Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Children die, the Left Virtue Signals. A Study in Disgusting Politics.

The dysfunctional Left fringe of the Democratic Party has well and truly taken over the party, the moderates have thrown up their hands and given up. The Republicans have likewise turned to the right in response, so the vast majority of the country is essentially without representation and it shows. 
Who would have thought that the party of Thomas Jefferson would elevate the murder of innocent babies to a "right"? In what fever dream would any party advocate having men wearing skirts use the same bathroom as little girls, or that grown men in skirts sans underwear (Drag Queens) would be reading and discussing sexual identity with kindergarten children?
 In what dystopian science fiction story would Black Supremacists bilking millions in the name of black power from working class blacks be supported by politicians as "peaceful protesters" as they pull people from their cars and beat them, burn businesses and occupying police stations? 
In what Satanic story would someone claiming to be Roman Catholic support abortion "rights" up to birth, and the killing of babies who survive the procedure, all for profit and political expediency? In what dystopian fantasy would a President coming into office deliberately sabotage our energy independence, destroy 12,000 jobs in one day and deliberately open our borders to un-vetted invaders, even sending much needed baby formula to support their invasion of our country? This is "woke" America and Satan's laughing in delight.
 It is no fantasy, and the Democrats have done this all and more, welcome to $6 /gallon gas, no food, no medicine and no essential parts for industry because of governmental failure to support the infrastructure, on top of being the closest to a world war since the Cold War days. Unlike Trump, Biden could not even run an organized staged withdrawal from Afghanistan, leaving our allies to be slaughtered by fanatic Islamists and leaving them with millions of dollars of up to date US military equipment to sell or use against us. Well done Mr. Biden, you follow your mentor's example well, but he only lost an embassy and an ambassador, along with pushing through a bill that claimed "you can keep your Doctor and your payments won't go up" all a lie, of course. Something to be said for consistency, I suppose. 

One would be hard pressed to write an apocalyptic fantasy worse than the country has been placed into by "President" Biden and his ex hooker Veep, Harris. Pedo Joe can't even read his prompts correctly and when he goes off script, the whole machine in the White House goes into damage control and tries to shut him down before something horrific happens. He blithely describes a "liberal New World Order" that should send shivers down anyone's spine.
Harris is no better, and she actually devolves into tittering giggles when her line fails to match the teleprompter. Getting a logic chain out of her is like playing chess with a pigeon, who struts about the chessboard knocking over pieces and shitting on the board, then struts off like she won. These two make Punch and Judy look like savants.  

One can only wonder if even a landslide victory in the midterms will allow the Republicans to clean up the mess the Democrats have made of the country and the world. God help us.


Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...