Tuesday, February 21, 2023

 Then he sat down, called the Twelve, and said to them,

"If anyone wishes to be first,   
he shall be the last of all and the servant of all." 
Taking a child, he placed it in their midst,   
and putting his arms around it, he said to them,
"Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me;
and whoever receives me,
receives not me but the One who sent me."

Jesus was very clear about the importance of children. When He spoke to the Women of Jerusalem, he pointed out the importance of keeping the youth morally and spiritually clean. "If they do these things in the green wood, what then will they do in the dry?"

Those who dismiss children and babies as insignificant are wrong, and more importantly, without morals. If we allow and enable the corruption of our youth, we damn ourselves and our civilization. A teacher in PA was found showing porn to kindergarten children in his program of grooming kids into gender dysphoria and an amoral lifestyle. There are multiple examples of liberal teachers misleading and indoctrinating students into "alternative" read "immoral/dysfunctional) lifestyles. Gay/trans/bisexual et. al. are not moral, normal, or acceptable, no matter how many times the Left shouts in our faces that we much accept them as such. No, we do not have to accept these falsehoods as true. 

There is nothing about the Left's desired world that is in any way better than traditional family and morality, in fact, there is nothing good about the Leftist worldview at all. While talking about "inclusion" they practice extreme exclusion of anything traditional and historically successful, the traditional family being primary among these. There is no institution that has proven better at nurturing and raising functional and stable human beings than a traditional household having a loving Father and Mother. A loving grandparent is also a blessing. We have had a blinder forced over our eyes and it must be removed 

Anything that undermines the traditional family is wrong, unacceptable, and amoral. 
Now you know. 

Monday, February 20, 2023

The Financial/Political Perspective of the Ukraine War



The link above is to a discussion by Col MacGregor about the real impetus for intervening in the Russian/Ukraine conflict. Remember that the present government in Ukraine was installed by the US and its allies about 14 years ago. Ever since the Vietnam War, we've regularly engaged in military interventions that were at best sketchy. 

Colin Powell was pressured to agree to intervention in Iraq and Iran leading to the rise of ISIS , whose depredations continue to this day. Barack Obama's incredibly inept handling of the military campaign in the Mideast is killing American military members to this very day. All the conflicts from Vietnam to today were not required but were beneficial to the infamous Military/Industrial/Financial complex and government bureaucrats. Most if not all the politicians in the Federal Government have one overarching goal; stay in office. This requires groveling at the feet of political donors and implementing policies beneficial to them, 

The original motivation for an undeclared war against Puitin's Russia is relatively straightforward. Russia has a lot of minerals, oil, and other resources that the West needs. With the inefficiency of the old Soviet Union and the fractured ineffectual states that fell out of its collapse, the West and its far more efficient industrial complex was able to insert their interests and new companies into the mix and gain both access to new markets and sources for raw material not previously available. Putins neo-nationalist movement threatened that. lucrative market and was not to be tolerated. Welcome to Cold Was 2.0. 

This is not a one party construct, its support is across the political spectrum, via the financial industry that supports and controls most all politicians. The Democrats are more vocal about getting us into another "war" because the domestic debacle created by the acutely inept administration currently in power is damaging the careers of many aspiring Democrats. If you can't successfully run the country, you need to divert attention, preferably outside the country. It's unfortunate that we as a people are so gullible as to fall for this ploy, again and again and again. 

I suggest you listen very closely to Col MacGregor's discussion and weigh his considered position before you lend support to your local warmongering politician. Think, don't emote. Nothing is more of an impediment to politicians running roughshod over our population than an informed and thoughtful populace. They really hate that. Therefore, it is in your (and my) best interest for us all to do so. Get the facts, understand what the man behind the curtain is doing, and act accordingly. 

Sunday, February 19, 2023

If you think the Chinese Spy balloon was the important story, welcome to Gaslit America! You're being gaslighted.

Welcome to Gaslit America, home of the diverted, land of the misdirected, not exactly free anymore. We have been pummeled with pictures and stories about "The Balloon", which strangely, was allowed to transverse the US, passing multiple military bases, important communication hubs, and missile silos, just to name a few of the juicy intel targets Biden allowed this spy balloon to observe sans interference. Why?

