Thursday, June 30, 2022

Why the Trans Canada Pipeline and extension are vital to our economy.

Someone with a sharp mind and the capacity to do a lot of research spent time putting some numbers together:

1 Train has 100 cars, 2 engines and weighs 27,240,000 LBS

1 Train carries 3,000,000 gallons of oil.

1 train uses 55.5 gallons of diesel per mile.

It takes 119,000 gallons of diesel to go 2150 miles from Hardidsy, AB to Freeport, TX.

Keystone pipeline was to deliver 34,860,000 gallons of oil per day.

It would take 12 trains and 1,428,000 gallons of diesel to deliver that amount. PER DAY!

521,220,000 gallons of diesel per year.

The oil will still go to market with or without the pipeline.

By stopping the pipeline billions of gallons of diesel will be wasted and pollute needlessly. Does that make you feel good?

Stop the Tar Sands all together? Then we must ship the oil from the overseas sandbox.

1 large oil tanker can haul 120,000,000 gallons of oil

1 boat takes 15 days to float across the Atlantic.

1 boat uses 63,000 gallons of fuel PER DAY, that is about 1 million gallons of the most polluting type fuel in the world PER TRIP.*(See below)

Or take 3.5 days of Keystone Pipeline to move the same amount of oil with a fraction of the pollution.

In international waters ship emissions remains one of the least regulated parts of our global transportation system. The fuel used in ships is waste oil, basically what is left over after the crude oil refining process. It is the same as asphalt and is so thick that when cold it can be walked upon. It's the cheapest and most polluting fuel available and the world's 90,000 ships chew through an astonishing 7.29 million barrels of it each day, or more than 84% of all exported oil production from Saudi Arabia.

Shipping is by far the biggest transport polluter in the world. There are 760 million cars in the world today emitting approx 78,599 tons of Sulfur Oxides (SOx) ANNUALLY. The world's 90,000 vessels burn approx 370 million tons of fuel per year emitting 20 million tons of Sulfur Oxides. That equates to 260 times MORE Sulfur Oxides being emitted by ships than the WORLDS ENTIRE CAR FLEET. One large ship alone can generate approx. 5,200 tons of sulfur oxide pollution in a year, meaning that 15 of the largest ships now emit as much SOx as the worlds 760 million cars

Eliminate all gas consuming cars and diesel vehicles?

Worldwide car gas consumption is 403,583,712,000 gallons a year. That's Billion.

Worldwide oil consumption is 1,500,000,000,000 gallons a year. That's Trillion.

It takes 2.15 gallons of oil to make 1 gallon of gasoline/petrol, and 0.6 gal of diesel.

So it takes 867,704,980,800 gallons of oil to run the worlds cars, most diesel vehicles for a year and some ships

That leaves 632,295,019,200 gallons of oil for other uses.

Passenger vehicles are only a very small percentage of the problem. If emissions are the problem why not just capture them at the exhaust? Create an industry to clean exhaust instead of crushing an entire industry and building a complete untested, replacement industry?

So are we willing to dramatically increase mining to get all the minerals necessary to make all these batteries and electric motors? Mining is far worse for the environment than oil extraction.

Killing Keystone was glibly decided by EMOTIONAL IDIOTS WITHOUT BRAINS! DESTRUCTIVE idiots who are fooling America to boost their standing with Foreign paymasters.

Friday, June 24, 2022

The Biden administration has gone medieval on our country.


Back in the old days, wars began with a siege. You'd disrupt a city or country's supply chain to wear them down physically and mentally before the actual fighting began. Laying siege gave you advantage, being under siege was a disadvantage. Of course the best outcome, if you were the one initiating the siege, was for your enemy to surrender and give up without a fight.
Sort of makes you think about an administration that has, since it's first day, enacted policies that have increased the strain on America itself, our supply chain and our economy. Every foul consequence of a new policy is blamed on a boogeyman and the answer, of course, is more policy changes. With more foul consequences. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Eighty five "accidents" at food processing facilities that have resulted in millions of poultry, hundreds of thousands of cattle and untold tons of other product not getting to market.
Energy is being deliberately choked via regulation, revocation of leases and interference directly with transport.
I'd talk about values and culture, but that would take pages and nobody would read it.
You have been laid siege to. Harden yourself for what is to come.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Spin as you will, gay, bi, trans teens and adults have more mental illness, higher suicide rates and more drug overdoses.
No matter how the MSM and LGBTQ apologists spin the issue and indeed try to pad numbers and "factor" reports, Gays have higher rates of suicide, drug use, depression and mental illness. Period, factual statement based on "Science" (for the inevitable arguments from the "follow the science" crowd) 
This "unfortunate truth", to coin a misused phrase by Al Gore, is always a source of ambivalence to the Left. On one hand, they want desperately to say that this just proves that gays are alienated by society, on the other, this gives credence to the long held position by most non-woke rationalists that gays are mentally ill by definition. That is not sitting well with the lovers of and adherents to the Left's Narrative.

