Sunday, February 19, 2023

If you think the Chinese Spy balloon was the important story, welcome to Gaslit America! You're being gaslighted.

Welcome to Gaslit America, home of the diverted, land of the misdirected, not exactly free anymore. We have been pummeled with pictures and stories about "The Balloon", which strangely, was allowed to transverse the US, passing multiple military bases, important communication hubs, and missile silos, just to name a few of the juicy intel targets Biden allowed this spy balloon to observe sans interference. Why?

The short answer is that Pete Buttigieg, Sec of Transportation has one and only one qualification. In his own words "remember, I'm gay". Biden wanted a cabinet full of "diversity" not "talent" , not "experience" but "diversity". This trainwreck (the cabinet this time, not the actual wreck) contains a man dressed like a woman (an ugly one) called Rachel. She/it/whatever is in charge of public health. You can't make this stuff up, seriously. Ol' Pete the Rump Wrangler is among the menagerie of macabre and perverse characters inhabiting the top office cabinet. His ineptitude would be a major (bad) story for the press to bring to light, only, he's gay, and thus protected from responsibility. So, there has to be a "Wag the Dog" scenario requiring some kind of diversion. Enter Chinese Balloon Stage Left and we are all focused elsewhere than the deadly toxic spill in East Palestine Ohio. Another slick move by your friendly neighborhood Democrats. 

As the wise commentator Mike Knowles put it; I'm mildly interested in a story about a Chinese spy balloon, but aliens aren't real; vinyl chloride is very real. Now you know. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...