Tuesday, March 7, 2023

What We Need to Heal :The Traditional Family

The idea that gender is fluid is really not supported historically. The idea that men are unnecessary is also not supported historically. Men are necessary, and if men are not strong, society will fail. This is shown again and again in history. 
There is a cycle that this video refers to and it is true. Hard times breed strong men, strong men create good times and these good times allow weak people to gain power, which then brings on hard times. Those who fail to understand history are doomed to repeat it. The feminist movement has repeatedly shot itself in the foot by casting men as villains. Men are not villains; weak men and women who hate themselves for being women are villains. Toxic Masculinity is very toxic, but it's not masculinity that is toxic, it's the idea that being a male, acting like a male, thinking like a male, and just being a male is toxic. Men are anything but toxic, they are hardwired to protect and defend, to build and create, and to lead families. In the tribe, the default state of mankind in crisis, the males defend the children, the women and each other. 
"Nothing is as sad as one of those magnificent beasts being caged. It is a crime to cage such a wild and free being, to prevent it from being what it was born to be, a predator and a component of the natural order. Mens natural state is to defend and protect, to provide and to give guidance. This is what women want, what they complain about in today's men, the weakness, the lack of purpose, the inability to build, create and protect. These traits are the very target of the war on boys in today's society. 
If a young man is not trained to be a man, he remains a boy with a man's strength and a child's temper and lack of self-discipline. Like a working breed dog, a young man craves a job, a purpose, a reason to be. Without knowing it, a young man wants to be a protector and defender of the home and village. If he does not have that, and is untrained to take his place there, he is nothing but a shell and a crime waiting to happen. 
Feminism is self-defeating. The very things that women complain about are the things they themselves are creating. If they want strong and good men, stop mocking the boys who show manners and self-reliance. Stop accepting fatherless families and telling kids they don't need a Daddy. They absolutely DO need a father, and YOU ARE LYING TO THEM! Stop it! Your political faddisms do not justify screwing. up your children's lives, you have no right to do so. You have a responsibility as a mother to support your man, their father. To live with him, work with him and do all that you can to help him be the best man he can be for you and for them. Stop living a lie. 
Feminism is a foul and misandric parody of what real womanhood is and is meant to be and do. It denies the basic roles that make us human. Women need men and men need women to be whole. 
A man shall leave his mother and a woman leave her home, they shall travel on together where the two shall be as one. So it is, so it is meant to be, and until we accept our basic humanity and the duality of our selves and souls, we are nothing but intelligent simians playacting at being human. 
It is what it is, and it is time we stopped pretending it is something else. There is a God, He created us to be in His image, man and woman, becoming one in the family. We cannot repair our society until we repair the traditional family, stop pretending perversion is normal, stop pretending we are not who we are, and start living the truth. IF we do not do this, we will follow every historic empire that now lies in the dust, dead.


Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...