Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The Democrats are trying to use J6 as a diversion. Even in this, they are ignoring the murder of an unarmed woman by police. How quaint.


The best way to deal with a situation you have no idea how to deal with is, of course, a diversion of attention away from that situation. The Democrats, who portray themselves as champions of women's rights, find themselves in the ironic position of ignoring the murder of a women, thankfully a white woman, unarmed, shot by police. How did this come about? 

The failed policies of the left have done tremendous damage to our economy and our country, going from prosperity to impending recession, runaway inflation, uncontrolled invasion across our southern border, gay grooming of our kids in school, black supremacy apartheid movement taking over neighborhoods in Seattle and forcing whites to pay "reparation" to get to their homes in the occupied areas. Latino gangs like MS13 slaughter and torture teens without consequence and violent criminals are released to the streets by leftist DAs. Inflation and national debt have taken us from leadership in the world economy to near 3rd world shithole status. 

All this requires some real leadership to deal with. The Democrat's best shot at that is an ex-hooker and a crooked demented pedophile,. who are both not only morally bereft but ethically inept and corrupt as well as totally inept. The Dems have nothing to put on the table; the mantra has been "green energy" and J6 is the real concern. Nope, not at all, in fact, these are not even mildly important. Even the concern about J6 SHOULD be the fact that an unarmed woman was gunned down while exercising her Constitutional right to address the government for a redress of grievances. In the summer prior to the J6 "insurgency" BLM/Antifa terror squads burned businesses, pulled drivers out of cars, beat them senseless, and burned cars. On J6, no buildings or cars burned, and no neighborhoods or police stations were taken over and held for ransom. Yet, J6 is a cause celebre and cause for spending millions of tax dollars on hearings, investigation, and other such bovine droppings. The Democrats completely ignore the actual problems they SHOULD have been addressing. 

Our schools have been lying to and even obstructing parental right for the sake of the LGBTQ agenda and to indoctrinate a new generation of sexually mutilated teens, so traumatized and mixed up they have allowed themselves to be poisoned by the illegal use of hormones and have their bodies mutilated forever by completely unnecessary and later regretted sex transition surgeries. All against the parental will and without the permission of the parents whose tax money runs the very schools this is happening within. Talk about a de facto police state. 

With all this going on, the Democrats continue to gaslight the population just to keep their political agenda alive, even in complete failure. This is what an authoritarian government looks like. 18984 was supposed to be a cautionary tale, not a "how-to" book. We need to vote all leftist influence out in 2024 and reverse this decline into chaos. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...