able to tell me you know the freedom you've lived in was given to you by the blood and sweat of better generations....that's right, they were better than you, they stood up.
You can't be bothered to read the Constitution or history.......this is so deserved.
What most of you want is to be saved, I call it Might Mouse Syndrome.....drink some more nightly propaganda, that will help a little.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

TIme for the Left to move the Skeletons out of the closet before pointing fingers at Trump..


In the article cited below, the illegal and dishonest tactics and abuse of power that Obama's administration displayed is finally brought to light. During his admin, no media would ever discuss anything even remotely negative about his and his minions. Criticizing his actions was called "racist" and everyone rolled over for that BS.

Obama spied illegally on Americans, he witheld critical information that probably would have landed him in jail and he, Biden and Hillary lied to the families of Benghazi, and the public, Hillary lied to their faces. Obama claimed that the attack was spontaneous, and caused by a comic strip in Europe, when he and all of them knew about preparation for the attack weeks before it happened . Their military intelligence made several requests for preeemptive action to protect the embassy, all refused by Obama, the stand down order the night of the attack came directly from Hillary, then Secretary of State. 

When the truth finally came out, not from US media, of course, Hillary's comment was "what does it matter?" It certainly mattered to the familees of the Ambassador and the men who died trying to defend him. He was tortured for hours, died in the dirt of the street, Be assured that had Trump done that, he and his admin would all be in jail. It is amazing how hypocritical the Demicrats are about this kind of behavior. The US MSM has gone all out to sweep this under the rug, and the sham "investigation" of Benghazi and the Obama/Biden/ Hillary team was a public embarrassment at best. It was never brought out by the deliberate action or pure incompetence of the investigative team and the MSM that the Ambassador was runored to be about to testofy against Hillary. Purely coincidental, I am sure. 

Obama used the IRS to intimidate his opponents, and the DOJ to harass them. Not one peep from the MSM about that. He used the DHS and CIA to illegally spy on Americans, a felony level offense. No consequences. He abused the FISA court repeatedly, a much mreo egregious offense than what Nixon did, and he was removed from office for Watergate. Anyone see a pattern here? Liberals can literally get away with murder, conservatives, not so much. 

Biden openly leveraged a billion dollars in Ukraine military aid to get a judge removed who was coincidentally investigating Hunter Biden's activities in relation to a very corrupt company and oligarch in Ukraine.  He later accused Trump of doing exaactly what he did, and he heve bragged about it at the time. MSM? Crickets. 

It is way past time for the Left to be held accountable at least as much as the Right has been, fair is fair. Even if you are not a Republican, any ethical person of any political bent should be outraged at the inequity of this.  Are we really that amoral as a country as to allow the Democrats to commit crimes against the country without any consequence? 

I read daily in Tweets from liberal pundits about the terrible things Trump did, but funny how they can never sepcify what he did that is so bad, while ignoring the behavior of their own side. Hypocrisy doesn't even begin to describe it. As I have said in the past. thank a Biden voter, we are headed for a real life reenactment of 1984. 

Friday, July 22, 2022

Now they blame Trump, when the Biden administration is caught red handed

 A White House spokesperson trying to do damage control proclaimed:

"The Republican members of Congress criticizing President Biden now do not appear to have raised concerns about the sales under President Trump. And, so far, they seem pretty silent about whether they think President Trump was wrong," Sams said.

One problem here. When Trump sold oil we had an excess. If Trump was wrong to sell off during an excess, what the heck is Pedo Joe doing selling off when we don't have enough of our own? Liberal Doublethink at it's finest!

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Leftist DAs and Law Enforcement attack the crime victims who defend themselves and the heroes who save others. All hail the Narrative!

Across the country, the police fail to stop crimes, while armed citizens stop violence, protect others and put themselves in harm's way to do what is right. For this bravery and altruism, they are arrested, oppressed and persecuted by the Left. The left is pampering criminals and attacking those who save lives. 

We need to stop this dangerous trend. We need to support citizens who carry and protect others, including themselves, as this behavior is the first and most effective deterrant to crime. Police are mandated as constables, officers of the Court, whose duty is to maintain public order and enforce the law, nothing more. 

This is one of many reasons there is a Second Amendment, as our Founding Fathers risked their necks, literally, to escape the tyrrany of the British Empire, whose oppression was so odious that formerly loyal subjects could no longer live under the thumb of British oppression. 

Today, Brits are unarmed, have no real protection under the law, and have become subservient helpless tax slaves to a bloated and corrupt government that has no deterrant to oppress them, and they are completely dependent on an unresponsive bureaucracy to protect them from criminals. We must not allow the Left to push us down that same path. 

