Wednesday, June 1, 2022

President Biden Breaks his Oath of Office, Again.

Biden is by all appearances, a confused old man being led around and cleaned up by his handlers. While Harris is mostly ignored and her flailing failures at the border and in international appearances quietly dismissed. After all, she is a black woman and any criticism is racist, right? 

Given the above, the behavior of the MSM is abhorrent in their failure to hold our politicians, or at least those on the Left, accountable for their failure to uphold their duties and their Oath of Office "I will protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." As an ex military member, I took the same oath and I was never released from it, as were all veterans. We are morally obligated to defend our Constitution. The President and all "civil servants" are LEGALLY obligated to do so as well. 

""So, the idea of these high-caliber weapons is, uh, there’s simply no rational basis for it in terms of self-protection, hunting," Biden added. "Remember, the Constitution was never absolute." This statement by the senile reprobate pretending to be President is an attack on the Constitution he is supposed to protect and defend. He is, among other unsavory traits, an oathbreaker. In previous cultures, our included, breaking one's oath was tantamount to disowning any sense of honor and reduced one to a state of unworthiness to hold any form of authority. ON top of that, he is uninformed, as hunting ALWAYS requires high caliber weapons to take game at distance. He has no right, in his ignorance, to make any statement on guns, hunting or self defense.

Biden has done everything Trump was impeached for. albeit falsely, without any consequence. I lay this disgusting situation at the feet of hypocritical liberal journalists and self important liberal bureaucrats in the government, both sucking on the lifeblood of the country like so many ticks on a deer. Ticks at least act a a food source for other animals, while these liberals serve no one and nothing but their own interests. Like Biden, they are an abomination and a cancer that needs to be excised for the good of the nation and indeed , the world. 

I can only hope that this midterm election allows us to weed the liberals out of the garden, and stop their parasitism on the rest of us. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...