Thursday, June 2, 2022

Mayoral candidates suddenly waffle on "Defund the Police" as Crime spike to highest point in decades

 Mayor Lightfoot: Police reform cannot wait - Chicago Sun-Times

Mayors who rabidly attacked Police and virtue signaled to secure black votes are turning tail about defunding the police. In the last year, starting with Biden's election, liberals fell all over themselves to secure black votes by attacking the police. Well, that didn;t work out quite like they thought it would. Criminals are now emboldened like no other time in our history, stores are looted by black homies on a regular basis while hapless bystanders watch in shock. Liberal DAs refused to prosecute blacks for crime and law abiding neighborhood residents are essentially trapped in their homes for fear of being mugged. 

Many black neighborhoods are battle zones, and deaths among black youth is off the charts. Stores get tired of being robbed with no prosecution by city officials and are moving out of black urban neighborhoods. I recently listened to a black lady complain about having to come across town to shop because the only grocery store in her neighborhood closed, one of many stored to do the same. I said to her "that store was robbed at lest three times in the last month, and one cashier was hospitalized. You can't keep stores open in those conditions". I am sure she labelled me a white supremacist, because, hey, truth is racist, right?

This points up the problem with black communities. Everything wrong with black communities is blamed on white oppression, oppression with includes the greatest use of welfare, free food, small business loans, lots of community programs, a black president and multiple judges, including SCOTUS, black generals, admirals and members of both houses of congress, massive over representation on media, preferential treatment in business contracts with governmental agencies, etc etc. Fatherless families are not caused by whites, worship of violence and misogyny is not a white problem. multigenerational welfare families , not a white problem. In fact, not much that plagues the black community has anything to do with whites, much less white supremacists. 

BLM couldn;t care less about black lives, or they'd be rioting in black ghettos right now in front of the gang HQ, not buying multimillion dollar mansions finanaced by donations. It's way past time for black community leaders to step up, stop blaming whites, and address the community issues like fatherless families, rap inspired violence, gangs and drugs. Your community your problems. Deal with it.


Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...