Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Comments from a wise friend, I hope you'll read this and think about it.

Gary Gobel is a good friend from 50 years now. In all that time, I have never felt him to be anything but a levelheaded and intelligent, along with astute, individual. Even if we weren't friends I would admire him. He was a Karate student of mine, the tall guy in the center.

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I have great respect for Israel and anytime one of her unfriendly neighbors have tried to take that powerhouse on, they have had their butts handed to them. I have never understood antisemitism, it seems just illogical and cruel to me.

That said, you are a free American Citizen, and you can donate to and even go fight for Ukraine or Israel, just leave our government out of it. 

Further, the largest foreign lobby in our government is the Israeli lobby that funds pro-Israel candidates and works against anyone campaigning for office that is not an Israeli supporter.....this is done in our representative republic. I have an issue with that as such foreign lobbies, in my opinion, should be illegal in this country. This is our government, our tax revenue, our armed forces and NOT theirs. Period and unless there is an American Lobby in their government I have not heard of,  it needs to stop now.

The Camp David Accords of 1978: "Notably, the treaty that resulted from the second “framework” also called for the United States to provide both countries with billions in annual subsidies, including military aid. Under the terms negotiated, Egypt receives $1.3 billion annually in military aid from the United States, while Israel receives $3 billion".............this is the only reference that I could find on line now regarding US payments but previously I found that the payments were $1.8 billion annually to each or a $3.6 billion a year since 1978. That tax revenue (45 years at $3.6 billion came to $162 billion) would have upgraded a whole lot of stuff in this country and there is no peace in Palestine.

Further, if any nation on this planet owes a debt to Israel, it's Germany and not us. You see Germany defending Israel?


Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...