I think I am comfortable with both perceptions on the issue. As a Christian, the Bible specifically treats homosexuality as a mortal sin, indeed one hated by God, if you read the Old Testament. The Apostle Paul pulls no punches in his condemnation of deviant sexual practices. For those who argue that the laws that prohibit homosexual behavior are set out in the same laws that banned putting old and new cloth together and eating shellfish. This argument seems spurious to me, since the historic accounts of the application of the Law suggest that not all parts of the law were considered morally deplorable as others. The severe punishments of the Old Testament were needed at the time to keep order in the isolated and vulnerable society. The laws were both for the protection (and health) of the individual and the society at large. In any case, the ban against deviant sexual behavior is not at all in the same class as eating shellfish, although both can kill you. 

The point is that the traditional family, Dad, Mom. kids, and in many cases, grandparents, was the literal building block for a strong, functional society. The Greeks used youthful homosexual ties to make young warriors defend each other, but it eventually ended up in the demise of Spartan military might, and allowed Athens to defeat the army that once was the toughest in the civilized world. They never recovered. The Greek fighters that remained eventually became the core of the Roman Legion, whose strict behavioral rules prevented homosexual behavior from eroding the warrior ethos of the legion. Traditional family and homosexuality are diametrically opposed. The traditional family historically works. It has been the strong core of every successful society, and its deterioration the indicator of a culture in decline. 

Interestingly, early behavioristic Psychology studies with rat colonies noted that homosexual behavior in the colony indicated terminal stress within the colony. In most failed cultures, the public acceptance of homosexuality became prevalent with the downward spiral of the dying culture. Increase in prevalence of homosexual activity has never in history been an indicator of a growing and healthy culture. I think anyone can do the math from here. While many social networks actively ban and punish anyone who dares to state these facts, they are facts. Stating that studies constantly and consistently show that mental instability is much higher in gay populations is "hate speech" . Sorry Sparky, but facts are facts, not "hate speech". If you chant "follow the science" for climate change and covid lockdowns, you are a true hypocrite if you don't apply that same rigor to homosexuality as a social deviance. 

I believe gay/bi/trans behavior is mental illness, having a portion of the society support it and try to normalize it changes nothing. There are 2 and only 2 biological sexes, they are complimentary and need each other. There is no substitute for the traditional family for the good of children, the couple and society. Traditional family works. gay and other "alternative lifestyles" do not. They are aberrant and dysfunctional, as well as morally perverted. That is not hate speech, that is simple fact. History does not lie, and social science supports it. As to hate speech, it's BS to call a spade a spade "hate speech". Hate the sin, love the sinner. Love means wanting the best for the person. Gay lifestyle is best for no one. 

Sunday, June 19, 2022 

You have to wonder if the rise in lack of moral values correlates with the record number of people who have been indoctrinated to disbelieve in God. Those who have been "educated" by our public educational system to hold faith in contempt and also those who believe. Yet as the number of atheists and agnostics increase, so does public chaos, crime, amorality and disaffection among our population. 

Without a moral and ethical framework for our lives, we find ourselves at the whim of every passing fancy or newest fad that passes though our society. Even those who are good hearted find themselves carried along the current by those who have abandoned all forms of self restraint and ethical/ moral behavior in favor of hedonism and self service. All forms of loyalty, to the family, the church, the nation and any sort of code of moral behavior become burdensome and seem like too much trouble to observe. 

This happened to the people of Germany in 1933 after the Reichstag fire, when the Nazi party polarized the country and turned everyone against the communists and Jews. Even the most gentle among the Germans found themselves forced into a culture that they were disgusted by and frightened of. Our present cancel culture has far too many common threads with that of Germany in 1933. Anyone who dissents from the "narrative" is a racist, bigot, "white supremacist", homophobe, and even a "facist" because they believe in moral behavior, respect for law, personal responsibility, erudition and the right to worship according to personal beliefs. The new trends toward 1984ish "doublethink" is no accident. We are being turned into a Godless third world police state. 

Not to scare anyone, but if you think things are bad now, just wait, you "ain't seen nothing yet!" God help us all, even those who don't believe in Him, as they really need His help the most.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Journalists in the US dismiss covering both sides of issues, don't even pretend not to be biased in favor of Democrats.


