Friday, December 16, 2022

The Reality Check before Christmas

 In several recent tweets from a sadly liberal troll, I really tried to debate the issues and with facts. I discovered that interacting with a liberal is like playing chess with a pigeon. They strut around, knock over pieces, shit on the board and strut away like they won the game. Facts and logic chains seem to be anathema to liberals. 

I no longer believe that any unity with the left is possible. They seem to be firmly on the path to a 1984 like dystopia and will not be deterred. They may wish for such a dystopic nighmare, I do not. 

Here is the reality I experience. 

There are 2 biologically based genders. Male and Female. Period, no "fluidity" Men are men, Women are women. Each with a set of fairly well defined characteristics. This does not make either one superior, it simply is. Period end of subject. There should be zero gender fluidity taught in our educational system, and all such projects approved by parents and taught outside of schools. Marriage is between one man and one woman. Traditional family is historically shown to be the most stable form of raising kids, creating a just and decent society and securing our future.

There is no way illegal aliens belong here. There are lawful ways to immigrate, and those who do so are being cheated by the liberal mediated open borders and unlawful use of resources designated for US citizens in need for illegals. This is wrong, illegal and evil. The flourishing gangs in our cities proves it. 

NO one should vote without ID. No "mail in" ballots, prone to cheating, for any other than emergency reasons, or for active duty military. Period, end of discussion. No ballot counting without equal representation of both major parties doing so . Period, end of story. 

Green energy is not feasible, and forcing it on us is dangerous and destructive. We have all the clean geothermal and nuclear energy we need for the nest 4 centuries. Yes that is 400 years of unlimited energy. We can develop a lot of technology during that period, especially if we use cheap gas and stop pushing energy modalities that don't work. Building breeder reactor coupled with our electricity producing reactors can handle and recycle spent fuel rods without danger or need to have long term storage

Health Care insurance  needs regulation, and all big tech and other mega corporations need strict anti-trust regulation. NOW! All health insurance needs to be nationally standardized and the bulk of operational hospital regulation made in consultation with NURSES. Doctors are clients, not really employees, and they need patient care available. Guess who does that professionally? Nurses! The present system is like having auto makers run by people who have no engineering or manufacturing experience. It doesn't work.  Nurses need both authority and protection, If we don't, we will find ourselves looking for someone to care for us in emergencies with no one there. 

All high crime and sanctuary cities must be put into receivership under a federal judge with military units on patrol on the streets, police departments retrained by them, city councils and mayors put on leave and investigated for misuse of power in office including an intense forensic audit of all city finances and personal finances of all city government officials. This is especially needed in Portland, Chicago, NYC, DC, Baltimore, Minneapolis, Richmond, etc. All illegals deported immediately with cooperation between NG and ICE.

All teachers and university professors should be re-vetted, forensic audit of the schools and transparency about who pays and who got money. All gay oriented and CRT curricula removed and rewrite curricula to focus on STEM, Civics, literature (classical priority), analytics and logic, classical Philosophy and Ethics, US and World history and government. study of the Constitution and how our republic operates and why. 

BLM and Antifa are terrorists and disloyal to our country. Such racist activity is as bad or worse than Nazism or the KKK, and cannot be tolerated in any civilized society. Any Muslim applying for citizenship should be required to swear allegiance to our country, and vow to denounce Sharia and to support and defend our Constitution. Freedom of religion does not include supporting any laws as superior to our Constitution in terms of secular life. Period.  Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts membership is pretty much defined by their names. Nuff said. 

Nothing in here is "phobic" anti-gay/trans, or anything else. It is both rational and optimal for society. LGBTQ have no rights different than the rest of us. Your right to be offended stops at my right to be free from oppression or coercion, from anyone, anything or the government. I don't insist on Christian values to be taught in schools (other than Catholic schools teaching from a Catholic perspective, they are CATHOLIC SCHOOLS, and students are voluntarily enrolled there. Period).

I confess a disdain for the current liberal indoctrinated male and their oh-so-entitled female counterparts. Get over yourselves, move out of your parent's house, grow up. Men, you are bred to be strong and protective, your current collective funk is partly because you are not living up to the legacy handed down to you from our ancestors. You are not meant to be a faux female, you are meant to be strong, kind, moral and educated. Your genes thrive on competition and toughness. Yes, if you marry, you face an 80% chance of a woman filing for divorce. Deal with it, and give yourself to your kids. Be better than the women you know, they can and will learn from you about  being a decent human being. 

Women, you are meant to help your man become the best he can be. You can and should encourage and support him, and stop disrespecting the nice guys. The bad boys will always do you wrong, and they will never make you happy. That hard working and self conscious guy you ignore is capable of becoming the best thing that ever happened to you. He can be a good father and husband, and he will protect you and your kids with his very life if necessary. You have to think about what that means and what kind of life you can create together. No woman or ambivalent male will be capable of that. You are genetically meant to help, heal, support and nuture, and you can hand down the very best of what it means to be human to your kids. Make the right decisions. 80% of divorces are filed by women. This is not just distressing, it is a failure of our society in its expectations of women. You share equal responsibility with your man to make your family cohesive and strong. There is no higher calling. That doesn't mean you should not be educated and even have a successful career. But your priorities must be clear and unwavering. 

Last of all. People, please do not support pet shops or puppy mills. There are literally millions of beautiful and loving rescue dogs and cats waiting to give you the only unconditional love you will find in this otherwise disappointing life. You may never change the world, but you can and will change the whole world for a rescue pet if you adopt one. You may wonder who rescued whom. 

God bless, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Blessed Ramadan may your holidays be bright and happy and shared with friends and family. Remember the freedoms you have and are called upon to hand down to our children and theirs. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...