Thursday, March 30, 2023

Biden Administration is hiding something. They are stalling, why? The liberal assault on America goes on, and on and on

The Biden Administration is stonewalling the Intelligence Committee about the Top Secret documents stored illegally by Joe Biden. The reason is obvious, the Democrats are trying to sanitize those documents,  for example, of any referencs to Hunter Biden's illegal activities or any benefits Joe Biden received from those activities. The DOJ staunchly refuses to seriously investigate Biden's activities and itself has tried to stonewall and run interference for the Biden Administrations quest to keep anyone from really knowing the extent of the document scandal. 

Kamela Harris has always been useless, but her present habitual behavior of standing in the corner and giggling has really shown that picking a candidate based on having non-white skin and a vagina isn't working out so well. Total chaos and multi-level failure of the DOT has shown that Pete Buttegeig's being queer doesn't make him qualified to run the DOT. People have died on his watch, and so far the silence from the Left and MSM has been deafening. 

We are teetering on the brink of another recession, brought on by fiscal irresponsibility on the part of the Biden Administration and the Democrats. We have lost the energy independence we enjoyed under Trump to the Dem's so-called Green Agenda and our influence in critical regions like the Mideast has become non-existent in the two years Biden has been in the Oval Office. Black urban crime is out of control, but Newsome and the California Dreamers in power want to pay them off with millions in "reparrations" at the expense of the taxayer. 

The LGBTQ  community has adopted a policy of violence against Christians, even justifying a "trans" i.e. a woman pretending to be a man, shooting 3 teachers and 3 nine-year-old kids because she (and she is a she, no matter what the voices in her head tell her) was "misgendered' by Christians. Obviously, the Biden Administration will not address the mental health issue her, but will call for gun confiscation so that future mentally ill individuals (who will get guns no matter what) will have free rein to kill because no one in any target school/ church, etc will be able to stop them with their own concealed carry weapon. Typical liberal reaction and mentality in action.

Finally, uber-queer Pete Buttigieg, DOT head, displays why just being gay does not mean you are competent for any position of authority, contrary to Biden administration policies. Yet another train derails, burns, and sends clouds of poison into the air and even more into the groundwater. Another ribbon for the rainbow flag.  Way to go Pete! Keep up the good work. 

Of course the libtards on Twatter, Facebutt, and other such intellectual cesspits will continue their mantra "Blame Trump", as will the MSM. It will be interesting to hear the spin the Ruglapping Harpies on "the View" will try to spin this all. Obviously systemic racism and White Supremacists are at fault, somehow. 

And so it goes in Liberal Amerika.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...