Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Leftist DAs and Law Enforcement attack the crime victims who defend themselves and the heroes who save others. All hail the Narrative!

Across the country, the police fail to stop crimes, while armed citizens stop violence, protect others and put themselves in harm's way to do what is right. For this bravery and altruism, they are arrested, oppressed and persecuted by the Left. The left is pampering criminals and attacking those who save lives. 

We need to stop this dangerous trend. We need to support citizens who carry and protect others, including themselves, as this behavior is the first and most effective deterrant to crime. Police are mandated as constables, officers of the Court, whose duty is to maintain public order and enforce the law, nothing more. 

This is one of many reasons there is a Second Amendment, as our Founding Fathers risked their necks, literally, to escape the tyrrany of the British Empire, whose oppression was so odious that formerly loyal subjects could no longer live under the thumb of British oppression. 

Today, Brits are unarmed, have no real protection under the law, and have become subservient helpless tax slaves to a bloated and corrupt government that has no deterrant to oppress them, and they are completely dependent on an unresponsive bureaucracy to protect them from criminals. We must not allow the Left to push us down that same path. 

The Democrats are following the playbook of the Nazis post Reichstag fire 1933 Germany. The BLM and Antifa are the new Sturmabteilung, and the DOJ and DNC the new SS. Those who do not understand history are dooomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...