The short answer is that Pete Buttigieg, Sec of Transportation has one and only one qualification. In his own words "remember, I'm gay". Biden wanted a cabinet full of "diversity" not "talent" , not "experience" but "diversity". This trainwreck (the cabinet this time, not the actual wreck) contains a man dressed like a woman (an ugly one) called Rachel. She/it/whatever is in charge of public health. You can't make this stuff up, seriously. Ol' Pete the Rump Wrangler is among the menagerie of macabre and perverse characters inhabiting the top office cabinet. His ineptitude would be a major (bad) story for the press to bring to light, only, he's gay, and thus protected from responsibility. So, there has to be a "Wag the Dog" scenario requiring some kind of diversion. Enter Chinese Balloon Stage Left and we are all focused elsewhere than the deadly toxic spill in East Palestine Ohio. Another slick move by your friendly neighborhood Democrats. 

As the wise commentator Mike Knowles put it; I'm mildly interested in a story about a Chinese spy balloon, but aliens aren't real; vinyl chloride is very real. Now you know. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The Democrats are trying to use J6 as a diversion. Even in this, they are ignoring the murder of an unarmed woman by police. How quaint.


The best way to deal with a situation you have no idea how to deal with is, of course, a diversion of attention away from that situation. The Democrats, who portray themselves as champions of women's rights, find themselves in the ironic position of ignoring the murder of a women, thankfully a white woman, unarmed, shot by police. How did this come about? 

The failed policies of the left have done tremendous damage to our economy and our country, going from prosperity to impending recession, runaway inflation, uncontrolled invasion across our southern border, gay grooming of our kids in school, black supremacy apartheid movement taking over neighborhoods in Seattle and forcing whites to pay "reparation" to get to their homes in the occupied areas. Latino gangs like MS13 slaughter and torture teens without consequence and violent criminals are released to the streets by leftist DAs. Inflation and national debt have taken us from leadership in the world economy to near 3rd world shithole status. 

All this requires some real leadership to deal with. The Democrat's best shot at that is an ex-hooker and a crooked demented pedophile,. who are both not only morally bereft but ethically inept and corrupt as well as totally inept. The Dems have nothing to put on the table; the mantra has been "green energy" and J6 is the real concern. Nope, not at all, in fact, these are not even mildly important. Even the concern about J6 SHOULD be the fact that an unarmed woman was gunned down while exercising her Constitutional right to address the government for a redress of grievances. In the summer prior to the J6 "insurgency" BLM/Antifa terror squads burned businesses, pulled drivers out of cars, beat them senseless, and burned cars. On J6, no buildings or cars burned, and no neighborhoods or police stations were taken over and held for ransom. Yet, J6 is a cause celebre and cause for spending millions of tax dollars on hearings, investigation, and other such bovine droppings. The Democrats completely ignore the actual problems they SHOULD have been addressing. 

Our schools have been lying to and even obstructing parental right for the sake of the LGBTQ agenda and to indoctrinate a new generation of sexually mutilated teens, so traumatized and mixed up they have allowed themselves to be poisoned by the illegal use of hormones and have their bodies mutilated forever by completely unnecessary and later regretted sex transition surgeries. All against the parental will and without the permission of the parents whose tax money runs the very schools this is happening within. Talk about a de facto police state. 

With all this going on, the Democrats continue to gaslight the population just to keep their political agenda alive, even in complete failure. This is what an authoritarian government looks like. 18984 was supposed to be a cautionary tale, not a "how-to" book. We need to vote all leftist influence out in 2024 and reverse this decline into chaos. 

Friday, February 10, 2023

Another day in the libverse: Scientific truth is "Hate Spech" according to Twitter.

moe, Larry, & Curly. | The three stooges, The stooges, Photo

 One can only imagine what the world would look like if the truth is not only suppressed, but one is punished for speaking/writing the truth. Or if you want to experience it, go on Twitter. If you state publicly that, emphatically, there are only 2 genders; XY-male and XX-female, you are making hate speech. OTOH,because the narrative for the left says it is OK, you can spout false nonsense that poses as "climate" science, which we all must worship, even though it's track record of reliability and reproducibility is sketchy at best. 