"A Pew survey published this week found that a majority of journalists, 55%, reject the idea that both sides "always deserve equal coverage."At the same time, 82% of respondents said the press should keep their personal views out of their reporting, but only 55% told Pew that they think that journalists are succeeding at this goal.Lemon has frequently asserted that he is "not a political person" while arattacking Republicans and praising Democrats."

This idea of "journalists" reporting only their opinion and what they like is both reprehensible ethically and unprofessional in the extreme. I am sure legendary greats like Walter Cronkite and Chet Brinkley are rolling in their graves. The lack of ethical values in our society is unfortunate and being acted out on the news shows that used to inform and enlighten us. Now they try to indoctrinate and confuse us, indeed often lie to us. 

There is a need for free, independent and objective press, a real need; one so important that the ideal is enshrined in the First Amendment. Never in the history of our country has the press been actively one sided, opinionated yes, but never has one side been suppressed in a free country. That is the stuff of Nazi Germany, Cuba, the USSR and Communist China. The press, especially left wing mouthpieces like CNN, MSNBC and the like, have actually been proactive in destroying freedom and objectivity in the press. It's a self inflicted mortal wound, and we are doing nothing to stop it. According to the left, Republicans can and should be censored, essentially cutting off the interests and positions of over half of the country. 

A journalist who favors one side is not a journalist anymore, they are a propagandist. The news is the news only when it is equal, unbiased and fair. this is indoctrination and propaganda for the left, not news. If CNN wants to become the official voice of the left, then that is exactly what they should acknowledge. If they claim to be a news source, they must be fair and balanced, no bias, no presenting the official talking points of the DNC or BLM, or the CCP, for that matter, as the truth. It's not true, it is propaganda and as such dangerous in the extreme.

Democracy only works when its citizens are informed. Indoctrinate is not informed, and if we want freedom and liberty, our minds must be free to make our own decisions, from unbiased, true and factual news. Nothing less should be broadcast under any circumstances. Whatever the left thinks of the right, they either respect their right to be heard, or risk losing their own freedom. Once any side is suppressed or vilified, our freedom is also. Every democrat should be concerned about this as much as if the press were pushing conservative values and suppressing the left, since if they come for your neighbor today, they will come for you tomorrow. Never, ever forget that historic fact. 

Giving up the freedom of the press to liberal progressives means the precedent is set, and whoever gains power can and will consolidate that power using the press. Like fire, it burns everyone. Lose the freedom and purity of the press, and lose freedom. It is that simple. 


Thursday, June 2, 2022

You want to stop Violence? Stop the attack on boys and masculinity!

 Young males are hardwired to be competitive and protective. They have a lot of energy for a reason, and that came from our early society and its development from solitary tree dwellers to aboriginal tribalism to agrarian society. 

We domesticated the wolf , a smart move that probably allowed humanity to survive, as did the development of young men as protectors of the tribe, old men as their teachers and girls and women as healers and cherished family and companions. The powerful warrior archetype, so hated by the woke society and politically correct SJWs was the single greatest force to allow us to live together and grow into modern society. 

Young men today are in desperate need of direction and raison d'etra, a purpose. Given proper guidance, that explosive personality is a truly potent force for good and the protection of the vulnerable. Our woke culture has, in its attack on the traditional family and civilized society, tried to pervert male power and positive traits. Men are toxic, just ask and empowered woke feminist, whose hatred of maleness is exceeded only by their self hatred as women. In order to hate an entire sexual group based on their normal traits and function, one must also truly hate oneself as their compliments and completing half. 

Young men need an outlet for their testosterone mediated aggression, whose real purpose is to be a powerful protector for those he loves. Deprived of that outlet, he becomes exactly what the feminist accuse him of being, that is, toxic. A girl becomes toxic when she is barred from being a healer, a supporter and a companion. Women become bitter, unfulfilled and evil when their purpose is perverted and distorted as our post feminist society has done to them. To be a wife and mother, to raise a family and love and support a good man is somehow a failure on her part. When she successfully fulfills the most important role in the development of civilized human society, feminist dismiss her as irrelevant. What utter arrogant foolishness!

Likewise, boys are constantly under attack by liberal teachers and educators to not be a boy. To be strong, honest, noble , chivalrous, kind and nurturing and to create and support a family as its protector and guide, is somehow toxic? What madness we have allowed to poison our culture and society! Boys should be taught self respect, respect for others and for the law. They should admire erudition, eloquence and strength. They should be taught that men are also nurturing and the protectors of the family and society, and that they are not, by nature, toxic. The most toxic group in our country are the feminists whose misandry has blinded them to the problems they have created by attacking men and masculinity. Men are not the problem, woke culture is.

