Thursday, March 30, 2023

Biden Administration is hiding something. They are stalling, why? The liberal assault on America goes on, and on and on

The Biden Administration is stonewalling the Intelligence Committee about the Top Secret documents stored illegally by Joe Biden. The reason is obvious, the Democrats are trying to sanitize those documents,  for example, of any referencs to Hunter Biden's illegal activities or any benefits Joe Biden received from those activities. The DOJ staunchly refuses to seriously investigate Biden's activities and itself has tried to stonewall and run interference for the Biden Administrations quest to keep anyone from really knowing the extent of the document scandal. 

Kamela Harris has always been useless, but her present habitual behavior of standing in the corner and giggling has really shown that picking a candidate based on having non-white skin and a vagina isn't working out so well. Total chaos and multi-level failure of the DOT has shown that Pete Buttegeig's being queer doesn't make him qualified to run the DOT. People have died on his watch, and so far the silence from the Left and MSM has been deafening. 

We are teetering on the brink of another recession, brought on by fiscal irresponsibility on the part of the Biden Administration and the Democrats. We have lost the energy independence we enjoyed under Trump to the Dem's so-called Green Agenda and our influence in critical regions like the Mideast has become non-existent in the two years Biden has been in the Oval Office. Black urban crime is out of control, but Newsome and the California Dreamers in power want to pay them off with millions in "reparrations" at the expense of the taxayer. 

The LGBTQ  community has adopted a policy of violence against Christians, even justifying a "trans" i.e. a woman pretending to be a man, shooting 3 teachers and 3 nine-year-old kids because she (and she is a she, no matter what the voices in her head tell her) was "misgendered' by Christians. Obviously, the Biden Administration will not address the mental health issue her, but will call for gun confiscation so that future mentally ill individuals (who will get guns no matter what) will have free rein to kill because no one in any target school/ church, etc will be able to stop them with their own concealed carry weapon. Typical liberal reaction and mentality in action.

Finally, uber-queer Pete Buttigieg, DOT head, displays why just being gay does not mean you are competent for any position of authority, contrary to Biden administration policies. Yet another train derails, burns, and sends clouds of poison into the air and even more into the groundwater. Another ribbon for the rainbow flag.  Way to go Pete! Keep up the good work. 

Of course the libtards on Twatter, Facebutt, and other such intellectual cesspits will continue their mantra "Blame Trump", as will the MSM. It will be interesting to hear the spin the Ruglapping Harpies on "the View" will try to spin this all. Obviously systemic racism and White Supremacists are at fault, somehow. 

And so it goes in Liberal Amerika.

Monday, March 27, 2023

"Major changes to Constitution" is a good start, but not nearly enough

The article referenced above says that GOP senators are pushing for term limits, a laudable goal, considering individuals like Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, and others. This should have been done 3 decades ago. 

What needs to be done is the following:

1. Strengthen and support the 2nd Amendment and codify the absolute right of a person to defend with lethal force, their home, possessions, person, and the safety of others. Period, full stop. Castle Law, Range Law, Stand Your Ground, and national concealed carry for any person not under felony restriction or incapacitating mental illness as an ironclad legal right. Dismantle the BATF, put federal authority under a strictly regulated FBI, and prohibit all civil cases against anyone using a firearm in personal or home defense. 

2. Close borders, build the wall, sanction all sanctuary cities, put them under federal receivership and exhaustive forensic audits, city governments removed and police disbanded and retrained with NG troops patrolling the streets, rounding up gangs, illegals, and drug dealers. All gangs prosecuted under RICO, immediate deportation of all illegals. End all but the most necessary immigration for at least 10 years. House homeless in abandoned buildings and process them for criminal records/warrants. retrain police under military LE guidelines. Shoot looters on sight. Full prosecution of all negligence or financial misdeeds by city officials. 