The Democrats are following the playbook of the Nazis post Reichstag fire 1933 Germany. The BLM and Antifa are the new Sturmabteilung, and the DOJ and DNC the new SS. Those who do not understand history are dooomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. 

Sunday, July 17, 2022

The New Apartheid in America.

 The definition of Apartheid (Afrikaans "apart")   is a systematic discrimination by race where one race, a minority, rules and dominates or suppresses and commits acts of violence against another racial group or groups. It was considerd a terrible and abhorrent thing when it was used against Blacks in Africa, but it seems to be acceptable if Blacks in America do it against Whites. So is crime and violence against whites, which, if committed by whites against blacks, would be procecuted as hate crimes. For some reason, liberals cannot seem to put together the logic chain that would lead them to comprehend the hypoctisy of their attitudes, or they just don't care. 

While this is extremely unfair, it is also damaging to the fabric of our democracy. Fairness is implicit in freedom and liberty, and is a requirement for a functioning free society. After awhile, when the government fails to protect the rights of a group, in this case, whites, they develop a festering hatred and anger that will eventually erupt. 

The "protests" last summer were not eruption of anger, they were orchestrated; a planned attemot to gain power and control. The Watts riots were the first time that we, as a nation, became aware that Asians and Jews are also targets of black aggression. Interestingly, while the police refused to intervene in the Watts riots, the only buildings that were not burned were those protected by Vietnamese shop owners and their families wielding the infamous AR15 semiauto rifles. For the Left, that is a very uncomfortable and very suppressed truth. 

Even today, random attacks by blacks on Asian and Jewish people, especially elderly, are common, if not routinely reported by the liberal run MSM, as this doesn't fit in well with the liberal narrative. The leaders of BLM have made it clear they consider "Blacks are the only real minority in this country". Meaning the only blacks should get free stuff and special treatment. The rising friction between blacks and hispanics groups is a good indicator that the latino community doesn't quite agree with the BLM and other black activist groups. This may be the next flash point. 

Lets get one thing clear, a lot of blacks are simply people trying to get through the day, raise families and give a decent life to their kids. The problem is that the media and social culture they created for public consumption push the extreme BLM/black activist/black supremacist/gangsta culture model and any black who doesn't follow that mold is "too white". 

That being a patriotic, educated, hard working, decent person, tolerant of others and self sufficient is "too white" points up everything you need to know about racial problens in the USA. There is no "oppression"  White Privilige, or targeting of blacks by police. In fact, statistics prove that if you are white, your per capita probability of being shot by police is higher than for blacks.  There are far more crimes committed by blacks, more acts of violence, and more confrontations with law enforcement by blacks, and whites still get shot more often. 

Most cops I know say they go out of their way to deescalate encounters with blacks, mostly because they honestly believe that no matter what a black perp does, the black community will blame the cop. When a non-black or white person is shot, there is no mention in the MSM, and crickets from the chronically offended left. This is the reality of our society under the thumb of leftist politicians and "journalists" 

The solution to this is simple. Stop listening to the narrative, treat each person as an individual human, not a "black" "white" "latino" "asian" "native american" whatever, just a person. I don't care what color you are, if you are an asshole, you are an asshole. Treat me with respect and I will do the same to you. That is equality, and it is far superior in all ways to "equity" If you don't pull your weight, you don't deserve anything, nobody is "entitled" to anything but the rights we all have and that are enumerated in the Constitution. Period

Saturday, July 16, 2022

GOv DeSantis shows what leadership really looks like. God bless this man.


This definitely should become federal law. strictly enforced. The present racist, black supoporting suppression of Conservatives and partiots, and allowing BLM and Antifa and their like to lay waste to our country and out freedoms has got to stop. 
We are a nation of laws and this system of laws, guided by that Constitution. is the reason we became the most powerful nation on Earth. The recent incursion of liberal/woke/political correctness against our freedoms and rationality has weaked un and out coutry. The globalist Left wants nothing less than to turn us into a Third World status country, because, well , White People bad, guilt for being white, good.
What, exactly about Whiteness is bad? It is a bar the requires personal discipline, childhood training in self control and obedience to law, and overall, a patriotic dedication to the good of the country to reach. It is therefore "racist" to expect Black families to raise their children to obey the law, respect themselves and others and to work hard to make something of oneself. Any black family that does so is "too White". The fact that being a decent person who is willing to serve others, obey the law and be productive is "too White" is reason enough to stop "woke" in its foul tracks. 
Having a responsible and caring father in the home is "too White". Treating girls and women with the respect due them and protecting them as is normal under Natural Law is "too White" 
Respect for the rights of others, their privacy and property is "too White" 
Erudition, mental discipline, ethincal bahavior, all "too White" 
Respect for the environment, public land and property and schools and churches, respect for the religious beliefs of others, again all "too White" 
Maybe our country really is not "White" enough. 
And so it goes..... 

