Deliberately misreading, misinterpreting, and/or suppressing factual, objective truth has become so normalized in the mainstream media (MSM) that I wonder if a true journalist like Walter Cronkite, David Brinkly, or others of this caliber would even be hired by the major MSM outlets? Is factual and unbiased reporting even permitted today?
Certainly on social media like Twitter, Facebook, et al, punish or banish anyone daring to speak the truth. Speaking the truth is now Hate Speech. Facts, by definition, cannot be "hate speech". I was placed in TwitterJail for a week for stating publicly that there are two genetic sexes. These are immutable and the sole determinant of gender. To deny one's biological identity is, simply put, a mental disorder. This is not hate speech, nor is it homophobic. A phobia is "an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. "he had a phobia about being underwater"". Stating that biological sex is immutable is not an irrational fear, it is a factual statement of reality. To call that "homophobic" is a deliberate attempt to lie and obviously for political reasons.
The Left has a new definition of politics: "Politics is the art of lying and getting everyone to go along with the lie". The Nazis did exactly the same thing in 1933 after the Reichstag Fire. So did Lenin in Russia. This mentality historically leads to a dictatorship, a requirement to maintain the original lie and deception.
The Left's ongoing assault on the Constitution, specifically the Bill of Rights is another example of the Big Lie. Even read in the language of Colonial 1777, the meaning and intent of the 1st and 2nd Amendments are crystal clear. The Founding Fathers, fresh from declaring independence from a dictatorial and tyrannical England, stated that in the new country, while a standing army/police force was necessary, the people must be enabled to stand against that militia/police force with force of arms in case of oppression like that which caused the Colonies to declare independence in the first place.
Likewise, the First Amendment is the complement to the Second, no government of the new country may lawfully force any state religion, lack of religion, or political viewpoint nor allow any other institution supported or controlled by that government to do so. This extends to the press and media. No government may impose any political views or laws upon the press or other media. The entire concept of "hate speech" is implicitly intended to circumvent this amendment. While libel and slander/fraud is historically considered unlawful for the good of various nations and peoples, the idea of hate speech is to suppress factual statements and valid political opinions simply because they disagree with whatever group is in power.
Even various tyrants recognize that armed citizens constitute the first line of defense against tyranny and oppression. That is why every dictatorship in history has disarmed its citizens. Every.Single. One. That fact alone gives credence to the necessity for free citizens to be armed, and armed with the same weapons given to the military. The Second Amendment does not mean we are allowed only flintlocks unless the police and military are issued only those same weapons. The Second Amendment is meant to allow the citizen to bear military arms against any oppression or invasion and to "Defend and protect The Constitution of the United States against any enemy, foreign or domestic."
These are facts, not opinions, not up for interpretation nor are they optional. This is the core law that forms the legal basis for the entire United States of America. Any attempt to dismiss, defer, water down or suppress these core principles is an attack on the United States, nothing less. If you believe only the government and police should be armed, you do not belong in a free country, nor should you remain here, because your responsibility as a citizen includes protecting that set of laws. Furthermore, the Constitution itself makes it unlawful for Congress or the Executive to attempt to change or legislate against the intent of those Amendments. These are facts, no matter how the Left tries to spin things.
" You have a Republic, madame, if you can keep it!" Benjamin Franklin.