3. Bring all troops home, rebuild, and restore our military. Use the military to support the BP on the borders, and ICE in the cities. Establish a new Civilian Conservation Corps to rebuild our infrastructure and put welfare recipients to work. All people receiving welfare should be required to take a physical, and if capable of working, placed in the CCC and put to work rebuilding our bridges, roads, and city infrastructure and refurbishing abandoned buildings for housing homeless families. 

4. All High School seniors should be required to do a 2-year enlistment in the military like Israel does. The benefits of this are so self-evident, there is no discussion needed. 

5. Public Education should be completely overhauled. No CRT, gender fluidity, religion, or leftist agenda. Focus on STEM, Phonics, Classical subjects including linguistics, Civics/Social Responsibility, and industrial trades training, including tract to give access to apprenticeships for students showing aptitude for the industrial trades. 

6. Absolute ban on any form of "equity" or "affirmative action", Our country MUST become a total meritocracy in order to maintain a position among the international powers. Level playing field with complete ability to advance as far as one's personal ability can take them, and no other measure must exist.

If we do this, we will prosper, fail to do so, and we follow Rome into oblivion and third world shihole status. 

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Women are Beginning to Realize Feminism/Feminist "Movement" has Abandoned Them.

This link is to a Parler blog that comes from a woman who is disgusted enough with the "feminist" movement that she actually tells the truth very few people are willing to speak. Feminism has ruined our country and culture. We have falsely villainized half of our population and poisoned our own water, so to speak,  by demeaning men, turning boys into weak beta failures, and creating a poison pill that will wreak havoc in our society for decades if not longer. 

To say we have failed our sons is a vast understatement. In the name of advancing girls, we have hamstrung and trampled on boys, instead of treating them with the equality to which the feminists paid lip service. The core beliefs and behaviors of the original feminists were not based on any kind of equality, but on undermining men and creating a culture of toxic misandry in the name of female equality. Never did the feminists speak of engaging in the brutal competition men face in providing for their families. These women never offered to sign up for the draft, expect 50/50 assignment of parental rights, or endorse a meritocracy where sex was never a consideration, only competence. Instead, they endorsed undermining men rather than leveling the playing field. 

in short, feminism, from its beginning was flawed and dishonest. Now their true colors show even more with their abandonment of real female issues for the sake of "wokeness" and support of the LGBTQ movement. This movement wants men in women's sports, boys in skirts in girls' bathrooms and locker rooms, with the attendant rapes that any rational person could foresee. In Loudon County. Virginia, a girl was raped by a boy in her locker room, reported by her father, who was then arrested and the rape suppressed by the Board of Education. This unholy alliance of "feminists" and Gay activism has literally caused worse damage than the Feminist Movement was originally supposed to be addressing. We have not only lost our way, but we have also burned the bridges behind us. 

Liberal Democrats and the MSM they, unfortunately, control have done all they can to sweep this under the rug, but believe me, if my daughter was raped, nobody was going to sweep that under the rug. Thanks to the Feminist /LGBTQ unholy alliance, girls have lost scholarships, faced career-ending injuries, and endured rapes and sexual assault, all thanks to wokeness and politics endorsed by the Left and embraced by the Feminist/LGBTQ movements. The end result is incredible damage to young men, an entire generation or more lost to misandrous policies and attacks, damage to young women with irreplaceable loss of ports scholarships and career potential, and in many cases, severe trauma from sexual predation by men in skirts. There is no making this up, and no way to repair it. These casualties are with us and will remain, thanks to the "Feminists" and their LGBTQ cronies, with their own destructive social agenda. 

We truly need to step back and act to restrict these groups and not allow further attacks on our women and boys. We cannot afford to have wimpy men and sexually deviant young women, our very culture depends on the traditional family for structure and function. We've not only shot ourselves in our collective foot, we've also cut our wrists. We either turn this around, or we descend into a pit we will not get out of. 

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Post American influenced Middle East. Don't try to blame Trump.