I am on (another) vacation from Twitter because I said it is wrong to allow teachers to groom children for gender fluidity, especially when they are also hiding their antics from the parents of said children ( the ones whose taxes pay the bills for that public "education") and in some cases, refusing to allow the parents to even see what their children are being taught. This is going on in a vast number of school districts where the board is dominated by liberals. This is certainly not a coincidence, as liberals do not think (no pun that) but rather they emote, and (by force if necessary)want to require everyone to agree with them, even if their ideas are both dangerous and completely void of reality. 

If a person's mental state is not one in which they can accept reality as is, but must make those around them agree (again by force if necessary) to their subjective perception of reality instead, they are dangerous schizophrenics. This is universally true, but liberals try to do it almost daily. Allowing adolescent boys into girl's bathrooms unattended because they "think' they "might" be females, and to not realize the danger posed to young girls by this decision, is sheer madness. Then school boards in Virginia (Louden county, for instance) reacted to the horrible fallout when a girl is raped in her bathroom by a "boy in a skirt" by literally ignoring the report, an overtly criminal act. All because liberal fantasies must be held sacrosanct, no matter who is harmed by them. 

Leftist policies are openly committed to two very evil crimes; defacto ethnic cleansing of Euro culture via the flood of expatriot latinos into our country and secondly, the oppression of the majority of the country by a group comprising 14% of the total population, the black community. Per Capita, blacks commit more violent crime than any other group, followed closely by illegal aliens, who are 3x more likely to commit violent crimes than a resident citizen. While this is published data, to speak about it constitutes "hate speech". When "1984" was written, it was considered a frightening cautionary tale, however the Democrats seem to have adopted it as their political platform. And so it goes. 

Old Wolf Speaks.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

A Word on Bigotry

Funny Pictures of Dogs Taken at the Perfect Time

 Some of the worst bigotry I have seen comes from minorities. When I was a boy, going to junior High School in Dade County Florida, I lived on Homestead AFB where my dad was stationed. Well, some highly astute legal mind judge decided it would be a swift idea to bus the mostly white kids from the base to a black school in a black neighborhood. It was not pretty and there were lots of incidents. One I remember very well was at the end of the day when we were all getting on the bus to go home. The black adults in the black neighborhood lined the streets and stoned the bus with bricks as they drove by. One came through a bus window and hit the kid in front of me in the side of his head. It landed flat so it did not kill him but it knocked him out and there was blood everywhere on that bus. Now roll that around in your head for a minute, that's adults, stoning children on a school bus. Pure animal hate. There is bigotry and racism on all sides and some of the worst I've seen comes out of minorities that think they are entitled to be pissed because some liberal politician told them so.


We need to understand that the well designed propaganda on CNN,NBC,ABC,et al. is just that, propaganda. It is designed, not to inform, not to educate, but to indoctrinate. Liberals do not care about truth, nor even reality. They want to dictate to everyone what to believe and how to think. I have said before that I believe the Left actually thinks the novel's dystopian authoritarian society in 1984 is a good idea.
I also believe that they would be the first ones howling in despair if they actually got what they think they want. The liberal core belief is that we, the people, cannot and will not make proper or moral decisions on our own, and that an intrusive and powerful central government is necessary to make us do the right thing. Unfortunately, the "right thing" for the government is exactly that, for the government, not the governed. One need only look to the UK today, post disarming its citizens, falling into recession and in some cases brutally suppressing any meaningful resistance to governmental policies. An elderly woman was tackled and handcuffed by police for "improperly" wearing a mask. Really ?
A nominally "free" country is no longer free when its citizens no longer have the means to resist by lethal force if necessary, governmental oppression. This was powerfully demonstrated by the incident where a group of ranchers armed with AR15s turned back a posse of federal Marshalls trying to illegally take a farmer's herd of cattle. A federal judge later agreed that their actions were proper and strongly condemned the actions of the federal Marshalls.
Also remember that the only buildings to survive the Watts riots were guarded by civilians armed with AR15s. Objective reality and recent history show that the idea of restricting semiautomatic firearms is both wrong and dangerous to our freedoms. Take away the guns and the government can take away anything they want to, and they will do so.


Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...