Friday, July 8, 2022

The State of the United States

I have been watching the not-so-slow decline of our country in the past year of Biden's administration. I'm not so naive as to believe he is actually in charge, hell, that man can't string a sentence together without guidance. His handlers, mainly the CCP, have him doing their dirty work for them. 

There is no doubt the economy is tanking and pulling the western world down with it. If China can divert the attention of the West into their own internal problems, China can literally do what it wants in the East. China cannot support its own population, and even with use of de facto slave labor, Communism cannot truly compete in the business world on a level playing field. They have plundered the intellectual property of the rest of the world and continue to do so, now with the active participation of the Oval Office and the DNC. Russia has benefited as well. Biden literally gave Russia a detailed list of our vulnerable infrastructure and what to attack. I wish I could believe that was accidental, but it was not. Yes, I do believe Biden is a traitor. His son has made millions from the Russians and Chinese. 

Under Obama/Biden, the Chinese began buying up water rights and land in the west and midwest. They purchased controlling shares in the entertainment  ( read propaganda) industry and sports. Does anyone really believe Kapernick, thick as a brick, came up with the idea of making disloyalty an expression of racial solidarity? That is high level propaganda worth of Goehring and Goebbels. The NFL got marching orders from the CCP, and so did the NBA. Obama allowed that. 

The Democrats began their campaign of weakening the country with Al Gore, NAFTA and other trade agreements sent a huge portion of our high paying jobs overseas, with no option to stop the hemorrhage. "Climate Change" became a way to further weaken our industrial base. Why do you think ONLY the US and strongest democracies in Europe were targeted? 

Ever see that deranged teenager the Climate Change crowd paraded in front of the camera go after Africa, SE Asia, India, China, Russia or Indonesia? The VAST majority of trash in the Pacific Gyrus comes from these sources, not the US or Europe. It is pollution from China that is depleting the fresh water snowcaps in the Rockies, not ours. Not that we don't need to work on our polluting ways, but to blame everything climate change on us is ludicrous and pure propaganda. 

Why do liberal policies allow such horrific consequences to go unnoticed? Liberals like Bernie Sanders engage in fantasy thinking (ala Double Think from 1984). It works this way. If I want something bad enough, but can't make it real, I demand that my "reality" be accepted, no matter what. If I want homosexuality to be normal, I simply demand that anyone who believes (rightly) that it is abnormal, dysfunctional and wrong to be called a homophobe. "A lie, repeated loudly and repeatedly by the government and the media, becomes truth" Lenin.

The problem with a Big Lie is that it requires a lot of smaller lies to keep it going. IF a man can be considered a woman (genetics are racist, like math), then men can go into women's bathrooms freely. If a few girls are assaulted, that is a small price to pay for enlightenment. So some women lose their chances at college because their titles were taken by men? Men in bras and skirts are still male. They are pound for pound stronger and faster than women, stronger muscles, skeletons and internal organ structures. period. Fantasy thinking doesn't change reality, just our perception. Perception doesn't prevent bathroom rapes or female athletes getting career ending injuries from a much stronger and faster competitor who is actually a male. Men also rape women non-sexually in sports. 

Why doesn't the feminist movement take up arms against this? They shot themselves in the foot when they turned their backs on straight males culture and freely accepted the Big Lie. LGBTQ is immoral and opportunistic. "we have no agenda" means " we will sexually indoctrinate your kids, use them against you, take every advantage with them and make you the bad guy when you try to protect them against us" 

For any rational human being, the idea of murdering babies is repugnant. full term abortion is nothing but infanticide made legal. With the complicit support of mainstream media, killing your baby becomes "Reproductive Healthcare" and selling infant body parts for profit, fully acceptable. We have gone that far down into the sewer as a society, and while both sides of the aisle in Congress have some blame to share, the vast majority of what is wrong with us is thanks to the Democrats. 

Democrat run cities are festering pustules of crime, violence, racial violence, sexual perversion, corruption and incompetent management. The solution? That is coming in another blog post. 

And so it goes.....

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...