In another part of the article quoted below, the liberal MSM outlets literally bracket the Ttump Administration, denying the reality of the failures of both the Obama and the Biden administrations in international relations and most notably, their failures to prioritize the interests of the United States in favor of their globalist ideology. It is becoming more and more difficult for the liberals to maintain this position in the face of the glaringly negative consequences of this anti-USA, pro-globalist policy. 

For the liberals, the idea of forcing other countries to upgrade their economies to the level the US has worked for and earned is anathema. Globalism demands that we look to the lowest common denominator and try to lower the standard of living in the USA to that of the average Third World shithole. What is worse is that most US liberals cannot accept the reality that is in front of them, with a metaphorical hand in their pockets. These liberal globalists are encouraging the parasitic elements of our population to do as much damage to the country as possible. The open southern border's main purpose is nothing less than the ethnic cleansing of white European lineage citizens for the sake of ignorant and much more easily controlled Latin American invaders and colonizers. 

The introduction of immigration from Third World Muslim countries serves to undermine the Judeo-Christian heritage of our European-based culture as well. This is a two-edged sword, however. Not even the most air-headed liberal wants to live under Sharia. Sharia-controlled countries are backward, oppressive, oligarchic, misogynist, vicious, and violent on a good day. Imagine "The View" dealing with a Sharia-based government? Everything they want (equity, feminism, abortion on demand, subservient males, female supremacy, LGBTQ free rein, et al.) would be capital crimes with a death sentence. Yet these harpies stupidly keep undermining American Culture and values as though they will have no consequences. Liberals are standing on the end of a branch and sawing it off at the trunk. 

The DNC seems to be taking its plays from the playbook of the Nazis in 1933 Germany, Antifa and BLM are the modern Sturmabteilung, and the DOJ and Homeland security act as the modern SS. There is no way this is not a deliberate campaign to advance a police state by the DNC. The Dems (delusionally) think they would flourish under a socialist authoritarian regime. Unfortunately, liberals don't do consequences or logic chains. 

“The Iranians and Saudis had been working toward a détente for two years, aided by several intermediaries — notably Iraq and Oman. China entered the picture late, after the terms had been agreed. But it suits Tehran and Riyadh to allow Beijing to supervise the final crossing of t’s and dotting of i’s—and to hog the credit. After all, China is the world’s biggest buyer of what Saudi Arabia and Iran have to sell… 

“For the agreement to have any substance, the Iranians would have to call off their surrogates in Yemen, where Saudi Arabia has been bogged down in a conflict with the Tehran-backed Houthi militia… It is conceivable that secret assurances have been given, but the Saudis will know not to trust the word of the party holding the catspaw. Given these hard realities, the agreement announced in Beijing is unlikely to greatly alter the risks of conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia. But it does give China ownership of a problem nobody else wants. Good luck with that.”
Bobby Ghosh, Bloomberg

 This may well be true, to some extent, but the idea that a Middle East controlled by an expansionist regime like China will get better without the direct intervention of a united Western front is sketchy at best.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

