Saturday, July 16, 2022

GOv DeSantis shows what leadership really looks like. God bless this man.


This definitely should become federal law. strictly enforced. The present racist, black supoporting suppression of Conservatives and partiots, and allowing BLM and Antifa and their like to lay waste to our country and out freedoms has got to stop. 
We are a nation of laws and this system of laws, guided by that Constitution. is the reason we became the most powerful nation on Earth. The recent incursion of liberal/woke/political correctness against our freedoms and rationality has weaked un and out coutry. The globalist Left wants nothing less than to turn us into a Third World status country, because, well , White People bad, guilt for being white, good.
What, exactly about Whiteness is bad? It is a bar the requires personal discipline, childhood training in self control and obedience to law, and overall, a patriotic dedication to the good of the country to reach. It is therefore "racist" to expect Black families to raise their children to obey the law, respect themselves and others and to work hard to make something of oneself. Any black family that does so is "too White". The fact that being a decent person who is willing to serve others, obey the law and be productive is "too White" is reason enough to stop "woke" in its foul tracks. 
Having a responsible and caring father in the home is "too White". Treating girls and women with the respect due them and protecting them as is normal under Natural Law is "too White" 
Respect for the rights of others, their privacy and property is "too White" 
Erudition, mental discipline, ethincal bahavior, all "too White" 
Respect for the environment, public land and property and schools and churches, respect for the religious beliefs of others, again all "too White" 
Maybe our country really is not "White" enough. 
And so it goes..... 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...