Monday, February 20, 2023

The Financial/Political Perspective of the Ukraine War

The link above is to a discussion by Col MacGregor about the real impetus for intervening in the Russian/Ukraine conflict. Remember that the present government in Ukraine was installed by the US and its allies about 14 years ago. Ever since the Vietnam War, we've regularly engaged in military interventions that were at best sketchy. 

Colin Powell was pressured to agree to intervention in Iraq and Iran leading to the rise of ISIS , whose depredations continue to this day. Barack Obama's incredibly inept handling of the military campaign in the Mideast is killing American military members to this very day. All the conflicts from Vietnam to today were not required but were beneficial to the infamous Military/Industrial/Financial complex and government bureaucrats. Most if not all the politicians in the Federal Government have one overarching goal; stay in office. This requires groveling at the feet of political donors and implementing policies beneficial to them, 

The original motivation for an undeclared war against Puitin's Russia is relatively straightforward. Russia has a lot of minerals, oil, and other resources that the West needs. With the inefficiency of the old Soviet Union and the fractured ineffectual states that fell out of its collapse, the West and its far more efficient industrial complex was able to insert their interests and new companies into the mix and gain both access to new markets and sources for raw material not previously available. Putins neo-nationalist movement threatened that. lucrative market and was not to be tolerated. Welcome to Cold Was 2.0. 

This is not a one party construct, its support is across the political spectrum, via the financial industry that supports and controls most all politicians. The Democrats are more vocal about getting us into another "war" because the domestic debacle created by the acutely inept administration currently in power is damaging the careers of many aspiring Democrats. If you can't successfully run the country, you need to divert attention, preferably outside the country. It's unfortunate that we as a people are so gullible as to fall for this ploy, again and again and again. 

I suggest you listen very closely to Col MacGregor's discussion and weigh his considered position before you lend support to your local warmongering politician. Think, don't emote. Nothing is more of an impediment to politicians running roughshod over our population than an informed and thoughtful populace. They really hate that. Therefore, it is in your (and my) best interest for us all to do so. Get the facts, understand what the man behind the curtain is doing, and act accordingly. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...