Thursday, June 2, 2022

You want to stop Violence? Stop the attack on boys and masculinity!

 Young males are hardwired to be competitive and protective. They have a lot of energy for a reason, and that came from our early society and its development from solitary tree dwellers to aboriginal tribalism to agrarian society. 

We domesticated the wolf , a smart move that probably allowed humanity to survive, as did the development of young men as protectors of the tribe, old men as their teachers and girls and women as healers and cherished family and companions. The powerful warrior archetype, so hated by the woke society and politically correct SJWs was the single greatest force to allow us to live together and grow into modern society. 

Young men today are in desperate need of direction and raison d'etra, a purpose. Given proper guidance, that explosive personality is a truly potent force for good and the protection of the vulnerable. Our woke culture has, in its attack on the traditional family and civilized society, tried to pervert male power and positive traits. Men are toxic, just ask and empowered woke feminist, whose hatred of maleness is exceeded only by their self hatred as women. In order to hate an entire sexual group based on their normal traits and function, one must also truly hate oneself as their compliments and completing half. 

Young men need an outlet for their testosterone mediated aggression, whose real purpose is to be a powerful protector for those he loves. Deprived of that outlet, he becomes exactly what the feminist accuse him of being, that is, toxic. A girl becomes toxic when she is barred from being a healer, a supporter and a companion. Women become bitter, unfulfilled and evil when their purpose is perverted and distorted as our post feminist society has done to them. To be a wife and mother, to raise a family and love and support a good man is somehow a failure on her part. When she successfully fulfills the most important role in the development of civilized human society, feminist dismiss her as irrelevant. What utter arrogant foolishness!

Likewise, boys are constantly under attack by liberal teachers and educators to not be a boy. To be strong, honest, noble , chivalrous, kind and nurturing and to create and support a family as its protector and guide, is somehow toxic? What madness we have allowed to poison our culture and society! Boys should be taught self respect, respect for others and for the law. They should admire erudition, eloquence and strength. They should be taught that men are also nurturing and the protectors of the family and society, and that they are not, by nature, toxic. The most toxic group in our country are the feminists whose misandry has blinded them to the problems they have created by attacking men and masculinity. Men are not the problem, woke culture is.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...