Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Post American influenced Middle East. Don't try to blame Trump.


In another part of the article quoted below, the liberal MSM outlets literally bracket the Ttump Administration, denying the reality of the failures of both the Obama and the Biden administrations in international relations and most notably, their failures to prioritize the interests of the United States in favor of their globalist ideology. It is becoming more and more difficult for the liberals to maintain this position in the face of the glaringly negative consequences of this anti-USA, pro-globalist policy. 

For the liberals, the idea of forcing other countries to upgrade their economies to the level the US has worked for and earned is anathema. Globalism demands that we look to the lowest common denominator and try to lower the standard of living in the USA to that of the average Third World shithole. What is worse is that most US liberals cannot accept the reality that is in front of them, with a metaphorical hand in their pockets. These liberal globalists are encouraging the parasitic elements of our population to do as much damage to the country as possible. The open southern border's main purpose is nothing less than the ethnic cleansing of white European lineage citizens for the sake of ignorant and much more easily controlled Latin American invaders and colonizers. 

The introduction of immigration from Third World Muslim countries serves to undermine the Judeo-Christian heritage of our European-based culture as well. This is a two-edged sword, however. Not even the most air-headed liberal wants to live under Sharia. Sharia-controlled countries are backward, oppressive, oligarchic, misogynist, vicious, and violent on a good day. Imagine "The View" dealing with a Sharia-based government? Everything they want (equity, feminism, abortion on demand, subservient males, female supremacy, LGBTQ free rein, et al.) would be capital crimes with a death sentence. Yet these harpies stupidly keep undermining American Culture and values as though they will have no consequences. Liberals are standing on the end of a branch and sawing it off at the trunk. 

The DNC seems to be taking its plays from the playbook of the Nazis in 1933 Germany, Antifa and BLM are the modern Sturmabteilung, and the DOJ and Homeland security act as the modern SS. There is no way this is not a deliberate campaign to advance a police state by the DNC. The Dems (delusionally) think they would flourish under a socialist authoritarian regime. Unfortunately, liberals don't do consequences or logic chains. 

“The Iranians and Saudis had been working toward a détente for two years, aided by several intermediaries — notably Iraq and Oman. China entered the picture late, after the terms had been agreed. But it suits Tehran and Riyadh to allow Beijing to supervise the final crossing of t’s and dotting of i’s—and to hog the credit. After all, China is the world’s biggest buyer of what Saudi Arabia and Iran have to sell… 

“For the agreement to have any substance, the Iranians would have to call off their surrogates in Yemen, where Saudi Arabia has been bogged down in a conflict with the Tehran-backed Houthi militia… It is conceivable that secret assurances have been given, but the Saudis will know not to trust the word of the party holding the catspaw. Given these hard realities, the agreement announced in Beijing is unlikely to greatly alter the risks of conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia. But it does give China ownership of a problem nobody else wants. Good luck with that.”
Bobby Ghosh, Bloomberg

 This may well be true, to some extent, but the idea that a Middle East controlled by an expansionist regime like China will get better without the direct intervention of a united Western front is sketchy at best.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...