What We Need to Heal :The Traditional Family

The idea that gender is fluid is really not supported historically. The idea that men are unnecessary is also not supported historically. Men are necessary, and if men are not strong, society will fail. This is shown again and again in history. 
There is a cycle that this video refers to and it is true. Hard times breed strong men, strong men create good times and these good times allow weak people to gain power, which then brings on hard times. Those who fail to understand history are doomed to repeat it. The feminist movement has repeatedly shot itself in the foot by casting men as villains. Men are not villains; weak men and women who hate themselves for being women are villains. Toxic Masculinity is very toxic, but it's not masculinity that is toxic, it's the idea that being a male, acting like a male, thinking like a male, and just being a male is toxic. Men are anything but toxic, they are hardwired to protect and defend, to build and create, and to lead families. In the tribe, the default state of mankind in crisis, the males defend the children, the women and each other. 
"Nothing is as sad as one of those magnificent beasts being caged. It is a crime to cage such a wild and free being, to prevent it from being what it was born to be, a predator and a component of the natural order. Mens natural state is to defend and protect, to provide and to give guidance. This is what women want, what they complain about in today's men, the weakness, the lack of purpose, the inability to build, create and protect. These traits are the very target of the war on boys in today's society. 
If a young man is not trained to be a man, he remains a boy with a man's strength and a child's temper and lack of self-discipline. Like a working breed dog, a young man craves a job, a purpose, a reason to be. Without knowing it, a young man wants to be a protector and defender of the home and village. If he does not have that, and is untrained to take his place there, he is nothing but a shell and a crime waiting to happen. 
Feminism is self-defeating. The very things that women complain about are the things they themselves are creating. If they want strong and good men, stop mocking the boys who show manners and self-reliance. Stop accepting fatherless families and telling kids they don't need a Daddy. They absolutely DO need a father, and YOU ARE LYING TO THEM! Stop it! Your political faddisms do not justify screwing. up your children's lives, you have no right to do so. You have a responsibility as a mother to support your man, their father. To live with him, work with him and do all that you can to help him be the best man he can be for you and for them. Stop living a lie. 
Feminism is a foul and misandric parody of what real womanhood is and is meant to be and do. It denies the basic roles that make us human. Women need men and men need women to be whole. 
A man shall leave his mother and a woman leave her home, they shall travel on together where the two shall be as one. So it is, so it is meant to be, and until we accept our basic humanity and the duality of our selves and souls, we are nothing but intelligent simians playacting at being human. 
It is what it is, and it is time we stopped pretending it is something else. There is a God, He created us to be in His image, man and woman, becoming one in the family. We cannot repair our society until we repair the traditional family, stop pretending perversion is normal, stop pretending we are not who we are, and start living the truth. IF we do not do this, we will follow every historic empire that now lies in the dust, dead.


Saturday, March 4, 2023

The Disturbing Truth about Race relations

 Recently I read a disturbing post on Facebook that was by a person I have always thought to be pretty reasonable. I still think they are reasonable, but the situation that prompted his post is highly problematic.  

He states that (based on a recent poll of blacks, whites, Latinos, Asians, and First Nation people) the majority of blacks do not think it is OK to be white. This being the case, he has decided to join a group of ethnic separationists who wish to withdraw from contact with blacks, period. 

It's not hard to see why some feel that way. The Woke culture has disgustingly proved everything the KKK, Abe Lincoln Brigades, Aryan Brotherhood, et al have said for decades to be sadly true. BLM has literally shot the black community in the foot and there is no going back. No one can say that the majority of blacks don't hate whites, they do. Sure, not all blacks feel that way, but most do. If you are white and the victim of a violent crime, it is statistically probable that the person committing that crime is black, despite blacks being only 14% of the population. These are facts; not conjecture, not myth. These facts are unfortunate and uncomfortable, but that changes nothing. It is time the white majority and ethnic groups including Whites, Latinos, Native Americans, and Asians rethink their political and cultural expectations and behavior. We, as a society are already under attack; not random, unrelated acts, but a widespread cultural behavior that must be reckoned with. Ignoring it will literally be fatal, and it will not go away by itself. 

If we allow the present laisse-faire approach our government is taking to the rights of everyone, not just blacks, but whites as well, violence will inevitably increase. Crimes by blacks against whites must be treated the same as crimes by whites against blacks, that is federal hate crimes with strict enforcement and maximum criminal penalties, no exception, no excuses. Black violence is widespread and unchecked, this must stop, otherwise, the repercussions will be horrendous. No person will allow violence against their family to go unchallenged. When the government (read liberal DAs) will not act, any sane person will act to protect themselves and their families, and it will get really ugly really fast. Let him who has an ear, let him hear. There is not a lot of time left to turn this around. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...