Archbishop Cordileone is Doing His Job and Trying to Save the Soul of Recalcitrant Pelosi.


Nancy Pelosi Is Blessed

Note: It’s a sad commentary on where many Catholics are today that Fr. Gerald Murray has to explain this morning some basic truths about Christ, His Church, and individual consciences. But here we are – in a place where we have to recover the very foundations of what it means to be a real Catholic. The Catholic Thing deals with many subjects but always with an eye to the steady perspective the Faith provides. I know that you value that perspective because you come here daily. If you want to be able to continue to do so – and to bring others to that saving vision, please, do your part in preserving the Catholic Thing. And there’s no other time but the present. And TCT Editor-in-chief Robert Royal will join Raymond Arroyo and Fr. Gerald Murray (the “Papal Posse”) on EWTN’s The World Over Thursday night at 8 PM to discuss Pope Francis’s new crop of cardinals and what they will mean for the future of the Church and the election of the next pope. Shows may also be viewed on EWTN’s YouTube channel shortly after the live broadcast.– Brad Miner

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco may not realize it, but she is blessed to have a true pastor of souls as her bishop. Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone’s love for her as a member of his flock prompted him to tell her something she does not want to hear, namely that she will not be allowed to receive Holy Communion in her home diocese until she has repented of her gravely sinful promotion of the killing of unborn children by abortion.

The duty of a bishop is not to humor a member of his flock, such as Mrs. Pelosi, who claims that her promotion of abortion is not in contradiction to her obligations as a follower of Christ in the Catholic Church. His duty is to lead his flock in the path of truth and virtue, which at times means rebuking someone who contradicts Christ’s truth in a matter of great importance. This episcopal duty is not simply a matter of exhorting someone to abandon wrongful ways. In the case of Speaker Pelosi such exhortations by Archbishop Cordileone have been frequent, and completely ignored.

Canon 915 requires a bishop to safeguard the sanctity of the Holy Eucharist, to prevent scandal being given to the faithful, and to promote the eternal welfare of the soul of one “who obstinately persist[s] in manifest grave sin” by not admitting that person to the reception of Holy Communion. This rebuke is designed to shake the offending person out of the mistaken conviction that his behavior is not only not sinful, but rather somehow virtuous, and therefore pleasing to God. Pro-abortion Catholics such as Mrs. Pelosi constantly claim that abortion is good and not evil and that, as such, women have a fundamental right to abortion that may not be justly taken from them.

The Catholic Church teaches that nothing could be farther from the truth.

The authority granted to bishops in canon 915 is a holy and legitimate use of coercive power. Coercion in the Church is used by the shepherds to protect the flock from sin and error. The bishop’s staff has a crook on the top, designed to allow him to grab a wandering sheep around the neck and pull it to safety. It also has a pointed end at the bottom to allow him to ward off attacking wolves, but also to prod recalcitrant sheep to move in the right direction.

It would be nice if the sheep always obeyed the voice of the shepherd and followed his direction on the Church’s pilgrimage through this world towards the next. But sadly, the sheep do not always follow the lead of the shepherd who insistently calls back those who stubbornly wander off. Such obstinacy in refusing to be led into the ways of truth and holiness poses a direct threat to them and to other sheep who might follow them and not the true shepherd.


In such cases, the only charitable thing for the shepherd to do is to use his God-given authority to impress upon the wandering sheep that Christian love does not equal tolerance of error and grave immorality. The shock of being told that she will not be given Holy Communion in her home archdiocese is salutary for Mrs. Pelosi. If heeded, it will be life-changing for the better.

A strange temptation of our times is to view Catholicism not as a revealed religion that makes demands upon those who believe in it, but rather as an individual experience of what matters most to a person, with no necessary connection to what any Church authority might say or do. In this scenario, bishops and priests are there to fulfill a largely decorative role in the lives of the faithful. But each Catholic gets to decide what he or she will believe in.

The courageous action taken by Archbishop Cordileone is a much-needed rebuke of this individualistic deformation of what it means to be a Catholic. No one gets to re-write the Bible or the moral law. No one gets to use his or her position of authority and influence in society to teach the false lesson that abortion and other sinful practices are good and do not offend God. No one gets to reject publicly and obstinately the clear and unambiguous teaching of the Church that abortion is gravely immoral without placing his or her soul in grave danger of eternal perdition.

