Sunday, July 17, 2022

The New Apartheid in America.

 The definition of Apartheid (Afrikaans "apart")   is a systematic discrimination by race where one race, a minority, rules and dominates or suppresses and commits acts of violence against another racial group or groups. It was considerd a terrible and abhorrent thing when it was used against Blacks in Africa, but it seems to be acceptable if Blacks in America do it against Whites. So is crime and violence against whites, which, if committed by whites against blacks, would be procecuted as hate crimes. For some reason, liberals cannot seem to put together the logic chain that would lead them to comprehend the hypoctisy of their attitudes, or they just don't care. 

While this is extremely unfair, it is also damaging to the fabric of our democracy. Fairness is implicit in freedom and liberty, and is a requirement for a functioning free society. After awhile, when the government fails to protect the rights of a group, in this case, whites, they develop a festering hatred and anger that will eventually erupt. 

The "protests" last summer were not eruption of anger, they were orchestrated; a planned attemot to gain power and control. The Watts riots were the first time that we, as a nation, became aware that Asians and Jews are also targets of black aggression. Interestingly, while the police refused to intervene in the Watts riots, the only buildings that were not burned were those protected by Vietnamese shop owners and their families wielding the infamous AR15 semiauto rifles. For the Left, that is a very uncomfortable and very suppressed truth. 

Even today, random attacks by blacks on Asian and Jewish people, especially elderly, are common, if not routinely reported by the liberal run MSM, as this doesn't fit in well with the liberal narrative. The leaders of BLM have made it clear they consider "Blacks are the only real minority in this country". Meaning the only blacks should get free stuff and special treatment. The rising friction between blacks and hispanics groups is a good indicator that the latino community doesn't quite agree with the BLM and other black activist groups. This may be the next flash point. 

Lets get one thing clear, a lot of blacks are simply people trying to get through the day, raise families and give a decent life to their kids. The problem is that the media and social culture they created for public consumption push the extreme BLM/black activist/black supremacist/gangsta culture model and any black who doesn't follow that mold is "too white". 

That being a patriotic, educated, hard working, decent person, tolerant of others and self sufficient is "too white" points up everything you need to know about racial problens in the USA. There is no "oppression"  White Privilige, or targeting of blacks by police. In fact, statistics prove that if you are white, your per capita probability of being shot by police is higher than for blacks.  There are far more crimes committed by blacks, more acts of violence, and more confrontations with law enforcement by blacks, and whites still get shot more often. 

Most cops I know say they go out of their way to deescalate encounters with blacks, mostly because they honestly believe that no matter what a black perp does, the black community will blame the cop. When a non-black or white person is shot, there is no mention in the MSM, and crickets from the chronically offended left. This is the reality of our society under the thumb of leftist politicians and "journalists" 

The solution to this is simple. Stop listening to the narrative, treat each person as an individual human, not a "black" "white" "latino" "asian" "native american" whatever, just a person. I don't care what color you are, if you are an asshole, you are an asshole. Treat me with respect and I will do the same to you. That is equality, and it is far superior in all ways to "equity" If you don't pull your weight, you don't deserve anything, nobody is "entitled" to anything but the rights we all have and that are enumerated in the Constitution. Period

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...