Monday, March 27, 2023

"Major changes to Constitution" is a good start, but not nearly enough

The article referenced above says that GOP senators are pushing for term limits, a laudable goal, considering individuals like Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, and others. This should have been done 3 decades ago. 

What needs to be done is the following:

1. Strengthen and support the 2nd Amendment and codify the absolute right of a person to defend with lethal force, their home, possessions, person, and the safety of others. Period, full stop. Castle Law, Range Law, Stand Your Ground, and national concealed carry for any person not under felony restriction or incapacitating mental illness as an ironclad legal right. Dismantle the BATF, put federal authority under a strictly regulated FBI, and prohibit all civil cases against anyone using a firearm in personal or home defense. 

2. Close borders, build the wall, sanction all sanctuary cities, put them under federal receivership and exhaustive forensic audits, city governments removed and police disbanded and retrained with NG troops patrolling the streets, rounding up gangs, illegals, and drug dealers. All gangs prosecuted under RICO, immediate deportation of all illegals. End all but the most necessary immigration for at least 10 years. House homeless in abandoned buildings and process them for criminal records/warrants. retrain police under military LE guidelines. Shoot looters on sight. Full prosecution of all negligence or financial misdeeds by city officials. 

3. Bring all troops home, rebuild, and restore our military. Use the military to support the BP on the borders, and ICE in the cities. Establish a new Civilian Conservation Corps to rebuild our infrastructure and put welfare recipients to work. All people receiving welfare should be required to take a physical, and if capable of working, placed in the CCC and put to work rebuilding our bridges, roads, and city infrastructure and refurbishing abandoned buildings for housing homeless families. 

4. All High School seniors should be required to do a 2-year enlistment in the military like Israel does. The benefits of this are so self-evident, there is no discussion needed. 

5. Public Education should be completely overhauled. No CRT, gender fluidity, religion, or leftist agenda. Focus on STEM, Phonics, Classical subjects including linguistics, Civics/Social Responsibility, and industrial trades training, including tract to give access to apprenticeships for students showing aptitude for the industrial trades. 

6. Absolute ban on any form of "equity" or "affirmative action", Our country MUST become a total meritocracy in order to maintain a position among the international powers. Level playing field with complete ability to advance as far as one's personal ability can take them, and no other measure must exist.

If we do this, we will prosper, fail to do so, and we follow Rome into oblivion and third world shihole status. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...