The denial of Holy Communion to Speaker Pelosi is a warning to her and to everyone who agrees with her that the discomfort occasioned by such a serious measure is a mere foretaste of the eternal discomfort that awaits those who freely and knowingly reject the commandment of God not to kill innocent human life. Archbishop Cordileone knows that she will be annoyed and upset by his action. He knows that he has finally gotten her attention after years of her ignoring his warnings about her vehement public support of the intrinsically evil practice of abortion.

She stands at a crossroads, and it behooves her to stop and reflect on what is happening. Her shepherd is trying to free her from the grip of an erroneous conscience. Her shepherd is doing nothing less than what we should all want our shepherds to do, that is, teach the truth of Christ and guard the flock from error and vice. We must pray that she comes to understand that Archbishop Cordileone loves her and, by his prohibition, is trying to lead her away from the abyss of sin and death.

Mayoral candidates suddenly waffle on "Defund the Police" as Crime spike to highest point in decades

 Mayor Lightfoot: Police reform cannot wait - Chicago Sun-Times

Mayors who rabidly attacked Police and virtue signaled to secure black votes are turning tail about defunding the police. In the last year, starting with Biden's election, liberals fell all over themselves to secure black votes by attacking the police. Well, that didn;t work out quite like they thought it would. Criminals are now emboldened like no other time in our history, stores are looted by black homies on a regular basis while hapless bystanders watch in shock. Liberal DAs refused to prosecute blacks for crime and law abiding neighborhood residents are essentially trapped in their homes for fear of being mugged. 

Many black neighborhoods are battle zones, and deaths among black youth is off the charts. Stores get tired of being robbed with no prosecution by city officials and are moving out of black urban neighborhoods. I recently listened to a black lady complain about having to come across town to shop because the only grocery store in her neighborhood closed, one of many stored to do the same. I said to her "that store was robbed at lest three times in the last month, and one cashier was hospitalized. You can't keep stores open in those conditions". I am sure she labelled me a white supremacist, because, hey, truth is racist, right?

This points up the problem with black communities. Everything wrong with black communities is blamed on white oppression, oppression with includes the greatest use of welfare, free food, small business loans, lots of community programs, a black president and multiple judges, including SCOTUS, black generals, admirals and members of both houses of congress, massive over representation on media, preferential treatment in business contracts with governmental agencies, etc etc. Fatherless families are not caused by whites, worship of violence and misogyny is not a white problem. multigenerational welfare families , not a white problem. In fact, not much that plagues the black community has anything to do with whites, much less white supremacists. 

BLM couldn;t care less about black lives, or they'd be rioting in black ghettos right now in front of the gang HQ, not buying multimillion dollar mansions finanaced by donations. It's way past time for black community leaders to step up, stop blaming whites, and address the community issues like fatherless families, rap inspired violence, gangs and drugs. Your community your problems. Deal with it.


Wednesday, June 1, 2022

President Biden Breaks his Oath of Office, Again.

Biden is by all appearances, a confused old man being led around and cleaned up by his handlers. While Harris is mostly ignored and her flailing failures at the border and in international appearances quietly dismissed. After all, she is a black woman and any criticism is racist, right? 

Given the above, the behavior of the MSM is abhorrent in their failure to hold our politicians, or at least those on the Left, accountable for their failure to uphold their duties and their Oath of Office "I will protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." As an ex military member, I took the same oath and I was never released from it, as were all veterans. We are morally obligated to defend our Constitution. The President and all "civil servants" are LEGALLY obligated to do so as well. 

""So, the idea of these high-caliber weapons is, uh, there’s simply no rational basis for it in terms of self-protection, hunting," Biden added. "Remember, the Constitution was never absolute." This statement by the senile reprobate pretending to be President is an attack on the Constitution he is supposed to protect and defend. He is, among other unsavory traits, an oathbreaker. In previous cultures, our included, breaking one's oath was tantamount to disowning any sense of honor and reduced one to a state of unworthiness to hold any form of authority. ON top of that, he is uninformed, as hunting ALWAYS requires high caliber weapons to take game at distance. He has no right, in his ignorance, to make any statement on guns, hunting or self defense.

Biden has done everything Trump was impeached for. albeit falsely, without any consequence. I lay this disgusting situation at the feet of hypocritical liberal journalists and self important liberal bureaucrats in the government, both sucking on the lifeblood of the country like so many ticks on a deer. Ticks at least act a a food source for other animals, while these liberals serve no one and nothing but their own interests. Like Biden, they are an abomination and a cancer that needs to be excised for the good of the nation and indeed , the world. 

I can only hope that this midterm election allows us to weed the liberals out of the garden, and stop their parasitism on the rest of us. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...