Friday, July 8, 2022

The State of the United States

I have been watching the not-so-slow decline of our country in the past year of Biden's administration. I'm not so naive as to believe he is actually in charge, hell, that man can't string a sentence together without guidance. His handlers, mainly the CCP, have him doing their dirty work for them. 

There is no doubt the economy is tanking and pulling the western world down with it. If China can divert the attention of the West into their own internal problems, China can literally do what it wants in the East. China cannot support its own population, and even with use of de facto slave labor, Communism cannot truly compete in the business world on a level playing field. They have plundered the intellectual property of the rest of the world and continue to do so, now with the active participation of the Oval Office and the DNC. Russia has benefited as well. Biden literally gave Russia a detailed list of our vulnerable infrastructure and what to attack. I wish I could believe that was accidental, but it was not. Yes, I do believe Biden is a traitor. His son has made millions from the Russians and Chinese. 

Under Obama/Biden, the Chinese began buying up water rights and land in the west and midwest. They purchased controlling shares in the entertainment  ( read propaganda) industry and sports. Does anyone really believe Kapernick, thick as a brick, came up with the idea of making disloyalty an expression of racial solidarity? That is high level propaganda worth of Goehring and Goebbels. The NFL got marching orders from the CCP, and so did the NBA. Obama allowed that. 

The Democrats began their campaign of weakening the country with Al Gore, NAFTA and other trade agreements sent a huge portion of our high paying jobs overseas, with no option to stop the hemorrhage. "Climate Change" became a way to further weaken our industrial base. Why do you think ONLY the US and strongest democracies in Europe were targeted? 

Ever see that deranged teenager the Climate Change crowd paraded in front of the camera go after Africa, SE Asia, India, China, Russia or Indonesia? The VAST majority of trash in the Pacific Gyrus comes from these sources, not the US or Europe. It is pollution from China that is depleting the fresh water snowcaps in the Rockies, not ours. Not that we don't need to work on our polluting ways, but to blame everything climate change on us is ludicrous and pure propaganda. 

Why do liberal policies allow such horrific consequences to go unnoticed? Liberals like Bernie Sanders engage in fantasy thinking (ala Double Think from 1984). It works this way. If I want something bad enough, but can't make it real, I demand that my "reality" be accepted, no matter what. If I want homosexuality to be normal, I simply demand that anyone who believes (rightly) that it is abnormal, dysfunctional and wrong to be called a homophobe. "A lie, repeated loudly and repeatedly by the government and the media, becomes truth" Lenin.

The problem with a Big Lie is that it requires a lot of smaller lies to keep it going. IF a man can be considered a woman (genetics are racist, like math), then men can go into women's bathrooms freely. If a few girls are assaulted, that is a small price to pay for enlightenment. So some women lose their chances at college because their titles were taken by men? Men in bras and skirts are still male. They are pound for pound stronger and faster than women, stronger muscles, skeletons and internal organ structures. period. Fantasy thinking doesn't change reality, just our perception. Perception doesn't prevent bathroom rapes or female athletes getting career ending injuries from a much stronger and faster competitor who is actually a male. Men also rape women non-sexually in sports. 

Why doesn't the feminist movement take up arms against this? They shot themselves in the foot when they turned their backs on straight males culture and freely accepted the Big Lie. LGBTQ is immoral and opportunistic. "we have no agenda" means " we will sexually indoctrinate your kids, use them against you, take every advantage with them and make you the bad guy when you try to protect them against us" 

For any rational human being, the idea of murdering babies is repugnant. full term abortion is nothing but infanticide made legal. With the complicit support of mainstream media, killing your baby becomes "Reproductive Healthcare" and selling infant body parts for profit, fully acceptable. We have gone that far down into the sewer as a society, and while both sides of the aisle in Congress have some blame to share, the vast majority of what is wrong with us is thanks to the Democrats. 

Democrat run cities are festering pustules of crime, violence, racial violence, sexual perversion, corruption and incompetent management. The solution? That is coming in another blog post. 

And so it goes.....

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...