Tuesday, July 26, 2022

TIme for the Left to move the Skeletons out of the closet before pointing fingers at Trump..


In the article cited below, the illegal and dishonest tactics and abuse of power that Obama's administration displayed is finally brought to light. During his admin, no media would ever discuss anything even remotely negative about his and his minions. Criticizing his actions was called "racist" and everyone rolled over for that BS. 


Obama spied illegally on Americans, he witheld critical information that probably would have landed him in jail and he, Biden and Hillary lied to the families of Benghazi, and the public, Hillary lied to their faces. Obama claimed that the attack was spontaneous, and caused by a comic strip in Europe, when he and all of them knew about preparation for the attack weeks before it happened . Their military intelligence made several requests for preeemptive action to protect the embassy, all refused by Obama, the stand down order the night of the attack came directly from Hillary, then Secretary of State. 

When the truth finally came out, not from US media, of course, Hillary's comment was "what does it matter?" It certainly mattered to the familees of the Ambassador and the men who died trying to defend him. He was tortured for hours, died in the dirt of the street, Be assured that had Trump done that, he and his admin would all be in jail. It is amazing how hypocritical the Demicrats are about this kind of behavior. The US MSM has gone all out to sweep this under the rug, and the sham "investigation" of Benghazi and the Obama/Biden/ Hillary team was a public embarrassment at best. It was never brought out by the deliberate action or pure incompetence of the investigative team and the MSM that the Ambassador was runored to be about to testofy against Hillary. Purely coincidental, I am sure. 

Obama used the IRS to intimidate his opponents, and the DOJ to harass them. Not one peep from the MSM about that. He used the DHS and CIA to illegally spy on Americans, a felony level offense. No consequences. He abused the FISA court repeatedly, a much mreo egregious offense than what Nixon did, and he was removed from office for Watergate. Anyone see a pattern here? Liberals can literally get away with murder, conservatives, not so much. 

Biden openly leveraged a billion dollars in Ukraine military aid to get a judge removed who was coincidentally investigating Hunter Biden's activities in relation to a very corrupt company and oligarch in Ukraine.  He later accused Trump of doing exaactly what he did, and he heve bragged about it at the time. MSM? Crickets. 

It is way past time for the Left to be held accountable at least as much as the Right has been, fair is fair. Even if you are not a Republican, any ethical person of any political bent should be outraged at the inequity of this.  Are we really that amoral as a country as to allow the Democrats to commit crimes against the country without any consequence? 

I read daily in Tweets from liberal pundits about the terrible things Trump did, but funny how they can never sepcify what he did that is so bad, while ignoring the behavior of their own side. Hypocrisy doesn't even begin to describe it. As I have said in the past. thank a Biden voter, we are headed for a real life reenactment of 1984. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...