Some of the worst bigotry I have seen comes from minorities. When I was a boy, going to junior High School in Dade County Florida, I lived on Homestead AFB where my dad was stationed. Well, some highly astute legal mind judge decided it would be a swift idea to bus the mostly white kids from the base to a black school in a black neighborhood. It was not pretty and there were lots of incidents. One I remember very well was at the end of the day when we were all getting on the bus to go home. The black adults in the black neighborhood lined the streets and stoned the bus with bricks as they drove by. One came through a bus window and hit the kid in front of me in the side of his head. It landed flat so it did not kill him but it knocked him out and there was blood everywhere on that bus. Now roll that around in your head for a minute, that's adults, stoning children on a school bus. Pure animal hate. There is bigotry and racism on all sides and some of the worst I've seen comes out of minorities that think they are entitled to be pissed because some liberal politician told them so.
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
A Word on Bigotry
We need to understand that the well designed propaganda on CNN,NBC,ABC,et al. is just that, propaganda. It is designed, not to inform, not to educate, but to indoctrinate. Liberals do not care about truth, nor even reality. They want to dictate to everyone what to believe and how to think. I have said before that I believe the Left actually thinks the novel's dystopian authoritarian society in 1984 is a good idea.
I also believe that they would be the first ones howling in despair if they actually got what they think they want. The liberal core belief is that we, the people, cannot and will not make proper or moral decisions on our own, and that an intrusive and powerful central government is necessary to make us do the right thing. Unfortunately, the "right thing" for the government is exactly that, for the government, not the governed. One need only look to the UK today, post disarming its citizens, falling into recession and in some cases brutally suppressing any meaningful resistance to governmental policies. An elderly woman was tackled and handcuffed by police for "improperly" wearing a mask. Really ?
A nominally "free" country is no longer free when its citizens no longer have the means to resist by lethal force if necessary, governmental oppression. This was powerfully demonstrated by the incident where a group of ranchers armed with AR15s turned back a posse of federal Marshalls trying to illegally take a farmer's herd of cattle. A federal judge later agreed that their actions were proper and strongly condemned the actions of the federal Marshalls.
Also remember that the only buildings to survive the Watts riots were guarded by civilians armed with AR15s. Objective reality and recent history show that the idea of restricting semiautomatic firearms is both wrong and dangerous to our freedoms. Take away the guns and the government can take away anything they want to, and they will do so.
The Liberal Democrat Government of New York Demonstrates What is Wrong with Liberal Governments.
Clip52.7K2,837 I have often said that the issue I have with Democrats, especially far left Democrats, is their love of power and control. ...
A poem that says it all: Emanuele Grandi's moving poem is dedicated to our four-legged friends. "If you are afraid of having given...
I hate to say I told you so, well, actually I love it, but I digress. All my "conspiracy" theories have become reality. He...
Clip52.7K2,837 I have often said that the issue I have with Democrats, especially far left Democrats, is their love of power and control. ...