Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Social Control, Free Will, Covid and the new Reich

 Lets define some semantics. Free Will is not the ability to do whatever one wishes to do. In fact, any self-aware animal has "free will" in that respect. True Free Will is dependent on awareness. Awareness means being knowledgable of the environment, existing constraints, physical limitations, and above all, reality.

Why is awareness so critical to free will?  Simply put; anyone not aware of what is around them does not have free will. They are incapable of making choices that can exist. Wishing and willing are not the same. One can will to get up and go out running based on having no restraints on one's body or ability to move about freely. That is will, and it can and "will" happen given the true will and the above conditions. 

One can only wish to be wealthy, to fly, to be a superhero, to be the opposite sex, and to look any differently than one does look. There are caveats to this. Wishing and willing for the future can and do exist symbiotically in some situations. If one has the motivation,  one can truly change how they look, but over a period of time. If I choose to do so, I can lose weight, exercise, and change my diet. I choose alternatives that lead to that reality or I don't. Thus there are things amenable to my will, others that are not. 

In the above-mentioned examples, I included choosing to be the opposite sex. That choice of words was deliberate. Using the idea that being aware of one's environment and reality is critical to having free will, I can indeed choose to look like a member of the opposite sex. Dress, grooming, skin care products, and their use all can contribute to changing my appearance, as in making me appear to look like the opposite sex. That, however, begs the question of 'BEING". I may indeed look a lot like a woman with the right tools and preparation. Female impersonators do all the above and make a good living doing so, I am told.

Someone could even use surgery to increase their appearance as the opposite sex. However, all this changes nothing essential. In my being, I remain the sex I was born with. Period, end of story. Failure to accept this fact is simply mental illness, even if a person chooses to do so, to choose to accept reality has the same outcome as someone forced to refuse to accept reality, one is in both cases mentally compromised. Those who choose to enable mental illness are both cruel and objectively evil. In the same manner as taunting a mentally retarded child, enabling mental illness is really a cruel thing for anyone to do. and to try to claim it is socially just to do so is amoral and arguably mad. 

When a government, party in power or any authority deliberately sets out to deceive a large group of people, thus effectively depriving them of free will,, they are committing the worst kind of atrocity, one of the spirit, not just the mind and body. This is also amoral, disgusting and unethical at best, satanically evil at worst. This is what the Deocratic Party, especially the extreme Left, are doing. It is evil of the blackest and most foul sort, and there is no excuse for it. Only a truly evil person can or would deprive another person of free will, in most cases even if it cost them their lives. To live in a false pretense of reality and imprisoned by the will of others without regard for the wrong of it, is the worst kind of crime. 

Therefore I say to all my liberal friends, you are in the wrong and you must ether stop, or we are on the opposite side in the coming battle between good and evil. This false idea of everyone has their own life is not true, not when that life is being controlled by a puppeteer. In this case the puppeteer has a set of very sharp horns and a long barbed tail. I refuse to bow to that puppeteer or his servants. There is no quarter in the upcoming fight. pick a side, and prepare to die on that hill, it is that stark and no one gets out alive. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...