Sunday, January 1, 2023

Idaho Murders Point out that "it's the criminal, not the weapon, stupid!"

The above misguided article focuses on the statements made by the alleged murderer when he was arrested. What everyone conveniently misses routinely is that the focus is on the weapon, not the criminals. The left wants to give a pass to criminals and prosecute the weapon, preferably a gun. The damnable leftist narrative is obscuring the real problem. 

We are faced with a mental health crisis and we have our collective head in the sand. The HIPPA laws, originally designed to promote efficient sharing of medical information, have instead allowed equally misguided leftist activists to shield criminals from justice. Also, it is practically impossible to intervene to stop an obviously dangerous juvenile from killing people. This is both dangerous and unnecessary. While everyone acknowledges it to be true, nobody wants to buck the system or defy the narrative and do something about it. Stupid is as stupid does. 

The solution is simple. We stop pretending there is a problem. We hold everyone to the same standards. If a mentally ill person is competent to be on their own in society, they are subject to as strict enforcement and scrutiny as anyone else. In juveniles, we must realize that the safety of the society trumps confidentiality. Period, end of discussion. If a child is dangerous, that child should fall under the same strictures as a violent felon or sex offender. Dangerous people should be under public scrutiny, institutionalized, or both. If any person willfully allows a dangerous child to be allowed to hide behind confidentiality, they are as guilty of the crime done by that child as the perpetrator is, and should face severe criminal penalties. Period, end of discussion.

Any DA who allows known dangerous criminals to go free should face felony charges if that individual harms another person. All prison sentences should be done in solitary confinement. Prisons should not be cages for gay rape or gang havens. Every prisoner is someone who does not belong in society and should be completely isolated for the duration of their sentence. The recidivism rate would drop precipitously and self  rehabilitation would become the norm. Simply rational. 

There is no quicker way to a police state than the policies and agenda of the Left. Unbridled crime and lack of civic training and responsiblilty for our youth create a weak population, afraid to defend themselves and dependent on an increasingly corrupt government. This devolves inevitably into a police state. The anti-2nd amendment activities of the left are the first steps into a police state. No totalitarian state ever thrived in the face of an armed and trained citizenry. This is simple historical fact.

Armed and trained citizens are the first line defense against any governmentaley oppression and against crime and violence. Law enforcement departments are constabularies. They have one and only one mandate: maintain public order. The only on site defense against crime is the armed and trained citizen. Police arrive after the crime, bag bodies, take reports and investigate. Nothing they do or can do protects us from being victims. It is the armed citizen who stops or prevents crime.

Armed guards and teachers can and have prevented mass shootings at schools; armed citizens are the only ones who have successfully prevented mass public or church shootings. Armed and trained citizens save lives and stop crime, period, end of story. No anti gun law has ever been shown to decrease violent crime, only to take away the sole effective protection against violence ever shown to work. Prosecuting an inanimate object is insane, and not focusing on the criminal is in itself criminal.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...